My friend's wealth sickens me! (FX-55, 2 x 6800 Ultra PCI Express)

Easy come, easy go.
There's nothing more satisfying then upgrading with hard-earned cash you made for your self.
ech3lon9 said:
Easy come, easy go.
There's nothing more satisfying then upgrading with hard-earned cash you made for your self.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
People that spend that much money on computer stuff either A) have no lives B) Their only hobby C) try to hard to make their epenis big

Seriously, SLi is a TOTAL waste ATM, and anyone that pays top dollar ( 500+ each ) is pretty stupid. There is no game that needs it! NONE! Plus, its not even worth the $$ for a 30% increase. But, I guess you can play Doom 3 maxxed in all its crappy glory. FX55 would be nice, but 1000$ for a CPU thats gonna suck in a year sounds like a waste to me :D
Heh, If I had the money I would drop cash for a system like that. So would you, don't kid yourself.
So would you, don't kid yourself.

I wouldn't.

Since I'm still 17, all the cash I earn is disposable income. My parents cover all my nescessities and I use what I earn for computer parts mostly. My $15 an hour job goes pretty far in that respect. (Yes, I'm pretty lucky to have a good job.) Currently, I have the cash saved up for just about any kind of rig I could dream of.

However, I really don't see that point in getting one. My rig does everything I want it to do. All my games run just fine at good settings and good framerates. Why waste my hard earned cash on something that is just excess and will be outdated in a few months. Maybe someone should tell that kid's dad exactly what his son is buying and how its not really worth it. In my opinion, work for your upgrades. Then you will truly appreciate them.
FiZ said:
Heh, If I had the money I would drop cash for a system like that. So would you, don't kid yourself.

Actually , I would put a down payment on the 05' Acura TL or a 350Z.
Too bad only a handful of games support SLI and too bad your friend sounds like a spoiled rotten lil kid.

mentok1982 said:
So my friend Chris currently has a Athlon 64 940 pin, the Asus SK8V motherboard and an ATI 9800 XT.

His other computer that he does not like (it is not fast enough) is a Dell XPS with a P4 3.4 EE and a X800 XT PCI Express. He is giving that one to his dad.

The other day he got his X800 XT-PE in the mail.

He immediately sent it back because he found something better!
He found out about SLI.

Now he is getting a new Asus SLI motherbaord, a FX-55 processor, 1 gig of high qualtiy Geil memory and two 6800 Ultra PCI Express cards that cost $659.00 each!

I am so jealous. I wish I had infinite resources at my disposal.
BossNoodleKaboodle said:
To everyone complaining about being poor: GET A JOB!

Don't be stupid. I have a job and certainly don't have enough disposable income to buy that kind of rig. Lots of these people with uber machines are just enjoying daddy's money.
I saw one of my friends watch his bad ass dual voodoo rig go up in smoke because of a bad power supply. This was when they were top of the line. His parents were rich and bought him everything he wanted. It was kinda funny in a evil sort of way.
FiZ said:
Heh, If I had the money I would drop cash for a system like that. So would you, don't kid yourself.

Don't kid yourself. I have the money to drop on it but I won't, I'd fancy spending it on other things. I have a nice rig but it's not right on the bleeding edge but it performs like the bleeding edge does overclocked which is nice. Spend sensibly I say, I'm sure if it was his hard earned cash he wouldn't be dropping it like that.
Glyphic said:
Well, I hope you understand that there are many people out there who work much harder than others just to support their families and have bills to pay, so there really ain't much they can do about being poor.
Except in the case of accidents (condom breaks and the birth control pill doesn't work simultaneously), having a family (family with kids) is a choice ;).

Here's a little example. I live in San Luis Obispo. My rent is roughly 500 a month for my own room in a two bedroom townhome (1200sq feet in total). Electricity is roughly 75, food about 30 a week (so 120 a month, but I'll up it to 150 just for S&G), and that's the expenses (the townhome pays for water, trash, and 8mb/s internet service).

If I were to make 7 bucks an hour and worked 40 hours a week doing it (and I'd make more than that just working at 7-11 or the gas station), I'd be pulling in 1120 or so a month. That leaves me with 395 to pay for other stuff. If I need to support a car (which I likely don't if I'm just working at this theoretical "low wage job"), it might be a little difficult, but should be managable with the ~ 400 dollars left.

While working the 40 hours a week, I still have quite a bit of time to learn and polish up my own personal skills, using public resources such as the library. This makes me employable for a greater amount. It would take budgeting, self-discipline, and motivation, but in this theoretical example, earning barely over minimum wage (6.75 in CA) in a place with extraordinarily high cost of living there is still room to begin saving. Should I choose to work more, or when I earned more (via either promotion or finding a better job), this shifts even more in the example's favor.

