Jun 7, 2004
The EXOS is up and running. I'm still not real happy about putting water in my rig but I had to do something. The 3.0e I have was burning up at 52c/69c temps. Keep in mind these are MBM5 temps so take that with a grain of salt. Regardless, the chip was running hot. Now my temps are more manageable, 42c/49c. Much better! Still feels weird putting water in my comp but the EXOS was very easy to setup and appears to work far.

My next plan is to see how much farther I can push this Prescott. I'm hoping for right around 4g. So far this 3.0e has been OC'ing well. I had it at 3.75 @ 250fsb on air, but it was getting too hot. We'll see.

Wish me luck!
Great work. I'm trying to decide on an Exos or custom rig. I'm just like you when it comes to WC - never done it. I have a 3.4 P4 and want to get that to 4ghz as well as OC my 6800ultra. Let me know how you make out because I'm real curious about the Exos. Did you get the black version or the aluminum and where and what price? Good luck!

I got it at Newegg for $200. Along with the 300-H06 wb for $50. People are saying you can find it on Ebay for around $175 with cpu, nb, and gpu wb's.

I'll keep you posted on the results of my OC.
Sideroxylon said:
People are saying you can find it on Ebay for around $175 with cpu, nb, and gpu wb's.

I don't trust ebay. I'm going to stick with they've always been good to me. Plus they have free 2nd shipping on most of their products.

Sideroxylon said:
I'll keep you posted on the results of my OC.

Please do!

...and be prepared to get slammed with questions! Sorry, I'll try to be easy on ya.
do you have a video card too that is in the loop? I feel as though my gpu will hinder how high I can go. I'm looking for 4.0 but i'll take 3.9 :D
Just cooling the cpu. Can't get it stable at 3.9. :( I'm running out of options. I think I might've reached this cpu's limit. Pretty sure the ram is ok @ 260, 5:4 since it was ok @ 250, 1:1.

I'll keep working on it.
let me know what your final stable settings are.

How is the noise of the Exos? I'm not sure if the Exos will be able to provide enough cooling for my P4 and 6800 ultra so that is why I'm debating on a custom setup. I don't know how much I'll OC my 6800 U but I know I want to get the P4 to 4g. Man so many decisions. Keep in mind I have no experience in WC nor OC. Any tips or recommendations? I think I can put together a nice custom built rig for $335 using quality (from what i gathered) products.

Looks like it going to be 3.75g @ 250fsb, 1:1, 3-3-3-6, vcore 1.4625v, and vdimm 2.8v. Had it almost stable @ 3.9 with 1.6125v but I think the cpu needed more voltage. That's just too much for the EXOS. Had temps of 51/60c. That's a bit too warm, but still cooler than my air temps. :) I can probably push that voltage further but I don't think I'm gonna. 3.75g @ 250fsb isn't too bad. I am going to try to tighten the timings a bit but thats about it I think.

As for the noise of the EXOS, it's quieter than my case fans and they're fairly quiet. But when it kicks into turbo mode it's pretty loud. It has different settings for turbo mode and it doesn't hardly ever kick in. Only when I was really stressing my rig during 'burn in wizard' did it kick on. You can have it come on at 36c, like I did, or 54c. So, depending on your setting, you may never hear it.

This is my first adventure into WC and I really like the EXOS. I think it's a good first step into the land of WC.
Awesome, I think I'm going to go down the custom built road. The only thing that bothers me about the Exos is the fact it is external. Although it will be safer and save me room in my cramped case, I would much rather have an internal setup even though my radiator would be exposed in the back where the case fan is.

I probably will only tweak my GPU a small hair if at all. I'm confident the Exos can handle the cooling but will it be enough for me to reach 4ghz with the GPU. If only the 6800 U wasn't so damn loud then I would have ordered an Exos by now.

Now I just need to figure out what 1:1, 3-3-3-6, vcore 1.4625v, and vdimm 2.8v all means.