My psu enough for an 8800gtx?

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pyroman1 said:
This makes little to no sense whatsoever. From your arguement you are stating that PC P&C effectively buys a Seasonic PSU, makes some minor sdjustments and resells it for a large premium. This would make PC P&C basically a reseller.

Yet, later on, which you never seemed to indicate that you were wrong with this statement, it is clearly shown that PC P&C designs their PSUs and they outsource manufacturing. Instead you violate the very first forum rule: "Absolutely NO FLAMING OR NAME CALLING. Mutual respect and civilized conversation is the required norm." Am I to understand that this particular rule only applies to members and not moderators?

Merc was a little bit sarcastic with his post:

But your response:

to his comment about never having heard of any problems was harsh. He said he never heard of any problems, not that there were none. If you want to disprove him by stating that you found one, then great. But going about it by being bitter and sharp is clearly a violation of the forum rules.

Finally there is this:

I have read all six pages of this post, and I have come to the conclusion that not one of the people arguing about PC P&C not manufacturing their product is an engineer.

To be quite honest, it really doesn't matter that much who solders the parts together. Robots (pre-programmed and non-intelligent) are doing this more and more these days. Do we say that Ford's are not made by Ford because they are put together by a machine? NO!

An engineer creates a Requirements Document, this document clearly indicates the problem so that all parties can agree on what is being designed. For example, I might tell you "make me a table." When you come back with a round table and I wanted a rectangular table, then we did not solidify the agreement with proper documentation detailing the exact nature of the requirements. The Requirements Document can also state exactly what quality parts are to be used in the design.

Next is a Specs/Design document. This spells out how you are going to implement your design. The goal here is to have something that you could submit when applying for a patent. Every single detail must be laid out so that anyone in the field could take your document and create your design. This is what PC P&C would submit to the firm building their products.

At this stage the engineer is done and the worker does the work. As one of my professors likes to say, "now is when you ship the design to India for it to be made."

The real value is in the design, not so much in the warehouse that makes it. I could have a really crappy design that is implemented beautifully in {insert your favorite manufacturing plant here}. It still is a crappy design that will fail.

I could also have a great design that is built by a crappy company, and I'll get a crappy product. The difference here is that PC P&C (or any company for that matter) has the right, and should have the obligation, to say "No, this is not what we asked for do it again and this time do it right. We will not pay for your mistake."

Seasonic may have a great manufacturing plant, that is why PC P&C uses them. But do they have great engineers? I don't know, and no one here implied that they don't.

It is unfortunate that the people on this forum talk about what they don't understand and continue to argue it fully. Was Merc wrong about where the PSU is manufactured? Yes. Does it matter? No. Why? It was still designed by them. Merc even apologized for his mistake and repeatedly asked that the arguements stop, yet you make the following comment:

It seems like you are trying to spin your arguement into your best light. How does who manufactured the product have such a large impact?

They didn't buy someone else's design, make a few modifications to it and slap their name on the final product. If they did, that would be worth arguing about.

One of the few who honstly does se the bigger picture!1
Also who understands what all is involved down to the littlest detail!!
I couldn`t have said it better myself!!
Dutt1113 said:
Hopefully, my Antec Neopower 480 will be able to handle an 8800gtx. People are saying that for 1 gtx, you should have a 450w psu. I'm getting a little nervous because although I think I might have enough amps ( 18a on 2 12v rails) I'm not sure correct me if i'm wrong, I only have a 480 watt psu. the minimum is saying 450, it would seem i would be ok, but I also have a pretty big overclock on my processor so its making me nervous. I guess we'll know for sure when the card comes out. I guess if I need to i can maybe get one of those video card psu's or maybe look into getting a new psu.
Watts don't mean much.

The PCIe plug should need between +12V@13A & +12V@18A.

AFAIK one rail on your PSU powers the CPU via the P4 connector & the other rail powers everything else,
so will there still be 13A to 18A available for the PCIe plug?

If you can wait until these cards ship & we KNOW exactly what they need.

Good Luck,
OCC_Yoda said:
One of the few who honstly does se the bigger picture!1
Also who understands what all is involved down to the littlest detail!!
I couldn`t have said it better myself!!
Why thanks Yoda!

