My PfSence box decided to take a dirt nap


Oct 28, 2001
It's a SFF DFI In dustrial AMD based box. Been running without any problems for over a year then suddenly, without warning it up and died. Performed an autopsy on it and was able to get into the BIOS once and saw the CPU temp was 94c :woot:. I plulled the plug and started tearing her down.

I found that 2 of the threaded inserts the cooler attaches to had pulled out of the base plate and the cooler was :confused:. The CPU is embedded so none of the hardware is standard. Decided not to even try pulling the inserts back in since this piss poor design would allow this to happen again no doubt. So I'm in the process of building another system reusing the case. I decided to replace the PSU just to err on the side of caution.

I got to thinking while going through this ordeal, is PfSense really worth it? A PfSense box is always going to use more electricity and require more maintenance than a regular router. Right now I'm using my backup TP-Link router and wondering if I'd be better of staying with it rather than going back to PfSense. :wtf:
I got to thinking while going through this ordeal, is PfSense really worth it? A PfSense box is always going to use more electricity and require more maintenance than a regular router. Right now I'm using my backup TP-Link router and wondering if I'd be better of staying with it rather than going back to PfSense. :wtf:

Guess it really depends. Do you want to simply have an Internet connection and be done with it, or do you like to tinker and/or maintain more control over your systems and the services they use?

Also, is that substitute router still getting updates, or are OpenWRT/DD-WRT a viable option?

There are also some middle-ground options, like an EdgeRouter. Much of the flexibility/options of pfSense/OpnSense, but without the power/cooling requirements.
Decisions Decisions, I do like to tinker. PfSense does have some useful features like Geo blocking. Then on the other hand it is a challenge to master because it's not very intuitive. Guess I'll just have to think about it a while. I'll complete my new box tomorrow and go ahead and load PfSense. Maybe let it sit as a backup until I decide.
I must admit I was running with my DSL modem doing the routing for a long time when I moved cause I didn't want to deal with it... but I'm a lot happier with my network now that I'm back in control! (actually, I don't filter much... but it's nice to have a central point to tcpdump when I need to; and I had fun building a redundant PPPoE client thing between my two FreeBSD boxes... even though PPPoE is awful)
I don't run pfsense but I do run untangle for the easy mode UI and dashboard reporting. I don't think I could go back to a dumb router. Having such a granular level of control is a god send with two teenage daughters in the house that don't seem to understand what "stay the hell off of instagram and snapchat" means.

Just pick up one of the quad Celeron boxes on Amazon or eBay that have multiple NICs built in and be done with it. Very low power consumption but plenty of horsepower for even full gigabit with intrusion protection. Just be sure to snag one with intel NICs for a pfsense box, it doesn't always play nice with the Realtek stuff.
Just commissioned my new PfSense box. Built it using a Supermicro X10SLV-Q Mini ITX Motherboard and a low grade Intel CPU (Don't even remember which one, a G something I think) and 16GB of Ram. The boot drive is a SM 64GB SATA DOM. Reused the DFI case but replaced the PSU. The only one I had that would fit is a 150 watter, I think it will be OK because what I listed along with a CPU and small case fan are all that's in the box.

And yea, store bought routers suck. They all come from China and thus are not to be trusted.
I use a lot of features in pfsense, including my own IPSec VPN. I couldn't go back to a shit consumer router. I wouldn't even use Unifi's USG. Too simple. I'm in too deep with the features. My pfsense build in in the sig. Uses a measely 17w.
The DQ77MK is a sweet board. I had one and like a fool I sold it. My surf box is currently running a DZ77BH-55K which ain't bad either.

Just finished loading pfBlockerNG. Had to get another license from MaxMind because I apparently did not record the license I was using on the dead box. Think I have all the settings back where I need them for now.
The amount of power a decent SFF would use is minimal and you get ALL of the control, pfblocker et cetera. Just find some used newer than Gen 5 Intel / AMD and off you go....i got a used HP SFF for $180, and it just purr's along