My P4 3.0c O/C so far...


Jun 30, 2004
Hi there.
This is my first O/C attempt and I just wanted to post about it and see if anyone had any feedback.

I have a 3.0c sl6wu (I think that's right, but it definitely ends in u) from Indonesia I believe (I'm at work so this is off the top of my head). I got it from newegg and am quite happy. I read about O/C and while I don't know if I'll actually run the computer at O/C settings I still wanted to try my hand at it.

So using the 3.0c, some AS5 and the stock HSF it came with I entered my bios. I manually changed my DDR latencies to 3-4-4-8 to allow some room for the O/C and raised my DDR voltage to 1.85v. I have very nice PC3200XL DDR from Corsair @ 2-2-2-5. Then I changed my AGP/PCI thingy to 66/33. Then after some more prep I began manually altering the O/C. I started at vcore 1.55 but for no reason whatsoever upped my vcore to 1.5875 because temps at that voltage didn't go up and I figured that would give me more headroom. I then began to O/C my frequency from 200 going up in 2mhz increments. I got up to 222mhz running at 1:1 with the DDR before I called it a night. At 3330ghz my temps at start up were 52 and at idle 47.
So I guess I can still keep going.

I did have one question though... what happens if you ask it to do to much? Do I have to do the CMOS jumper thing or will it let me get into the Bios most of the time if it can't handle the O/C? Not a big deal I just want to know what to expect if I go too high.

So any feedback is helpful and appreciated. Thanks to everyone who has helped me thus far and all the great guides and advice.
Depends on how high you push it. Sometimes, you will need to reset the CMOS jumper. If you increase 2 mhz each time, make sure it doesn't crash loading into windows and running stress test apps for a while, then keep bumping it up. But the quick and dirty way is to keep going up until it wont load windows or the BIOS anymore. Then work from there.
lol, you seem cautious, I do my OCing in 10MHz jumps...

Set the divider to either 5:4, or 3:2, and you can go tons higher.

your timings are way too loose, change them to 2.5-4-4-6 or so, that should be optimal preformance for any dividers
It also depends on your mobo, I've had about 3 or 4 s478 boards now, and not once have I EVER had to use the CMOS jumper. If it restarts the computer and sits there with no signal to the monitor I just hold the power button to shut it down.....wait 3 seconds or so.....and turn it back every time for me. :p
Napalm_Fire said:
lol, you seem cautious, I do my OCing in 10MHz jumps...

Set the divider to either 5:4, or 3:2, and you can go tons higher.

your timings are way too loose, change them to 2.5-4-4-6 or so, that should be optimal preformance for any dividers

Not true:

If you are running 1:1 PC3200, it is best to run at loose latencies first just to see what kind of bandwidth can be pushed. Setting dividers is generally most useful with processors that have lower multipliers. 5:4 probably won't even work for him unless he lowers his fsb below 200. I think the way he is working with his proc seems to be pretty effective. Until he hits a ceiling, I wouldn't experiment with different dividers or tighter latencies.
Napalm_Fire said:
lol, you seem cautious, I do my OCing in 10MHz jumps...

Set the divider to either 5:4, or 3:2, and you can go tons higher.

your timings are way too loose, change them to 2.5-4-4-6 or so, that should be optimal preformance for any dividers

Not only are you REALLY overgeneralising things by saying "and you can go tons higher" but you're kinda off in what you're stating about the timings to boot.

Find a way to back up the statement on the timings please. :p

The only time you're gonna "go tons higher" with 5:4 or 3:2 is if you either have really shitty ram that you have to slow down to keep stable, or if your mobo has issues at 1:1 beyond certain FSB's....which some do. Introducing a dram ratio does not allow your CPU to clock higher, it merely works to take your memory out of the picture when you're trying to narrow down what is causing any instability.
I've been able to get my 3.0c to 248 fsb @1.74 volts, but I clocked it back down until I get my watercooling, I'll prob sell this 3200 valueram crap and get me some 4000 at least, maybe higher...
Thanks for all the replies, they are much appreciated.

I am running the loose timing until I hit a ceiling (thermal or otherwise) then I will clock down 10mhz and start lowering the timings to find the best balance. I think this DDR will go pretty high @ 1:1 though so seeing as how I've already hit 3.3 (I know I know, but I'm happy with that lol) if it can't go to 240 at 1:1 I probably won't even fiddle with going 4:5.

Like I said this is more just to see what if, have fun and learn something new. Maybe in a year or two when 3.0 feels sluggy I'll get more serious about running overclocked but right now it is plenty fast for me. Now that I've said that, I've been comming to this site about every 15 mintues for about two months and you guys get me so geared up that I'll probably end up getting watercooling by the end of the year lol.

Well it sounds like I'm doing alright so I'll post back when I do some more fiddiling.
I got the P4C800-E Deluxe and there is no divider selector, you can set the ram to clock to 320, 400, 266, but there isnt any active divider and even if I have my FSB set to 240 and the ram set to 400 to start, it will always post DDR400, why the f&^% is this mobo such a POS in this way? I want it to tell me the real speed my ram is running and to have a real divider... The weird thing is, 1:1 dividers is technically the highest in that aspect I can go if DDR400 is the highest beginning ram clock in reference to the fsb... whats goin on? what BIOS are you using Particle?

Also, I cant get it to be stable @ 3.6 even with this DDR500, i know it isn't the processor cause the processor has done it before no problems, am i really going to have to set the RAM ot 320 and then go from there or could it be timings? I have it set to 3-4-4-6 and it still has problems, should I try looser?

And whats the best BIOS version for OC stability on this mobo?