My HD 4870 Crysis benchmarks and impressions


Oct 30, 2007
Just got a HIS HD 4870 from the Egg.

Initial benchmarks e6850 @ 3.6 Ghz / P6N-SLI FI:

9600 GT SLI 1680 x 1050 all HIGH no AA Built in GPU Island benchmark: 38.34 FPS Avg.

9800 GTX SLI 1680 x 1050 HIGH no AA : 41.42

8800 GTX SLI 1680 x 1050 HIGH no AA: 44.12

Single HD 4870 1680 x 1050 HIGH no AA: 44.53

3dMark06 @ default settings:

9600 GT SLI: 15,420

9800 GTX SLI: 16,210

8800 GTX SLI: 15,835

HD 4870 : 13,853

My 3dMark run looked like I was benching my old 8800 GTS 640 MB for a while there. Didn't seem very powerful. But i'm glad to have the opposite result in Crysis. By contrast, my 9800 GTX SLI set-up I just sold gave me the highest 3dMark06 score I ever had, but the Crysis performance was terrible, in terms of what I expected, anyway.

All-in-all...a single HD 4870 gives a much smoother Crysis performance than any set-up i've ever used, including SLI. I just ran through the Recovery level of the single player, which I think is the most graphics intensive part of the game. (Many people will say the ice level or the carrier is the hardest, but SLI can scale it well enough to be playable on HIGH; the Recovery maps feature large open areas with mountains and lots of foliage- SLI scales horribly). The experience was no less than stunning. Not the highest framerates, but very even...very smooth (even when zooming), much better than any of the SLI set-ups i've had. And the IQ is excellent.

I'm going to try it with some SupCom....I don't really have any of the other games many of you talk about. I mainly play a lot of BF2 / 2142 online when i'm not playing shooters...I plan on getting COD 4 one of these days. I tried World in Conflict once, then I realized it was a 50 dollar Burger King commercial. I run XP so no Vantage benchies.

So there's my little review...if any of you want that extra kick over a 9800 GTX or 8800 GTX without going SLI, this is obviously the card to get.

Ogilvy's Orwell-o-meter rating for the HD 4870: doubleplusgood!
Yeah, i picked up Crysis last night (after getting the 4870 on Friday... DOH). 16x12 on HIGH was very smooth! very enjoyable.

Crysis wouldn't let me run a higher resolution, and i have a 24" at 1900x1220. Any ideas?
Yeah, i picked up Crysis last night (after getting the 4870 on Friday... DOH). 16x12 on HIGH was very smooth! very enjoyable.

Crysis wouldn't let me run a higher resolution, and i have a 24" at 1900x1220. Any ideas?

slider for res. move the slider down.
Yeah, i picked up Crysis last night (after getting the 4870 on Friday... DOH). 16x12 on HIGH was very smooth! very enjoyable.
Crysis wouldn't let me run a higher resolution, and i have a 24" at 1900x1220. Any ideas?

You might have to change your Crysis game config file. Go to My Documents\My Games\Crysis\game.cfg

Open it with notepad, then edit these two lines to your desired screen res. and save. Here's mine as an example of what to look for:

cl_bob = 1
cl_controllersensitivity = 45
cl_invertController = 0
cl_invertMouse = 0
cl_sensitivity = 45
cl_voice_volume = 1
dt_enable = 0
g_blood = 1
g_buddyMessagesIngame = 1
g_displayIgnoreList = 1
g_enableAlternateIronSight = 0
g_PSTutorial_Enabled = 1
g_quickGame_map = "multiplayer/ia/armada"
g_quickGame_min_players = 1
g_quickGame_mode = "InstantAction"
g_quickGame_prefer_favorites = 1
g_quickGame_prefer_lan = 1
g_quickGame_prefer_mycountry = 1
g_startFirstTime = 0
hud_crosshair = 5
hud_showAllObjectives = 0
hud_subtitles = 0
i_forcefeedback = 1
i_mouse_smooth = 1
net_enable_voice_chat = 1
r_Brightness = 0.5
r_Contrast = 0.5
r_Fullscreen = 1
r_Gamma = 1
r_Height = 1050
r_MotionBlurShutterSpeed = 0.02
r_VSync = 0
r_Width = 1680
s_DialogVolume = 1
s_MusicVolume = 0.6
s_SFXVolume = 1
sys_spec_GameEffects = 3
sys_spec_MotionBlur = 3
sys_spec_ObjectDetail = 3
sys_spec_Particles = 3
sys_spec_Physics = 3
sys_spec_PostProcessing = 3
sys_spec_Shading = 3
sys_spec_Shadows = 2
sys_spec_Sound = 3
sys_spec_Texture = 3
sys_spec_VolumetricEffects = 3
sys_spec_Water = 3

