My naked Orleans 3200+ On AIR!!!

Apr 10, 2007
Well last night i tried to unlid my 5600+ I H S seeing that ive run several CPU's with out one , Mine was soldered and I didnt have a clue that AMD was doing this to the CZ's till it was too late!

Well i put my back up CPU in which happens to be a Orleans 3200+ 2.0ghz stock. A while back i had removed the I H S to use with a Koolance water setup, never got around to though! So now i wanted too see just how good of Aircooling i had set up for my 5600+which i had foobared.

This lil 3200+ is now @2800mhz @33load 100%cpu usage! I would of loved too see what the 5600+ would of done on Air with no I H S, oh well .

I this a good clock for this Orleans Chip , I mean i dont know what theyve been clocked at before. You always hear about the 3600 brisbanes.

I sit @19c in bios and 22c in windows and @100%cpu usage it wont go over 33c! I did 1m SuperPi @33c 100%load and got a 30s for singlecore i guess thats alright . My memory is @932mhz . This chip is now run in the system in my sig...

Stock scares me ,Overclockn rocks me, Breakin things just slows me a lil bit.:D

the chips that have the ihs soldiered on often have REALLY good contact with the ihs, so good that removing it would probably be a negative gain. all you can really do is lap it...