My iPhone Review


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 7, 2007
Alright, I've had it 3 weeks now, here's my review of the iPhone 3GS 32GB.

Please note, this is from a PERSONAL vantage point. The iPhone still cannot hold a candle to the capabilities of the Blackberry in a business environment (Which add up to more than just Exchange support).

In a basic sense, it's an OK device. I knew it would be, I've always said the iPhones are pretty good for personal use. Wether it's the best device on the market (*cough*NexusOne*cough*) is questionable, though. Being ATT and Sprint are the only two providers here that have 3G, my option was pretty much just the iPhone.

The pros are obvious. The browser. The Facebook app is stupidly easy to use (uploading videos or photos is a ton easier than doing it from any other mobile device). Some apps are quite nice (Words with Friends is actually a great game to play with folks you usually wouldn't just sit down and play otherwise). Syncing Facebook profile pictures with your phone is awesome. The stocks app and weather are good utilities.
MMS works great, very easy to take and send photos and videos.
HTML emails, simply the best on any phone I've used.

Now for the cons. It's not a "Jesus Phone" like soooo many think it is.
Sent text messages... In my "INBOX" (IE, the INCOMING message box), I don't want to see the freaking messages I sent OUT. That's just asinine. Showing them to me when I pull a conversation up is fine, but I don't want them in my Inbox.

No multitasking. I know why Apple does this, it's because too many idiots leave a hundred apps running and would wonder why their phone runs slow. But for those of us that know better, it'd be nice to be able to not have to re-start a game just because I want to answer a text.

Lack of profiles. Emails, Texts... Those can wait until morning. But I still want to get phone calls at night. It's either an "all-on" or "all-vibrate" thing, unless you go through and change everything in the settings before you go to bed.

It doesn't "just work". I upgraded my phone OS just one point level (1.3.2 to 1.3.3 or something like that, I don't remember the versioning) and none of my apps worked afterwords, even after shutting it off and on. The Apple KB said I had to reinstall them all. Sorry, but that's just crappy programming by Apple.

Customizable Home Screen. Seriously? WHY does Apple still refuse to let you customize this? At least a picture or something, sheesh. Or ideally for me, I want my "5 Big Icons" that I use frequently, maybe the temperature on the home screen, and time... And I want to be able to see said information when the device is locked (so I don't have to unlock it just to see the temp or something).

And then obviously the mandatory battery-bash. Yea, BT and Wifi are both off, and disabling 3G kindof defeats the purpose of even having a 3G capable data phone. When a phone cannot last me all day, that sucks. The only time it lasts me all day is when I'm generally too busy to even look at it.
lol, nice :)

Alright, I've had it 3 weeks now, here's my review of the iPhone 3GS 32GB.

Please note, this is from a PERSONAL vantage point. The iPhone still cannot hold a candle to the capabilities of the Blackberry in a business environment (Which add up to more than just Exchange support).

Ok, I'm going to assume that you didn't spend $299 and sign a 2 year contract just to prove a point. But that leaves me wondering why you're so intentionally vague here? Sure, there's more to a business environment than exchange but what functionality are you missing that you cannot find an app for.. Office? VPN? Remote desktop? VNC? Citrix? Or is the complaint that you don't want to spend extra for those apps?

In a basic sense, it's an OK device. I knew it would be, I've always said the iPhones are pretty good for personal use. Wether it's the best device on the market (*cough*NexusOne*cough*) is questionable, though. Being ATT and Sprint are the only two providers here that have 3G, my option was pretty much just the iPhone.

This strikes me as another very odd statement. From what you said above, you're a very big fan of Blackberry which is definitely an option given the carriers you have available.

The pros are obvious. The browser. The Facebook app is stupidly easy to use (uploading videos or photos is a ton easier than doing it from any other mobile device). Some apps are quite nice (Words with Friends is actually a great game to play with folks you usually wouldn't just sit down and play otherwise). Syncing Facebook profile pictures with your phone is awesome. The stocks app and weather are good utilities.
MMS works great, very easy to take and send photos and videos.
HTML emails, simply the best on any phone I've used.

I hate that you cannot add attachments from within the email composer.