"Try? Do or do not, there is no try!"
454Casull said:
No offense to you, but he'll say that about any post that defends PC P&C.

What is wrong with PC Power & Cooling products?
I happen to own 3 of them 2-- 510`s and a 1k.....
I have nothing to hide when it comes to my bias for a well built quality product!!
Just like there are other well built PSU`s on the market!!
My preference has always been and well continue to be PC Power & Cooling!!!
So what is your beef with PC Power & Cooling?
If you truly do have a beef is it from hands on ownership or just an opinion based on !!!!!!sm?
You sound like somebody from Anands who had to manufacture lies and innuendos to try to make PC Power & Cooling look bad.
Good things the mod`s set that straight right away!!
have a nice day!!
PCP&C are expensive as hell and sadly loud as hell too. Are they worth the money? Meh, maybe, maybe not. I do like the fact that you can get them customized as far as the harness goes but I can't see paying the premium just for the epeen factor.
To me, it seems that there is a very little window where I would recommend a PC P&C supply. 95% of the time a much cheaper PSU can fill the needed criteria. The other 5% of the time, I usually recommend a Zippy/Emacs supply. When I don't recommend Zippy, I'll either recommend Seventeam or PC P&C. So about 2% of the time I recommend PC P&C, and I don't have any regrets :D
madmat said:
PCP&C are expensive as hell and sadly loud as hell too. Are they worth the money? Meh, maybe, maybe not. I do like the fact that you can get them customized as far as the harness goes but I can't see paying the premium just for the epeen factor.

Actually define loud?....
Granted they are not silent by any means but then again I would never buy a PSU becuase its quiet!!!

The good people at PC Power & Cooling have added a fan controller that monitor the sped of the fan basd on the temp!!

They may not be silent but then again they are hardly loud!!
OCC_Yoda said:
What is wrong with PC Power & Cooling products?
I happen to own 3 of them 2-- 510`s and a 1k.....
I have nothing to hide when it comes to my bias for a well built quality product!!
Just like there are other well built PSU`s on the market!!
My preference has always been and well continue to be PC Power & Cooling!!!
So what is your beef with PC Power & Cooling?
If you truly do have a beef is it from hands on ownership or just an opinion based on !!!!!!sm?
You sound like somebody from Anands who had to manufacture lies and innuendos to try to make PC Power & Cooling look bad.
Good things the mod`s set that straight right away!!
have a nice day!!

To clear things up. 454 = Howard @ AT. Please translate your post to proper english, ty.

Actually, I'll do it for you.

What is wrong with PC Power & Cooling products? I happen to own 3 of them; 2x 510W 1x 1KW. I have nothing to hide when it comes to my bias for a quality product. There are other well built PSUs on the market, but my preference has always been, and will continue to be PC Power & Cooling.

So what is your beef with PC Power & Cooling? If you truly do have a beef is it from hands on ownership, or just an opinion? You sound like somebody from Anandtech who had to manufacture lies and innuendos to try to make PC Power & Cooling look bad. Good thing the mods set that straight right away.

Have a nice day!

Much better.
OCC_Yoda said:
Actually define loud?....
Granted they are not silent by any means but then again I would never buy a PSU becuase its quiet!!!

The good people at PC Power & Cooling have added a fan controller that monitor the sped of the fan basd on the temp!!

They may not be silent but then again they are hardly loud!!

You say that you would never buy a PSU because it's quiet. So you don't value nor rate a PSU on how loud or quiet it is. Yet you wouldn't consider a PC P&C loud?
Define loud? Loud enough that I could have the TV going, walk into the bathroom, close the door, turn on the fartfan in the bathroom and still hear the fan in the PSU. That's just a wee bit too loud for my taste.
As a matter of fact, I dislike anything with a low performance/price ratio, if it is not the best that money can buy (even sometimes then). That's all there is to it.
It's impossible not to notice the tone shifted markedly after an ACTUAL engineer submitted an objective post on the subject, rather than merely continue in mudslinging and conjecture. Spanking delivered and children fall into place.