The key to all this is to make responsible choices. Don't get a girl pregnant, and girls, don't spread your legs (without double barriers of protection) until you can afford it.

To the OP, your friend sounds like a cool guy with rich parents. Offer to help fix his computer from any mishaps, and you might find a nice income source ;).
jiminnyjellickerz said:
Don't kid yourself. I have the money to drop on it but I won't, I'd fancy spending it on other things. I have a nice rig but it's not right on the bleeding edge but it performs like the bleeding edge does overclocked which is nice. Spend sensibly I say, I'm sure if it was his hard earned cash he wouldn't be dropping it like that.
Honestly, if you had all the money at your disposal you would ever need you wouldn't chuck a few bucks towards a top top end system? You could still spend your money on other things, because you would theoretically have enough to spend it on whatever the hell you want. Maybe I sit by myself here, but if you have the money why not spend it on what you enjoy doing. I think it is safe to say everyone here enjoys playing games/messing with computers.
FiZ said:
Honestly, if you had all the money at your disposal you would ever need you wouldn't chuck a few bucks towards a top top end system? You could still spend your money on other things, because you would theoretically have enough to spend it on whatever the hell you want. Maybe I sit by myself here, but if you have the money why not spend it on what you enjoy doing. I think it is safe to say everyone here enjoys playing games/messing with computers.

You know, theres only so much "top end" gets you. The FX55 is like 850$. The Athlon 64 3500 90nm is 280$. Overclock to 90nm 3500 to 2.5-2.6ghz and viola! SLi is a total waste of money, and anyone that spends 1,200$+ on a pair of vid cards is stupid IMO. Get a 6800Ultra or a X800XT PE and be happy. There are hardly any ( good ) games that even strain a 9800p ATM. People just like to spend money on stupid crap just so they can feel high and powerful. Well honestly, if I had the cash, you would see me in a brand new black 350Z roadster.
I know i'm spoiled pretty big, but I like to buy my stuff so i know it's mine not my parent, even though it's nice some times :)
I'd have a ton of money to spend on computers if I didn't have the second car payment. My Firehawk provides me much more joy than I could get with an SLi system. So I think I spend my cash on something better. At least on something I get even more enjoyment out of.
arcanetripwire said:
I said that above, if a person works for it, why not enjoy the money he or she earns.

Even if they didn't "earn" it, and it wasn't stolen, we should mind our own business.
Here is my system:

AMD FX-55 @ 2.75
2 X 512 OCZ El Platinum Rev.2 @ 500 1:1
6800GT @ 435/1200
Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe @ 250 fsb
W.D. Rapter
X-Connect 500 watt psu

Now, im not rich, im just a kid in school who worked a second job during the holidays to get the money for this system. After i sold my old system, the rig you see here cost me about 1,000 bucks. I worked at UPS as a helper for the month of december. I worked hard and now i can enjoy it. So, not just rich people have all the fun, hard working people do too ;)
robberbaron said:
Even if they didn't "earn" it, and it wasn't stolen, we should mind our own business.

Who's we? The thread starter brought the topic up, i'm just adding my .02. You should probably be telling him that, and not me. :rolleyes:
arcanetripwire said:
Who's we? The thread starter brought the topic up, i'm just adding my .02. You should probably be telling him that, and not me. :rolleyes:

I mean everyone, so yes, I am telling him that.
Sir-Fragalot said:
I'd have a ton of money to spend on computers if I didn't have the second car payment. My Firehawk provides me much more joy than I could get with an SLi system. So I think I spend my cash on something better. At least on something I get even more enjoyment out of.

I hear ya!!! I would have a ton of money too if I didn't have a mortgage to pay or bills to pay. I worked very hard for my system and even though it isn't "top of the line" anymore, I feel that it does everything I want it to do. Sure I don't get a bazillion FPS in my games--so what? I would rather spend my money on my children and make their lives happy. I have a 3 year old and a 10 month old and there is no computer in the world that can put a bigger smile on my face than seeing the joy that comes from making my kids smile.

I think all you get out of being "bleeding edge" in the computer world is ePenis points which last maybe a little longer than Cialis and having less $$ in your bank account.
siegecraft4 said:
I wouldn't.

Since I'm still 17, all the cash I earn is disposable income. My parents cover all my nescessities and I use what I earn for computer parts mostly. My $15 an hour job goes pretty far in that respect. (Yes, I'm pretty lucky to have a good job.) Currently, I have the cash saved up for just about any kind of rig I could dream of.

However, I really don't see that point in getting one. My rig does everything I want it to do. All my games run just fine at good settings and good framerates. Why waste my hard earned cash on something that is just excess and will be outdated in a few months. Maybe someone should tell that kid's dad exactly what his son is buying and how its not really worth it. In my opinion, work for your upgrades. Then you will truly appreciate them.

