My FPS never goes above 60......


Mar 22, 2006
For some reason, no matter what game i play, no matter the graphic settings, i never get above 60 frames per seconds.

Any suggestions?
I have heard that word, but i dont know what it is or how i turn it off lol.

I have:
P4 3.4 ocied to 3.9
Asus 925X Primium
Asus 6600GT 128
Dell 2405fpw 24" LCD
haha i see, well if your using a LCD and your games dont drop so low that they lock in at 30fps you should be fine. I dont think you can see much of a diffrence above 60 on a LCD (just mho)
right click desktop > properties > settings > advanced > Geforce 6600gt > performance & quality settings > check the "Vertical sync" box and switch to off :p
xdkimx said:
right click desktop > properties > settings > advanced > Geforce 6600gt > performance & quality settings > check the "Vertical sync" box and switch to off :p

Ok i checked it, and it is off...

And before thise i was using 17"CRT and still i would never get above 60fps, even on cs1.6 with lowest settings.
you also have to check the in game settings and turn it of in the individual game's options
just a warning.. vert sync to some peepos eyes improves visual quality greatly (since it prevents the screen from tearing).. and with it off even tho it might say 60-100fps essentially its still running at 60fps since thats wut the monitors capped at.. but it might improve things like mouse lag and might greatly improve fps in heavily shadowed/lit areas :)
so what i heard is when you have VSYNC ON the FPS will try to match the refresh rate or something along those lines..your refresh rate might be set at 60.

since you have an LCD i would keep VSYNC on

in other words dont worry about anything just keep gaming.