My first pics! (please comment!)


Limp Gawd
Apr 24, 2005
This is my very first try at photography.

Pics were taken downtown Denver with a Fuji F30 without tripod. A lot of the shots were blurry, but a few stood out. Post processed with Adobe Element.




the first one looks nice but the b/w pics look really grainy the pic of the chairs are cool
Yeah, I tried to take those pics at different ISO settings, but without a tripod they came up blurry at low ISO.

I had no choice but to shoot at high ISO and am limited by the my P&S camera sensor.
I don't mind the grainy look... it gives it an almost textured/penciled feel. I dig it. With the right photochop you could conceivably add a 'shadow person' or a subtle ghost in there.
For most shots, I did the following post processing workflow:

-Highlights & Shadows
-Push contrast
-Color balance and saturation/desaturation
-Push contrast again
-Sharpen mask which makes it even more grainy
deanx0r said:
For most shots, I did the following post processing workflow:

-Highlights & Shadows
-Push contrast
-Color balance and saturation/desaturation
-Push contrast again
-Sharpen mask which makes it even more grainy

I like grain in B&W photos, nothing wrong with it. These pictures look cool, but to me they look a bit too processed.. i don't know how to describe it, but almost like you used a water-color filter or something like that..