I'm a member on several IT forums. HardForum is a decent source of information, overall, but when a thread devolves into base ad hominem attacks -- by a moderator, nonetheless -- all utility and civility is lost, along with the forum's integrity. The moderator should be ashamed of his behavior. Someone with a bit more maturity and experience should step in and get this loose cannon in line. Spectre's slander reflects poorly upon the community at large and raises real issues about his competence and fairness as moderator.
dBTelos said:
To me, it seems that there is a very little window where I would recommend a PC P&C supply. 95% of the time a much cheaper PSU can fill the needed criteria. The other 5% of the time, I usually recommend a Zippy/Emacs supply. When I don't recommend Zippy, I'll either recommend Seventeam or PC P&C. So about 2% of the time I recommend PC P&C, and I don't have any regrets :D
And you have never owned, used, or built a system with any of them, yet you give advice as if you had some personal knowledge! :rolleyes:

You have no regrets because you have no "personal" knowledge of what you are talking about!

Reading reviews & quoting others is one thing, but to act like you have ANY personal experience is just wrong! :(
mezzro said:
It's impossible to notice that the tone shifted markedly after an ACTUAL engineer submitted an objective post on the subject, rather than merely continue in mudslinging and conjecture. Spanking delivered and children fall into place.

I'm a member on several IT forums. HardForum is a decent source of information, overall, but when a thread devolves into base ad hominem attacks -- by a moderator, nonetheless -- all utility and civility is lost, along with the forum's integrity. The moderator should be ashamed of his behavior. Someone with a bit more maturity and experience should step in and get this loose cannon in line. Spectre's slander reflects poorly upon the community at large and raises real issues about his competence and fairness as moderator.
Exactly the point I was trying to make, but I am a little unsure about the first sentence. Shouldn't it be "not to notice"? I could be wrong, after all I'm an engineer, not an english teacher.

Also, let's not just jump on Spectre for his poor behavior. He also allowed dBTelos and Bo_Fox to jump in and add fuel to the flame war with these posts:

Bo_Fox said:
Merc, do you understand this sentence...

"We have contract manufacturers that make OUR products exclusively for us." ???

That's what the CEO of PC Power and Cooling said.

If you do understand now, then you're probably very embarrassed... that's OK!
dBTelos said:
Bo_Fox said:
Merc, do you understand this sentence...

"We have contract manufacturers that make OUR products exclusively for us." ???

That's what the CEO of PC Power and Cooling said.

If you now understand, admit it and stop being a stubborn, moronic dumbshell!

My thoughts exactly.

None of these individuals has stepped up to the plate and bothered to apologize to the community for violating the forum rules, nor has any action been taken for the violation. I could almost understand perhaps doing nothing about the two members, after all if the moderator is doing it what kind of example does that set?

It's amazing how so many things remind me of famous quotes. Spectre's actions remind me of Lord Acton's famous words, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Also would any of these individuals have been so brazen had they not had the protection of being anonymous on the internet?
davidhammock200 said:
And you have never owned, used, or built a system with any of them, yet you give advice as if you had some personal knowledge! :rolleyes:

You have no regrets because you have no "personal" knowledge of what you are talking about!

Reading reviews & quoting others is one thing, but to act like you have ANY personal experience is just wrong! :(
Not that he's making a big mistake. You're jumping to conclusions now.
For all the newly registered posters in this thread:

Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion and because of that differences occur, which you see here. As for doing anything with the thread....there isn't much to be done....people have different opinions and they are going to express them. Noone has flamed anyone or called anyone names yet in this thread........... though the thread is pretty far off the topic it started on. And yes I usually let this section go with a pretty loose hand because in general this section tends to be a much more mature crowd that likes/understands/does well with discussions in which people have a difference of opinion making it fairly low maintenence which is good. If that is no longer the case I can start cracking down on everything but that hardly seems conducive to open exchangse.
Spectre said:
For all the newly registered posters in this thread:

Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion and because of that differences occur, which you see here. As for doing anything with the thread....there isn't much to be done....people have different opinions and they are going to express them. Noone has flamed anyone or called anyone names yet in this thread........... though the thread is pretty far off the topic it started on. And yes I usually let this section go with a pretty loose hand because in general this section tends to be a much more mature crowd that likes/understands/does well with discussions in which people have a difference of opinion making it fairly low maintenence which is good. If that is no longer the case I can start cracking down on everything but that hardly seems conducive to open exchangse.
So let me make sure I get this straight. A difference of opinion such as this:
Merc said:
This one won't blow up and will serve you well.
Merc said:
Yes PC P&C is overpriced. I admit that, BUT, I can't remember ever reading (emphasis added) a thread about one going bad, underachieving, causing system failures and/or odd shutdowns etc. Yes it is $40 more than a similar, competing model but I guarantee you won't be back here in a year asking about PSU's.
Is unacceptable and should have listed every good PSU on the market as can be evidenced by these posts:
dBTelos said:
You seem to fail to have realized that their are other quality PSU manufacturers. Heck, the Silencers are made by Seasonic. Yet you didn't even mension Seasonic in your post. The others are WinTac, similar to Seasonic, maybe a little better. Still, PC P&C is no where near the best supplies you can get. Hell, sometimes you can get a Zippy Gaming PSU for less, I guarantee you one of those would last longer then a sacred PC Power and Coooling.
Spectre said:
Not to beat a dead horse but the current Silencers are made by Seasonic (previously at some point Sparkle)......PC Power and Cooling tacks on the wiring harness, throws a nice fan with a silencer sticker on it, get a UL cert in their name, throw it on a Chroma and charges you a fortune for it. The Turbo-Cools are made by Win-Tact and they do about the same to make it a PC Power and Cooling.
Which, by the way, you still have failed to explain how this matters in the least. Plus you were wrong, PC P&C is not a reseller. I must have missed any apology for you being incorrect, yet you were very quick to point out when someone else was.

Oh, and I must need a new dictionary as I thought this was name-calling:
If you now understand, admit it and stop being a stubborn, moronic dumbshell!

Also, it may help if you define what you consider to be a flame war if you aren't going to use well posted and generally accepted definitions available for anyone to peruse.

To rant, to speak or write incessantly and/or rabidly on some relatively uninteresting subject or with a patently ridiculous attitude or with hostility toward a particular person or group of people. "Flame" is used as a verb ("Don't flame me for this, but..."), a flame is a single flaming message, and "flamage" /flay'm*j/ the content. - from the Free Online Dictionary of Computing
dBTelos said:
They don't make their own supplies, that's for sure.
Amazing how I continuously ask for someone to tell me how it matters, yet there is no response. Oh, and when/if anyone does decide to tell me how it matters, please indicate your background as I have by stating I am an engineer. Specifically a computer engineer.
OCC_Yoda said:
Actually define loud?....
Granted they are not silent by any means but then again I would never buy a PSU becuase its quiet!!!

And this is why there are choices. If there were one PSU for everyone, then everyone would just compete on price.

And, for the record, the email correspondence is real. It has been confirmed with one of the parties involved.
Oh, and I must need a new dictionary as I thought this was name-calling:
If you now understand, admit it and stop being a stubborn, moronic dumbshell!

If you'll notice the poster that made that post changed it within a few minutes of making it, in fact he changed it soon enough that his post doesn't even show the time it was edited. The only place that his original post still exists is in quotes which are beyond his control to change.

Since his original post has been modified it would be pointless to chastise him for something that he saw the error of and corrected on his own.

Now stop trying to stir up more ill feelings and just get along.

pyroman1 said:
Amazing how I continuously ask for someone to tell me how it matters, yet there is no response. Oh, and when/if anyone does decide to tell me how it matters, please indicate your background as I have by stating I am an engineer. Specifically a computer engineer.

It matters in that Merc said that PCP&C makes their own supplies. The whole point was that others were trying to correct that and he was adamant that they were wrong, not he.

They don't make their own PSU's they have them manufactured to spec for them making them a design house that buys the PSU's they sell from an OEM. They then put the harnesses on them and sell them. Is that a bad thing? No not really but they're not a manufacturer.
madmat said:
If you'll notice the poster that made that post changed it within a few minutes of making it, in fact he changed it soon enough that his post doesn't even show the time it was edited. The only place that his original post still exists is in quotes which are beyond his control to change.

Since his original post has been modified it would be pointless to chastise him for something that he saw the error of and corrected on his own.

