My First Million


Aug 31, 2008

I started folding on the last day of September 08, and I have finally gotten my first million. Hopefully the next one will come a little faster. :)

Congratulations for you first of the many millions ;)
CONGRATS crazyjeeper :eek: Thanks for DCing for the mighty [H]orde :D

DCing for the CURE
Congrats bro. I'm working my way up there. It'll come faster once I finally get my other GTX260 back from RMA... lol.
Crazyjeeper - way cool, congrats. Yeah, you're next Mil will fly by. First one video card, then two, then five. Plus your PS3 and your laptop.... Fold on!
Thanks guys :D

Hopefully I can expand the farm, right now I'm running 2 8800GT and my buddy is folding on his HD4870 under my name. I do have a 9600GT, but it is folding under another team (they begged and pleaded, so I decided to give them a few WU ;) ). Ideally, I'd like to get a 9800GT for my 3rd card so I can keep the shader counts identical and move the 9600 into a different boxen.
Congrats for sure! I'm too impatient to wait a year for a million points, so hats off to you for folding for a year! Personally, I think that's more impressive than the points, but congrats, and best of luck on the road to 2 mil!
Congrats, but at least I made it to a mil before you mowed me - you've been on my threat list for a couple weeks now, but I don't expect to see you there for much longer... :D Mow on!

1 Mil is still quite the mile stone. May your next million go faster.