My first OC with pics!


Nov 14, 2006
Ive been reading Hard for awhile now trying to get the best info I can to OC my C2D. This is my first Intel rig and its really nice. But for the life of me I dont know how to get the cpu/RAM ratio to 1:1 how do I do that? I currently have it OC'd to 3ghz running at core temp of 35C.

Im running a:
C2D 6400 with Scythe SCNJ-1100P
Asus P5B DH Deluxe
2 gigs 512MBx4 Corsair 800
BFG 7900GT


I know that a bath towel isnt a good ESD mat.
To get 1:1 you need look where you change the FSB for the processor, under it it should allow you to choose the DDR Speed. If you change it to the first (i think it's at the top) setting (should be the lowest number) it should follow the Processor FSB 1:1.
when did you have to start pushing voltage? i can run at 2.8ghz on stock volts, but then i get popping from my sound card...and I can't boot any higher than 2.8 with my 6400.

OMG, lower your ram timings to at least 5/5/5/15, but try for 4/4/4/12, after you set your divider to 1:1 :cool: . It might be a little more difficult to OC with 4 sticks of ram, but you should still be able to easily achieve 3.0+GHz. Make sure you dont leave any Vcore, Vdimm, etc.. options to AUTO, this is where you have to test each setting. For the CPU @ 3.0+Ghz try first with stock voltage, then raise it to 1.35v, and try SP2004 again. This becomes very nerve wreck pretty quickly as this is not a simple "there im done" type of thing. Report back with your OC ASAP :D