My problem with DOOM 3


Limp Gawd
Apr 22, 2004
Hello, I am having a problem with doom 3. Whenever I try and load my game it wont load me where I saved it, it will load me at the last auto save point. The weird thing is that it will load me with all the correct ammounts of ammo, and PDA's/Video discs that I had when I saved the game where I was. This is getting really annoying because I am being put back all the way at the beggining of each level. Is anyone else having a problem like this? Anyone know how to fix this? thanks
oh never mind, I got a fix from a friend. I guess if anyone else is having this problem, I went into the doom3 directory to where the saved games are stored and changed my last saved game name to "lastsave" for some reason that seemed to make it load correctly....