Now for the cons. It's not a "Jesus Phone" like soooo many think it is.
Sent text messages... In my "INBOX" (IE, the INCOMING message box), I don't want to see the freaking messages I sent OUT. That's just asinine. Showing them to me when I pull a conversation up is fine, but I don't want them in my Inbox.

Meh, there isn't an inbox. There's only a list of conversations but I suppose that's going to come down to personal preference.

No multitasking. I know why Apple does this, it's because too many idiots leave a hundred apps running and would wonder why their phone runs slow. But for those of us that know better, it'd be nice to be able to not have to re-start a game just because I want to answer a text.

I just recently used a 1st gen and 2nd gen ipod touch. Multitasking on those, or older iphones, would be painful but I agree that the 3gs should have it without the need to jailbreak. That said, jailbreaking fixes this.

Lack of profiles. Emails, Texts... Those can wait until morning. But I still want to get phone calls at night. It's either an "all-on" or "all-vibrate" thing, unless you go through and change everything in the settings before you go to bed.

Jailbreak, there's an app for that.

It doesn't "just work". I upgraded my phone OS just one point level (1.3.2 to 1.3.3 or something like that, I don't remember the versioning) and none of my apps worked afterwords, even after shutting it off and on. The Apple KB said I had to reinstall them all. Sorry, but that's just crappy programming by Apple.

Yeah, that sucks.

Customizable Home Screen. Seriously? WHY does Apple still refuse to let you customize this? At least a picture or something, sheesh. Or ideally for me, I want my "5 Big Icons" that I use frequently, maybe the temperature on the home screen, and time...

My home screen

And I want to be able to see said information when the device is locked (so I don't have to unlock it just to see the temp or something).

My lock screen

And then obviously the mandatory battery-bash. Yea, BT and Wifi are both off, and disabling 3G kindof defeats the purpose of even having a 3G capable data phone. When a phone cannot last me all day, that sucks. The only time it lasts me all day is when I'm generally too busy to even look at it.

This one is wierd. I think my battery must be a freak battery or something. I use my phone very often and my battery is great at the end of the day. My wife, on the other hand, doesn't use her's nearly as often and her battery is always very low. We both have 16gb 3gs's with mostly the same apps, settings, etc. Either way, there's no way that I'd trust it to go without a charge overnight.
Ok, I'm going to assume that you didn't spend $299 and sign a 2 year contract just to prove a point. But that leaves me wondering why you're so intentionally vague here? Sure, there's more to a business environment than exchange but what functionality are you missing that you cannot find an app for.. Office? VPN? Remote desktop? VNC? Citrix? Or is the complaint that you don't want to spend extra for those apps?
BES+Blackberry doesn't come anywhere close to Active Sync devices. It just doesn't. OTA software deployments, policies, text logging- the list goes on and on and on...

Hence my statement, this is a personal phone. I think that needs to be stressed. The iPhone can in no way compete with what Blackberry does. Win Mo can't even compete with what Blackberry does without a crap ton of hacking.

This strikes me as another very odd statement. From what you said above, you're a very big fan of Blackberry which is definitely an option given the carriers you have available.
I am. For business, mainly.
I was wanting a device for personal use. I wanted an easy to use Facebook, a great browser, great email client, great goof-off support (The App Store).

I hate that you cannot add attachments from within the email composer.
That one, too. I forgot about that one.

I also for the life of me couldn't figure out how to Bluetooth a freaking picture... I have send to MMS, Email, etc... No Bluetooth option.

My home screen

My lock screen

Alright, links to how-to????

What are the downsides to this? Can I always reinstall the factory firmware (IE, if it breaks and I want to send it in on warranty)???
Does it still sync with iTunes and everything? That's one big plus, all the apps and stuff is all backed up on iTunes.
IMHO there's no downside to jailbreaking - except that you can't install every OS update when it comes out, you've got to wait for a new jailbreak. It still syncs normally, etc and you're still using the factory firmware. Also, transferring files over bluetooth requires that you jailbreak and install an app.

The latest jailbreak info that I'm aware of can be found here but I haven't used that one so I can't say much about it.
Obviously, it voids warranty, right? How do I revert to factory settings if I need to send it in for warranty work?

