My Red LiLi -- 56k Hahaha... Right...


Jan 10, 2002
Well I cant let my bro O2Flow take all the exposure by himself this weekend. So here's mine :cool:

I'm away at a lan all weekend, but we'll get some more pics later this comming week.
The case is a Lian Li PC-6070B but you know there will be a window. Prolly just a basic Lili one since I don't have time like I used to have for modding. Either way I go with that, the red id down right sexy! It came out perfect for the color I was after.

Asko in Seattle does this and other colors for 125 and Im sure if you call them, they would take your parts via UPS/FedEx etc and ship it all back to you for a nominal fee..

here's a taste:











Does the case have to be completly disasembled to anodize it? Asin do you have to drill out all the rivits and seperate every single piece of metal or can you anodize them as a single piece?

How dare took the case I've been wanting forever and anodize it a sexy red? :(

I feel upset and jealeous...please post more pics of the completed setup. :D
Diablo2K said:
Does the case have to be completly disasembled to anodize it? Asin do you have to drill out all the rivits and seperate every single piece of metal or can you anodize them as a single piece?

The more you break them down the happier you will be most likely.

I did another case in Blue in '02 and I took it down to individual pieces:

It seemed time to try a little less disassembly this time. And the results are very good. Personally I do not thing I would go any less thatn I have pictured in this red case. Fortuneately, the rivets I did leave in came out perfect in color as well.

EDIT adding final pics to page one

Final pics next to Blooo













Morphes said:
why are americans so ignorant?

ignorant=misinformed or uneducated. :D

I wouldn't say ignorant just unobservant maybe. A better statement would be why are Americans so assinine. 3 cases in point actually listed here.
1. His post asking for location and who they are. :)
2. Your post assisting and giving him sh-- :cool:
3. My post correcting your post and pointing out how assinine the 3 of us Americans are :D

Atleast we're honest i suppose.
Morphes said:
why are americans so ignorant?

Fuck you, you could have just posted the pic without your stupid ass comment.

(Sorry for language I really really hate when people add stupid comments like that, pet peeve :( )

Back on topic, I am thinking very hard about getting my frame done like this it looks very nice.
lol sorry, it was late at night and i was tired. Very nice job on ur lian li, curious though, does it look a little blue to anyone else? Very nice and cant wait for the window (dont just do a premoded square on this).
Triath said:
Fuck you, you could have just posted the pic without your stupid ass comment.

(Sorry for language I really really hate when people add stupid comments like that, pet peeve :( )

Back on topic, I am thinking very hard about getting my frame done like this it looks very nice.

Dude, if you want to start a cat fight, go start your own F'n thread. Don't get shitty here, m'kay?
i dont get it stresstest... why didnt you cut off the icky grill on the back of it
Beware, because STRESSTEST's big red system of doom looms near completion! <insert ominous track here> :D

More pics!
Dude, if you want to start a cat fight, go start your own F'n thread. Don't get shitty here, m'kay?

Yeah get on me, not the guy who brought it here.

I wonder how their plating looks, if its anything like this its a sell for me. Though I would have to buy a new case instead of using this cheap one.
Is it possible to anodize something white? And that is a very gorgeous case, Stress. I like the slight color shift in some of the pictures.
I wanted all the attention! :shakes fist: :D

looks great! can't wait to see it assembled bro!
After actually spending some more time on this, mashie was right. Those little inserts Lian Li is now using, were vaporized in the anodize acid bath. Fortunately, the local home improvement store had bulk M3 nuts which fit perfectly with the stock lian li thunb screws, and the custom anodized ones I used in the following pics.

So I went the route of simple watercooling. And before you clowns turn this into a Koolance sucks thread, eat me :) It's better than any air cooler, and it's simple to set up. Im a busy man. And ultamately, I have to live with it, not you. I'll thank you to keep this on topic.

With that blurb out of the way, here are the updates

needed to hack the top to include a sheet of plex for accent lighting. This is the circuit board that I used to mount resistors and LEDs with a 12v tap.


A little plex work


and some dry fitting

Didn't want those shiny screws to clash with the colors, so I went with these anodized screws


Basic testing



So I went the route of simple watercooling. And before you clowns turn this into a Koolance sucks thread, eat me :) It's better than any air cooler, and it's simple to set up. Im a busy man. And ultamately, I have to live with it, not you. I'll thank you to keep this on topic.
No complaints here - I watercool for the silence, and a moderate OC. Koolance does a great job at that.

I was trying to picture where you were going with the plexi ... that underglow you've created under the Koolance is awesome.

Two thumbs up.
Goddamn that looks sooo sweet. Just a question though, I'm not sure by what you mean was burned off in the anodizing. If it was the threads in the expansion slots, couldn't you use a tap?

I'm this close to buying one of those and anodizing the insides blue :cool:
EPS Sniper said:
Goddamn that looks sooo sweet. Just a question though, I'm not sure by what you mean was burned off in the anodizing. If it was the threads in the expansion slots, couldn't you use a tap?

I'm this close to buying one of those and anodizing the insides blue :cool:

Back when I did my blue one dubed "Blooo" back in '02 *link* Lian Li was just tapping the aluminum and that was it.

sometime after that they stopped tapping the PCI slot tops and the two holes for the bottom drive cage. They started to make the holes larger like those used for mounting the fans and machine pressing steel inserts into those holes that have the threads. My guess is because they were getting feedback on stripped threads from end users. So to reinforce them they used the steel inserts. Much harder to strip than aluminum.

Anyway, after the acid bath that happens in anodizing they either fell out or were vaporized. Eitherway, they are gone and the small M3 nuts that cost .15 cents each fixed the problem perfectly.

If you look at the pic that mashie quoted you can see that the holes for the screws that are used to fasten the expansion cards in place are more the size of the holes used for the big black plastic push rivets they use for mounting the fans.
Ahhh, I see. That explained it pretty damn well then.

So how do you like the 6070 so far, and are you gonna get a window for it anytime soon?
Best case they currently make IMHO. Not a fan of those new "V" series cases. But that's jut a me thing.

I really like the case. I've always been a fan of th 6x series chassis's they make. I'll just slap a normal lili window panel on it tomorrow and call it good. This is after all my WORK pc :) Once I clean off the desk, I'll get a shot of the red and blooo cases together.
I hate you :p You've got some nice goodies... BTW, is it possible to take out those said inserts for the PCI cover threads?
Um doubt it, but the little nuts were perfect, might as well not worry about it and just go that route
STRESSTEST, great job - the case and guts look great.

are you going to sleeve the (little that you can see) PSU cabling?
man that care looks sweet man. as always, your work is perfection.

im unfamiliar with anodizing. if i wanted to anodize a steel beige case, do i need to do anything to it before sending it in? (ie. sanding)
Anodizing can only be done on aluminum, so unfortunately steel case owners (including myself) are out of luck. However if you have an aluminum case, no sanding is needed.
gotcha. thanks for the info. i have an old case that i love, looks like i'll be painting it. i also have 2 lian li's so maybe ill get those anodized.
Looks great Stresstest. The problem Mashie pointed out made me take a closer look at my PC65, it's still tapped. Aparrently too many people try to tighten those screws down like a damn head bolt which is all too common in this hobby it seems.
Man, directron has this case on sale for 145. I just need to find a place in Austin that does anodizing (and doesn't suck).

Any updated pics with the window?