My First Lap Top

Apr 25, 2005
My question is conserning a student (myself) moving away from home (from West coast Canada to the East) for my student coop. I'm happy with my desktop computer and I enjoy being able to play games, write my papers and what not. My consern is since I won't be able to haul my desktop components with me when I move I should be looking for a laptop. This laptop is to be my main computer so I would like the ability to work with multimedia but only with in relitive value of the computer cost.

I first looked at the Dell 700m its a nice computer but its small and although battery life is important in laptops this is to be my main computer so thats a bit of a deturant, plus the gpu is some integrated crap.
So i started looking at the 600 serise and realised that the 100 dollar difference in GPU although more powerful would result in 2 dimms instead of a second, and a significantly smaller HD.

Right now the laptop that has my eye is the Toshiba M40: 1.6GHz/60GB, the GPU is a NVIDIA® GeForce™ FX Go 6600 with 128MB DDR. It has the same processor speed for only a hundred dollars more.

My questions are
1) Whats your opinion on the M40
2) In your opinion whats the best laptop for a sub $2000 price range (remember I live in Canada so add .145 cents to every American dollar).
3) Are there any places to get a good deal on a laptop in Canada that anyone knows of?

Any information of the sort would be very apreicated.
Thanks for reading
as long as you don't plan on taking it to class on a regular basis, you sound like a prime candidate for a dell 9300! it fits in your price range and can do everything you need, plus it still has somewhat decent battery as long as you plan on leaving it on the desk a majority of the time, I say thats you're best bet right now
I'm looking at the 9300 with the 6800 upgrade for my home computer, and a wifi axim with blue tooth keyboard for classes. Thanks for all the recomendations