Now stop trying to stir up more ill feelings and just get along.
Excellent point, one party decided to correct what would easily be considered a flame and another did not, yet no action was taken. I didn't say anything should be done to either party, I simply corrected a mistake that no one called anyone names. Quoting it and agreeing is the same thing as saying it yourself. If dBTelos wants to edit his post so it is no longer name-calling, so be it.
madmat said:
It matters in that Merc said that PCP&C makes their own supplies. The whole point was that others were trying to correct that and he was adamant that they were wrong, not he.

They don't make their own PSU's they have them manufactured to spec for them making them a design house that buys the PSU's they sell from an OEM. They then put the harnesses on them and sell them. Is that a bad thing? No not really but they're not a manufacturer.
And Spectre said they are resellers, yet he was wrong. Double standard? Seems like it.

Also, getting the verbiage incorrect doesn't change the fact that they design their product. That is the point here, Merc confused the meaning of manufacture. So, his intent was basically the same. They design their own product.
pyroman1 said:
Excellent point, one party decided to correct what would easily be considered a flame and another did not, yet no action was taken. I didn't say anything should be done to either party, I simply corrected a mistake that no one called anyone names. Quoting it and agreeing is the same thing as saying it yourself. If dBTelos wants to edit his post so it is no longer name-calling, so be it.

What are you talking about? If I did use "name-calling", I wouldn't regret it. But I didn't, so STFU. Ty.
pyroman1 said:
Amazing how I continuously ask for someone to tell me how it matters, yet there is no response. Oh, and when/if anyone does decide to tell me how it matters, please indicate your background as I have by stating I am an engineer. Specifically a computer engineer.
Well then, I guess we have to wait for an electrical engineer to come along! :p

(my own mech eng studies are useless here)
Spectre said:
For all the newly registered posters in this thread:

Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion and because of that differences occur, which you see here. As for doing anything with the thread....there isn't much to be done....people have different opinions and they are going to express them. Noone has flamed anyone or called anyone names yet in this thread........... though the thread is pretty far off the topic it started on. And yes I usually let this section go with a pretty loose hand because in general this section tends to be a much more mature crowd that likes/understands/does well with discussions in which people have a difference of opinion making it fairly low maintenence which is good. If that is no longer the case I can start cracking down on everything but that hardly seems conducive to open exchangse.

Spectre, with all due respect, invoking the First Amendment prior restraint doctrine as a pretext to dismiss character attacks and your failure to step in is, well, weak.

We are all enthusiasts here. Some are new to the forum; most are veteran gear heads and know from where we speak. With that experience and knowledge and passion will, expectedly, come opinions that stray from hard fact. That is exactly the case here. Opinion colored by a little passion is what distinguishes the enthusiast from the Dell crowd. Nothing wrong with that. However, there is something wrong when that impassioned opinion crosses over to unsubstantiated attacks upon a forum member and/or product line. It shouldn't matter how many posts the offending member has logged or his status, whether it be moderator, site owner or infrequent visitor.

An attack of that sort is a form of prior restraint, in and of itself, particularly when dog piling is involved, as was the case here. The fact that a moderator was involved in the dog piling makes it that much more offensive. It is a deterrent to the open and disparate exchange of ideas -- the raison d'etre for most forums.

I've yet to see any of the PC P&C detractors respond in a thoughtful, informed and intelligent way to the facts presented (via poster Merc) by the company's CEO and Pyroman. It all returns to the same tired, erroneous and unpersuasive rhetoric, "they simply add a harness to an OEM's PSU and resell it." If those detractors had carefully read (or read at all) PC P&C CEO's Doug Dodson's response, it is crystal clear that their people design the PSU's and the overseas contractors merely assemble to spec. In that capacity, Seasonic is not functioning as an OEM. This point was also reiterated in Pyroman's post.

Rather than respond critically in a respectful manner, 454Casull opts to perpetuate the sophmoric tone of the few mudslingers here and quip, "Well then, I guess we have to wait for an electrical engineer to come along!" As a mechanical engineer, if not in agreement with Pyro,one would think at a minimum he would argue for constructive treatment of the topic. Apparently not.