You got a good head on your shoulds then. If I were you I would take half that cash and sock it away for college. College is so much better when you don't have to work. You can spend more time studying but also have more time to party/play. If you spend all your time in college working and studying you miss the most important part...meeting new and different people other than yourself.

Or take half that money and go on a kicking international trip when you turn 18. Open your horizons.

Computer hardware is cool...but damn if one good friend or trip isn't worth a 10x more than a FX-55 and 2 x 6800 Ultra PCIe

burningrave101 said:
What sickens me is the sheer amount of total computer idiots that can afford FX-55's and dual 6800 Ultra's. I just dont think you should have the pleasure that a system like that brings you without hardly knowing the difference between an AGP and PCI slot lol.
I had a friend that was just like this back in the day when I got my 733mhz when he had a 500mhz and upgraded very often because he knew what he was doing with computers. It upset him that I got a better machine than him but he knew more. But, I wanted to learn about computers and they sparked my interest. I learned alot about that rig and eventually upgraded and continued learning. I say if you have the money, and it's your thing then go for it. I know nothing about cars, but if I had the money I would buy a BMW on the spot. I'm not going to hold back my money and enjoyment of certain pleasures just because I don't know the complete in's and out's.
Mojo said:
Being *obselete* is a point of view. Everyone has their own opinion, and mine is that the ultra high end isn't worth it. I always try to get 95% of the performance for like 60% of the cost, or whatever it might be. You know what I'm driving at.
That being said, my A64 3000+ and 1GB of memory is definitely enough power for me. The only parts I want different at the moment are a better monitor (buying 19" LCD soon), better sound card (buying A2 ZS soon), and maybe a better video card (buying a 6800 soon I think).

In my opinion all computers will always be slow ;)
paymepunk said:
I still have a gforce 2 mx. :(

not even 64mb.... 32

Somebody send this guy a free ti4200 or something.. that statement made me sad.. :mad:
Tet5uo said:
Somebody send this guy a free ti4200 or something.. that statement made me sad.. :mad:
i still have one too

i dont use it, but i have it :D i want a free ti4200 too!!!
I have to say, I wouldn't WANT all that money. I mean, if you actually had the resources to upgrade your machine for every time the computer industry turned out something new and improved, it would get pretty boring. You'd have nothing to look forward to, no reason to tweak and play with things. All you'd have would be your really awesome-running games, but with no cool upgrade to be thinking about next. I WANT to have to pick and choose my computer parts bit by bit. It's more fun that way ;)
D1sc1pl3 0f Mal1c3 said:
I have to say, I wouldn't WANT all that money. I mean, if you actually had the resources to upgrade your machine for every time the computer industry turned out something new and improved, it would get pretty boring. You'd have nothing to look forward to, no reason to tweak and play with things. All you'd have would be your really awesome-running games, but with no cool upgrade to be thinking about next. I WANT to have to pick and choose my computer parts bit by bit. It's more fun that way ;)

I agree, it's like a challenge, or a game in and of itself to tweak and maintain and low cost computer that you got for <1K and even lower than that, maybe < 800. It is fun to get a great comp at low cost. Parying above 2K is to much... hey, that just gave me a great idea. If all of us always built cheap computers, with midrange parts, wouldn't that force component companies to lower cost of components, just a thought, I haven't had Economics yet so...

But in all reality a low cost comp with midrange to high end preformance is something you can be proud of. :)
I bet if people built their home machines like companies build their servers and workstations they'd have less cold cathodes and alien shaped cases and better components and wouldn't need to complain about being out of money for upgrades.
BossNoodleKaboodle said:
I bet if people built their home machines like companies build their servers and workstations they'd have less cold cathodes and alien shaped cases and better components and wouldn't need to complain about being out of money for upgrades.
:confused: no matter what hte build quality, it still gets slow over time... my athlon XP works perfectly, as stable as anything else out htere. i still want an a64... why? the need for speed :cool:
lithium726 said:
i still have one too

i dont use it, but i have it :D i want a free ti4200 too!!!

This is my primary desktop card. You can check my profile. :( . built a realtively new amd 64 comp, but no capital for video card. if anyone wants to send me something better, i'll pay shipping.
inotocracy said:
Thats like saying because someone doesn't know everything about a Porsche they should drive a Tempo. :rolleyes:

HEY!!!!! I drive a Tempo... Of course that allows to use my hard earned money for the exact same rig at the top of the thread. Just waiting on that tax return... muahahahahahaha!!
It took me 3 months of saving to buy an 236 dollar 6800 video card and lots of trading and fixing broken computers for people who can only pay 10 a month on an 30 repair jobs. :( Which is getting old just to afford the parts to keep my system running. :confused: