My first OC (pics)


Limp Gawd
Jun 3, 2004
This is my first attempt at this and I'd like to know if my settings are OK (safe) and if there's anything I can do to get it a little higher? Everything else I've tried caused the system to lockup. It's been stable for two weeks now, not one lockup or even a hick-up. :)

Sorry about the poor picture quality! The only testing I've done is by playing several games like DeusEX, System Shock2 and Half Life2, I had no problems with them and the temps only went up 4deg. Let me know if you need more info, thanks!



very nice, It took me 2 voltage bumps to get to 2.4 on my x2 3800+
im jealous to see you did it on stock voltages
great temps as well, what hsf are you using?
Thanks aldy402! I didn't mean to make it sound like I got it right the first time. I played around with different settings for about a week before I got it to this point. You said I did it on stock voltage, what is the stock voltage for this board? I thought it was 2.60v and I bumped it up to 2.65v to make it stable. Or were you talking about something else? And it's a Thermatake Heatsink/fan, not sure of the model number but it's a cheap one. :)

Kathy said:
Thanks aldy402! I didn't mean to make it sound like I got it right the first time. I played around with different settings for about a week before I got it to this point. You said I did it on stock voltage, what is the stock voltage for this board? I thought it was 2.60v and I bumped it up to 2.65v to make it stable. Or were you talking about something else? And it's a Thermatake Heatsink/fan, not sure of the model number but it's a cheap one. :)


cpu stock voltages vary around 1.3 to 1.4. When your talking about 2.60, your talking about the DDR voltage, [RAM]. Have you run prime to test for stability? if so how long?
Did you run Prime95 for 24Hours? I Oced my FX-55 to 2.8 Ghz and it was stable playing games and such, no freeze etc, temps were good. But when I ran Prime95, it threw up an error in less then 10 Minutes.


Damn aldy, you beat my post about Prime by about 30 seconds lol.
Yes, I ran it for 4 hours and then had to go out so I turned it off (no errors) . Is that long enough for a good test? I didn't prime95 yet because I don't have it, is that a must have program too? :)

Memtest is the one I ran, sorry about that!

yeah, run Prime 95 for at least 24 hours. 12 is good but 24 is better.
iSkylla said:
yeah, run Prime 95 for at least 24 hours. 12 is good but 24 is better.

OK thanks! I'll download that one too. Is it free? :)

fenderltd said:
nice oc on the voltage :D

Don't make me come over there! :)

So does anyone have any suggestion on getting my OC a little higher? Or is this about all I can expect from it? Thanks!

Kathy said:
Don't make me come over there! :)

So does anyone have any suggestion on getting my OC a little higher? Or is this about all I can expect from it? Thanks!


are you air or water cooled?
Air only, and my temps are right around 30deg and when playing games there about 4 to 5 deg higher. Thanks!

Kathy said:
Air only, and my temps are right around 30deg and when playing games there about 4 to 5 deg higher. Thanks!


is that the actual CPU temp or the temp on the HS?
Is that stock cooling? If so, I wouldn't push the voltages past 1.45, and if you hit over 60C at load, you're too high.
Bona Fide said:
Is that stock cooling? If so, I wouldn't push the voltages past 1.45, and if you hit over 60C at load, you're too high.

OK, thanks for the tip!

Talonz, don't be so hard on yourself, so far your the only one that thinks so! :D
