My Glossy Samsung 305T 30'' LCD


Sep 4, 2010
Hi Everyone,
I recently sent my 305t for warranty repair because I was getting vertical lines, and just received it back today. They replace my LCD screen with a new one, but it is now a Glossy 30'' screen rather than matte. From what I know, there are no 30'' Glossy lcd's in the market so where could I have gotten this screen or am I wrong? Also, is there a way to check what kind of screen you have or brand? Thanks
Wow, it's glossy? I also didn't think there was a glossy 30". The only way to get the panel number would be to remove the bezel/outer casing.
Yes it is true. Here is a pic to confirm it.

Yes it is true. Here is a pic to confirm it.

It looks like a manufacturing glitch where they forgot to apply the AG(anti-glare) film.

If you like Glossy big win for you, as you have a nearly unique 30" screen.

If you don't like Glossy, not much win and you may want to ask them to correct your missing AG. Though some glossy freaks might beg you for a trade...
Actually yeah I wonder if you could get more for it now seeing that's it's pretty unique.
Actually I am debating whether to send it back right now to get the matte finish.
I doubt it was a mistake... probably something we will be seeing in the future.
Haven't games much on it but did do so photo editing. Pictures are definetely brighter and blacks are very black now. Seems like the contrast is much better on this screen.
I am one of those glossy freaks, and if I didn't already have three 22in. monitors I would've sent you a PM already.

Should just use it for awhile before you decide.
I have a samsung 305T+ sitting in my room right now with vertical lines on it.. i think i will send it in too!!
I'll try to get more pics up. As far as keeping the monitor, I am getting a flickering issue with it. Probably will be sending it to samsung for another repair.
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