It's this sort of thread that draws derision from forums like ExtremeSystems whenever HardForums comes up as a reference. And that is unfortunate.

[Note: I have no affilliation with PC Power & Cooling, ExtremeSystems forum or computer science engineers, apart from being engaged to an MIT alum. ;) I have used P&C PSU's in my personal builds, but I have also used Seasonic and Enermax PSU's, among others.]
It matters in that Merc said that PCP&C makes their own supplies. The whole point was that others were trying to correct that and he was adamant that they were wrong, not he.

No, the "whole point" is that people continue to act badly despite the fact Merc not only acknowledged his mistake, he apologized for it. Now, if those here that decided turning a thread to blood sport was more important than arriving at the truth would only grow a pair and do the same, we would be on the right path.
mezzro said:
No, the "whole point" is that people continue to act badly despite the fact Merc not only acknowledged his mistake, he apologized for it. Now, if those here that decided turning a thread to blood sport was more important than arriving at the truth would only grow a pair and do the same, we would be on the right path.

Sorry, you're wrong on so many levels that it's not even funny. Everything that has been quoted as "evidence" towards Spectre's "misbehaviour" happened prior to page 5 or more accurately this post where Merc acknowledges that he was indeed mistaken in his belief that PCP&C makes their own PSU's. The rest of the thread after that was moving along nicely until pyroman and yourself showed up and attempted to perform a character assasination on Spectre and anyone else that tried to disuade Merc from his belief that PCP&C makes their own product.

If anyone is behaving badly now it's you two in that you keep trying to stir up a hornet's nest by continuing to beat a dead horse. Get over it and move on.
dBTelos said:
What are you talking about? If I did use "name-calling", I wouldn't regret it. But I didn't, so STFU. Ty.
Like I posted before, this is what I was talking about:
dBTelos said:
Bo_Fox said:
Merc, do you understand this sentence...

"We have contract manufacturers that make OUR products exclusively for us." ???

That's what the CEO of PC Power and Cooling said.

If you now understand, admit it and stop being a stubborn, moronic dumbshell!

My thoughts exactly.
You did, and you don't care. Thank you for your insight, and your sophomoric attitude.
madmat said:
Sorry, you're wrong on so many levels that it's not even funny. Everything that has been quoted as "evidence" towards Spectre's "misbehaviour" happened prior to page 5 or more accurately this post where Merc acknowledges that he was indeed mistaken in his belief that PCP&C makes their own PSU's. The rest of the thread after that was moving along nicely until pyroman and yourself showed up and attempted to perform a character assasination on Spectre and anyone else that tried to disuade Merc from his belief that PCP&C makes their own product.

If anyone is behaving badly now it's you two in that you keep trying to stir up a hornet's nest by continuing to beat a dead horse. Get over it and move on.

The gentleman doth protest too much.
;) Although, there is a measure of entertainment value in the 'scorched earth policy' of 'debate' (sans facts): 'Our work is done here, dbTelos.' 'Yes, MadMat, let us move on to disrupt more civil exchange elsewhere. Close the thread please, Master Spectre' lol

[Note: Please see page three of this thread.]
mezzro said:
I've yet to see any of the PC P&C detractors respond in a thoughtful, informed and intelligent way to the facts presented (via poster Merc) by the company's CEO and Pyroman. It all returns to the same tired, erroneous and unpersuasive rhetoric, "they simply add a harness to an OEM's PSU and resell it." If those detractors had carefully read (or read at all) PC P&C CEO's Doug Dodson's response, it is crystal clear that their people design the PSU's and the overseas contractors merely assemble to spec. In that capacity, Seasonic is not functioning as an OEM. This point was also reiterated in Pyroman's post.

OEM, ODM... Most people do not differentiate the two and often OEM is used to describe both positions in the industry.

I really don't think anyone implied anything negative about PC Power and Cooling's product outside of being expensive (some may have used the phrase "overpriced"), and there's certainly no crime in asking for a premium price as long as people are willing to pay. ;)

In my personal belief, PC Power and Cooling bring a bit of the hatred towards themselves. In my opinion, their own website (interview with Dodson, for example) is full of quite a bit of FUD. Does it make the product itself bad? No. But fan boys and FUD bring the worst out of tech forums, and this is where a lot of "passion" you speak of has come from. Once someone makes the claim that they ahve the best thing since sliced bread, power supply, NIC, video card, etc., out come the wolves.

