My opinion is better than yours.


[H]F Junkie
Feb 23, 2001
And here it is.

Doom3 looks fantastic, runs a steady 50+ FPS at 1024 with medium detail on my system, which blows away ANY game out. ANY. Farcry canNOT compare at all.

The gameplay: blow away demons while having to pay attention to your surroundings and solve some stuff. More killing than puzzle, less rows and rows of enemies and more thinking. Likeable.

Multiplayer: Wicked. Deathmatch is fun as hell, and I cant WAIT for CTF and such mods to come out. D3TF? :eek:

The story: It was original back in the day, but so many games have copied it, its more of an excuse to make the game. Fine with me though, I always thought the demons-coming-out-of-bad-teleporter-experiments premise was pretty cool :D

The enviroment: Shit my pants its awesome. Who cares if I cant knock everything down, or blow everything up? I DONT WANT TO. I am there as a player in their world, I am playing by their rules. Its no different from having a slow reload rate.

In conclusion: Doom3 has great gameplay, great MP, fantastic mod support (as I a coder am experiancing), and is a good time. it is NOT groundbreaking, it is NOT the end all of games, and I do have to take breaks from playing it even now. However I will be playing this for years to come I'm sure, and loving every minute of it :)

I rate it somewhere between Painkiller (mindless killing) and a kid's jigsaw puzzle (very simple puzzle).