my opinion on subs for hobbies

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Oct 3, 2005
5 bucks isnt alot, neither is 15 a lifetime. However not everyone will feel this way. The greatest asset of [H] is having tons of people on it so you can get info and discussions. I feel that the community will be split in half, the haves and the have nots. All it takes is a few regular posters to not post anymore and activity may be reduced significantly. Now i know we are a community based and no one person can make or break [H], cept maybe kyle. But look it this way, what would the amd cpu forum be without eclipse, the watercooling/case modding without TopNurse, MisterX and audio forums etc. I feel that without the staple of regular contributers as well as the new comers turned off by the fee, we will get less activity, which will reduce the quality of the site as a whole.
There isn't a fee to use the parts of this site that it was intended for - tech.
domoMKIV said:
There isn't a fee to use the parts of this site that it was intended for - tech.

You've only been here for a little while, so I'll try and fill you in a tad. :p

So what you're saying is that rather than support a community, you agree that the [H] should be nothing but tech stuff? That hardly constitutes a "community", which is full of people of varying interests, that can share knowledge about more things than just "tech". There are 14 gajillion ^2 forums out there specializing in everything conceivable, but the [H] became what it was because it gave geeks the ability to talk about computers, and (at the time), allowed them to joke among each other, talk about photography, and even share a little knowledge about cars. It had the toal package. Now the total package is 5 bux. And again, I don't think ANY of of these complaints are about the money; I think it's about the way things were handled. This is just what I've gathered so far.

Oh well, at least I don't have to defend all the "GTO's look like Grand Ams" threads anymore :D

And if you wonder why I get all worked up about this, it's because I love the [H]. This was the FIRST website I ever saw about overclocking and customizing PC's. It helped me start my career, and a lot of where I am now is because of this place. I miss the old [H], but I'm still a participating member here. I just have to express my opinion about it, because that's how I was raised.
It's kinda sad that they moved some of my favorite forums to GenMay. Eventhough I don't subscribe to it, I've always done my best to make sure HardOCP gets my money. Recently, I spent $1100 on upgrading my computer. I made sure that I clicked on the banner ad on this site before I made the purchase so that HardOCP will get some residual income from the sale. Even if they get 2% of the order total, that's $22. This is not including all the other purchases I've made before that. After this, I will be little hesitant to click on the ads.

I've always respected this site as the voice of the underdog, the one that tells it like it is and the one that stands up for the hardcore PC community. Now I'm not so sure.

Normally, I would care what someone does to their site. After all, it's their site, they can take it out back and shoot it for all I care. However, HardOCP is different. I've been visiting this site since my Celeron 300A and have been visiting this site regularly. I just hope that this site doesn't go the way of ve3d and IGN.
Thanks for your thoughts, I am sorry you do not like our recent move to make our forums more tech oriented.
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