It says "don't edit- the config file changes" or something like that, but once you set your resolution, you shouldn't have to go back in and change it again.
Yeah, this HD 4870 is simply a wonderful card for Crysis.

I had a 9800 GTX before, and typically I would get around 30-40 FPS, with my averages hovering around the low-mid 30's.

This was on my custom very high config at 1600x1200 with 16xAF and 2x edge AA.

Now however, at those very same settings, I am getting anywhere from 35-55 FPS, with my averages hovering around the low-mid 40's.

It's simply incredibly fast and effective, not to mention affordable. :)
For once it looks like ATI is performing better in game performance than in synthetic tests, which is what really matters
yup, I get almost 40 frames average under dx9 high and 35 under dx10 high, and all at 1920x1200, and I played the game for an hour each under both dx9 and dx10 and it was smooth as butter. crysis sucks when it comes to fps count but it is a very smooth game if the fps is even in the 30's.

all this with the card oc'ed to 790/1100 on the memory and the fan running at 35%, runs nice and cool. and ofcourse my e8400 at 4.2ghz, at 1.39v loaded, all on air.
finally a card that doesnt care about what it gets for synthetic benches
This proves that this single card has much more value than SLI:ing G92s.
What ati drivers did you use; did you install the 8.6 hotfix already?
What ati drivers did you use; did you install the 8.6 hotfix already?

Yeah, I usually never even look at the driver disk they send with video cards. Hotfix 8.6 drivers downloaded from AMD. They seem pretty decent, perhaps next versions will squeeze some more performance out of this puppy...not that i'm complaining :)
Looks like the 4870 is an epic win... I'm glad for AMD.

yeah me too. In the end I could have gone with either the GTX 260 or the 4870 to replace my 8800GT (only about $70 AUD difference from the e-tailer i use)

I went with the 4870 because the GTX 260 wouldnt fit in my Antec SuperLanBoy case.

Also to support AMD/ATI (meaning more kickass gear and competitive prices in the future)

And in reply to the OP, yes, Crysis runs a LOT smoother than on 8-series geforce cards...
i'm impressed with the 4870, i just got my powercolor version and it falls dead silent on the ears. excellent results so far. well worth the money for me anyways
"arman01-""Crysis runs a LOT smoother than on 8-series geforce cards..."
I just like the way Crysis & smoother look together...;)..Together at last...:D
Way to go ATI
So "smoother" does mean Smooth right ? :confused::)..God I hope so...
Yeah basically hehe.

I can play comfortably at 1920x1200 All settings very high (except shaders and post processing, which makes the fps drop to mid to high teens). With my 8800GT it would turn into a really fast slideshow especially with very high shaders and/or post processing (we're talking like 4-5 fps)

Keep in mind im comparing the two at the start of the game (later on the game becomes more demanding...i think i had to drop the res to 800x600 on the last levels to get playable frame rates on the 8800GT)

Can definitely recommend this card

EDIT: btw i also got the powercolor version...

"arman01-""Crysis runs a LOT smoother than on 8-series geforce cards..."
I just like the way Crysis & smoother look together...;)..Together at last...:D
Way to go ATI
So "smoother" does mean Smooth right ? :confused::)..God I hope so...