My issues with Asus...


Limp Gawd
Dec 31, 2005
I bought the A8R32-MVP after it got great reviews (albeit after the first round of sites complaining about the intial bios) on the internet, and I had high hopes for it. It had only bee out for a couple of weeks but I needed a new board and wanted something that would clock well.

I took it home and got sweet clocks from it with my TCCD running at default settings. Then tried to get the mem tied down and thats when I realized what a piece of junk it was. The worst bios setup I had ever seen. Not only did the bios suck, it didnt even set what you wanted to appy. I would just "override" your setting and appy its own idea of what it thought was right. After several weeks of wasted time I finally got semi decent clocks out of both the RAM and CPU, and low and behold the board would squeal like a stuck pig.

There was also these stupid baby steps you would have to take adjusting the HTT and voltage. Dont do more than 20 Mhz at a time and reboot, turn off power, prey to the east wait a minute, then tunr back on, pour chicken blood on your desk. Got so sickening

Pissed to the max I tried to get my 2x1G Muskin Redlines running good with it. They were better but I needed 259Mhz out of the RAM to get my CPU to where it would go on my Ultra-D. No luck, unstable as hell.

After two months of wasted life, I decide to RMA the damn thing because allot of people reported the first boards to suck. Well after a three week turn around Asus sends me the same board back stating there is nothing wrong with it.

Well Asus, I gotta tell you. After a guy spends waayyy to much time dealing with your bunk making sure it isnt just him, then you take three weeks to ship it back and tell him he is stupid and the board it fine, doenst sit well with me. I guess I have to ship my RAM with it and hold your GD hand and teach you guys how to test shit.

Worst episode EVER!!!. Rest assured I will be registering my disgust over the internet!!!

Also you would think that Asus would spend ten bucks and get some more bandwidth on thier download sections of the website. On a 10Mbit line I am getting a wopping 8Kb/s. I tried all thier locations too.
u sent back a motherboard because it didn't overclock well but was fully functional otherwise? your mad at Asus for sending you back a fully functional board? :rolleyes: manufacturers dont guarantee any sort of overclock, they just guarantee it will work at stock settings.

some people...
lmfao... oh man.


So, in other words, you got a very stable board that had problems when you basically tried to push it past its established limits.

Poor baby. :rolleyes:
By the way...

After a guy spends waayyy to much time dealing with your bunk making sure it isnt just him, then you take three weeks to ship it back and tell him he is stupid and the board it fine, doenst sit well with me.

I can imagine. Truth hurts.
Ok, so you r on the hard forum and you think that running TCCD at 5-5-4-13 at 270 HTT is acceptable on a $240 board. I had that same RAM in a Ultra-D at 305 2.5-4-3-6.

Just beacuase you have shit skills doesnt mean everyone does. TREF didnt even work!!

When you have a box that has OC the HTT by 50% and the PCI-E bus by 30%. They must say Overclocking 10 times on the box. I couldnt get squat stable.

And if you really want to see where I am coming from with some info you fools, read THIS . Not really a gleaming example of a great board.

What I am saying is I spent two months making sure this board was fucked. There isnt a OC'er in this whole forum that would keep this POS.

And I dare you Aelfgeft to read that whole thread and get back to me.
I'll restate the concept.

You got the board. It overclocked. It did not go as high as you wanted, but it overclocked.

You sent the board back as if it there were something wrong with it, which there wasn't.

They see that there is nothing wrong with it, inform you as such, and you get it back.

And you're pissed because...? If I hated Asus, I'd still say caveat emptor, pal. Doing what it is supposed to do is defined as proper functioning board, not doing what you want it to do. I'd have loved to hear you try to rationalize that to a support rep at Asus.
Aelfgeft said:
I'll restate the concept.

You got the board. It overclocked. It did not go as high as you wanted, but it overclocked.

You sent the board back as if it there were something wrong with it, which there wasn't.

They see that there is nothing wrong with it, inform you as such, and you get it back.

And you're pissed because...? If I hated Asus, I'd still say caveat emptor, pal.

Wow. You STILL dont get it...

It OC'ed my stuff DOWN!!! I wouldnt give a nickel for a board you cant get TREF to work on TCCD. Also running terrible timings. I know your not an OC'er just by the way you think.

Read the fucking thread and then get back to me, if not go away!!!
turtletrax said:
I know your not an OC'er just by the way you think.

Read the sig. I've been OC'ing since K6/2s. Try getting a 400MHz processor to 550 on an Acer motherboard in an IBM Aptiva, and get back to me. Still running slick to this day.
Dammit turtle, if you go around calling people idiots, you're bound to get flamed, and not just by me either, compulsive overclocking sissy boy.
turtletrax said:
Wow. You STILL dont get it...

It OC'ed my stuff DOWN!!! I wouldnt give a nickel for a board you cant get TREF to work on TCCD. Also running terrible timings. I know your not an OC'er just by the way you think.

Read the fucking thread and then get back to me, if not go away!!!

If you actually know as much as you claim to know, you would realize that different hardware does not overclock the same. Its been said over and over again all over this forum. You claim that the board didn't overclock, but yet i'm seeing that you got overclocks like this

TCCD at 5-5-4-13 at 270 HTT

Last time i checked 200 HTT is stock settings, not 270. So it looks to me like this board overclocks.

And as far as that link you posted, every single motherboard has problems. Which is why this one is no different.

Last but not least, rma'ing is for defective products, not products that don't live up to your ridiculously high standards.