Can I still install App Store items?
AFAIK, you just do a restore on itunes and you're back to default so there's no warranty issues there. Obviously you couldn't do this if the phone won't boot, but neither could they so still no issues. You can still install app store items for sure.

Also, the apps I'm using that you see in the screen shots are - Pogoplank, Lock Screen Info, Stack, Categories(folders for your desktop or stacks), Winterboard, Picnic 24 Hour Wallpaper, Picnic 24 Hour Weather and SBSettings
Apparently I have to downgrade to 3.1.2 to get it to work.. Annnddd...
1.This process is only for those who saved their SHSH to Cydia Server already.
Ahh, yeah :( You'll have to wait for a new jailbreak. Keep an eye on ihackintosh, they're a good source for that kind of news.
Obviously, it voids warranty, right? How do I revert to factory settings if I need to send it in for warranty work?

Can I still install App Store items?

It does not void the warranty. Just make sure its not jailbroken when you take it in to the apple store to have it looked at. Apple really has no way of telling if it has been jailbroken as long as you restore to factory os when you take it in.

The phone will still sync with itunes, you can download all appstore apps and it works just like the phone normally should.
I'm at the end of my contract with Verizon and I've been shopping around with other carriers. Can you guys give me an example of the plans you have and the cost? I mean cost is a part of the review here too, right? Every time I try and build a plan I wonder if I need to add the AT&T text message plan. I just need unlimited data and text. The minutes don't matter. Also, do Iphones on AT&T have any comparable family plans with shared minutes and such?

I would like to see you compare your plan cost on your blackberry compared to iphone.

I know it's a great device, but I would like to see the whole picture. Thanks for the thread and the posts, they are informative.
For me, I added it onto a family plan that already had plenty of minutes and unlimited texting.
So it's $10 a month to add a line, and $30 for unlimited data, so it's really just costing me $40/month.

On a new individual plan, you're going to spend at least $90/month.

If you're going for monthly cost, nobody will beat Sprint.
Ok thanks. So you can just use the unlimited texting from the family plan? That's good to hear.
Getting a 25% discount, we end up paying just over $114 for 950 minutes per month, 800 texts (400 each) and two iphone data plans. I'm not sure the feature codes we're using will work anymore tho. What I do know is that just over four months in we have nearly nearly 2000 rollover minutes.

edit: nights and weekends, mobile-to-mobile, all that other standard stuff
I have to agree with your review, although I enjoy my iphone a bit more now since it's jailbroken. Lack of business capabilities is a non-issue for me since I'm 18 and in my 1st year of college. One rather large negative for me is that these things aren't built to last. I'm on my 5th 3GS right now (thankfully apple is decent about warranty exchanges). I have until the end of june to decide, but given my experience, I think it's definitely worth buying apple care for these things (especially since it's only about $35 on ebay)
Jailbreak it and rereview. It's an entirely different experience.

ROFL no, its really not.

Good semi-unbiased review of the iPhone from a personal perspective. Really makes me appreciate my CLIQ a little bit more now lol

What I love, though, is when an iPhone owner tries to talk down to me for having an Android phone until he realizes there isn't anything his phone can do that mine can't, but there are things my phone can do that his can't. Apple took a big chunk out of that by finally getting MMS working properly, but the app dictatorship needs to go and as you said, sloppy programming when it comes to extremely minor firmware updates is sorta bad. I've not had problems with that on my CLIQ. One thing I haven't looked for on an iPhone yet... can you update all your apps from a single screen?
I think it's definitely worth buying apple care for these things (especially since it's only about $35 on ebay)
I bought the $70 one from ATT. :mad:

What I love, though, is when an iPhone owner tries to talk down to me for having an Android phone until he realizes there isn't anything his phone can do that mine can't, but there are things my phone can do that his can't.
BINGO. I would be rocking a Nexus One right now, but it wasn't on Sprint or ATT, so the iPhone was my only option.

One thing I haven't looked for on an iPhone yet... can you update all your apps from a single screen?
Yea, inside the App Store is an update tab.