My G7 Just stopped working!!


Limp Gawd
Sep 9, 2006
Ive had a G7 on an Icemat 2nd edition now for a couple of weeks. It has been working perfectly for this time. Just last night, around 2am, my cursor started randomly freezing. The cursor becomes unresponsive, and simultaneously the DPI light on the mouse goes from the top most light (which I always run it on) to the middle one. It stays like this for about 10-15 seconds, then the cursor becomes responsive again and the light goes back to its original state.

I didnt have time to fiddle with it last night, but today the cursor has COMPLETELY frozen and become unresponsive, and the light has gone to the middle ( i guess default?) level and stays there.

Now I know that people have reported problems in the past with the Icemat+G7 but here are the things I have tried, which lead me to believe it isnt the pad

1) Ive used the mouse on my table alone, without the icemat, and I get the same problem.
2) Ive used my old mousepad which isnt glass but plastic, and I get the same problem.
3) Ive been using the mouse problem free for many many hours for over 2 weeks now.
3) Ive tried unplugging the reciever, and replugging it. Ive tried restarting, Ive restarted the mouse software. But nothing seems to help

What should I do?? Has my mouse died? I am going to reinstall my driver right now, but I also have doubts about whether that would work...and if it does work it raises the question as to what happened that screwed up my mouse drivers.

Somebody please help me out, Id really appreciated. I love this mouse and really want to keep it.
that happened to mine, i had the teal version. No icemat though i have an exactmat.

You have no choice but to RMA it, i got the carbon fiber version as a replacement and haven't had a problem with it.
i have the silver one and mine started doing it 2 days ago... but mine go alittle wet... I had a glass of coke on my mouse pad and the condensation ran down the pad and i put the mouse in it... after that is when it started..

i got mine off ebay and have no idea if i can RMA it... i got a MX5000 K and Mx1000 mouse off WOOT for $70

sorry man... it is really pissing me off also
This sucks so much. I have to go back to using my 5 year old mouse. And RMAing is going to be horrible because I'm not even going to be home for the next week or so for the holidays :( Its amazing how things go wrong at just the right time. Why couldnt this have surfaced right when i started using it.

I hope someone out there has found a way to fix this so I dont have to RMA.
I just got my MX Revolution it is just great for gaming I can set up my side keys on my mouse with the Setpoint program with lastest version drivers. :)
RMA'ing with logitech is pretty easy, they don't hassle you with the small print (as in if you caused the damage).