I've sit back and watched this whole thing unfold and ultimately I see nothing more than someone (Merc) making the claim that PCP&C was a manufacturer and a bunch of people trying to tell the guy that they're not.

Really nothing that should have gotten as dragged out as this has.

Some things were said that should be regretted by those who said them or even quoted them, but I don't think anyone needs to call the moral police. It's fair to say that to argue with the majority (the factoid that PCP&C is not an actual manufacturer) can be considered a bit "thick headed" but what's done is done. I think this thread is dead, beaten, bloodies, ground to a pulp, etc. It should be locked.
mezzro said:
Rather than respond critically in a respectful manner, 454Casull opts to perpetuate the sophmoric tone of the few mudslingers here and quip, "Well then, I guess we have to wait for an electrical engineer to come along!" As a mechanical engineer, if not in agreement with Pyro,one would think at a minimum he would argue for constructive treatment of the topic. Apparently not.

I'll admit I didn't really find it disrespectful, probably because of the smilie. But I do wonder, as a MechE does 454Casull build everything he/she designs? If so, how long has he/she been a MechE? MechE's design cars, but robots are usually the ones building them. Does that make the MechE's design process worthless? As an engineer you certainly can add to the value discussion of a design process, regardless of the type of design. Even a civil engineer that designs highway road systems can provide input, regardless of the fact that he/she is not a construction worker building the road.
At this juncture everyone got their piece aired and heard.....but at this point it is a dead horse since the same thing keeps getting rehashed with not much in the way that is going to change most parties minds.

I really hate to lock threads that may have some value so unless someone has anything insightful left (and really insightful) stop stirring the pot.....and that isn't directed at just one group of people who have posted in this thread....all of you stop stirring it.
Whats interesting about this whole thread is you will see that most of us who do own PC Power & Cooling PSU`s we understand the difference between the words design and manufacture. We do knowingly admit that Seasonic indeed is the company that PC Power & Cooling contracts with manufacture PC Power & Cooling PSU`s!
We also understand that some asembly albeit most likely not enough to worry about vould be done by PC Power & Cooling themselves!

Yet those of us who have been through the PSU wars on a different forum also know that people will say all sorts of things some true and some nade up to get there point across!!
Such as Seasonic is the OEM for PC Power & Cooling or even worse they will say that Seasonic makes PC Power & Cooling PSU`s. yet they will leave out the rest of the story....
Such as Seasonic makes PC Power & Coolings using the design and exact specs that PC Power & Cooling contracted for....
The reason they leave out the whole story is because it makes things look like there is a conspiracy or a coverup happening!
Another reason they leave out the whole story os so they can say well since Seasonic manufactures PC Power & Cooling PSU`s you might as well get a Seasonic PSU because that is essentially what you are getting whgen you purchase a PC Power & Cooling PSU....

Judging by the e-mails betwen PC Power & Cooling and Seasonic i would even venture every little deatail to and including the brand of CAPs is also in writing.
Then comes the cost factor.....I would say to the person those of us who own PC Power & Cooling PSU`s really did not factor in the price when we purchased our PSU.
Thus the price argument is a non issue to most of us!

Then we have people posting about how loud PC Power & Cooling PSU`s supposedly are yet except for reviewers the peopl posting that have really know clue because they don`t own a PC Power & Cooling PSU`s.
YES!! It is possibly for the ears to get use to what some would call noise others of us are not bothered at all!!

Finally some of the same people who have posted on this thread also say the exact same things on other forums....without posting the whole truth...

The guy made an honest mistake he even apologized in this thread. That took alot of guts to post an apologie knowing full well some people would still be ripping on him!!
Then we have people asking that this thread be locked.....why? For what purpose?
The person who asked for this thread to be locked isa the same person who posted that I should be banned from Anand`s for no other reason that we disagree???

I think Spectre did the right thing and know what he is doing by allowing this thread to go on!!

I have two 1KW PC P&C PSU's: they're not loud. I have a 750 Silencer on order, so will be interesting to compare decibel levels.
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