My site is almost finished!


[H]F Junkie
Sep 27, 2003
Hey guys! My site is almost finished, all I need to do is get my computer page and my computer graphics uploaded and I will be set. Tell me what you think!

PS -- I know it doesn't validate. I will handle that on the next redesign.
Then get it to validate.... why ask people to look at stuff that's far from completed?
web standards validation is a good thing to have.
a page isn't good without a w3c validation. or css validation showing no errors.

being lazy in your code is what causes this.
decoded said:
web standards validation is a good thing to have.

....yea....except it also suck when certain browsers don't feel like adhering to it.

/me curses IE for being a bitch.

I was working on this css based page that was perfectly valid, looked sexy in firefox, and ended up being totally ass-broke in IE. I was NOT happy. *grumble*
At 1024x768 everything is toward the left, with a big gap on the right side. The leftside3.gif looks like it should contain navigation links, it looks like wasted space to me.

Your text is all centered. Text is easier to read and looks more professional with a flush left/ragged right alignment, IMO.

Could use a bit more color in the design and a logo of some sort. At least something more stylized than a generic-looking sans serif font converted to a graphic.

The page ends abruptly and does not look "finished". Needs a little space at the bottom with the "fine print" such as a copyright notice.

Once you leave the home page, there's no way back. It is common convention to at least make your logo a link to the home page.

Looking at the home page, it's not really clear to me what the site's purpose is. Is it just a personal site about things you like? You're not using any descriptive meta tags. google may not use them, but other SEs do. And "Welcome to" is also a waste. Some SEs put extra emphasis on page titles. Use keywords that people would search for in page titles. No one will search for your page using "welcome to" or "".

Watch your page sizes. misc.html weighs in at over 400K with 67 images. That's not real friendly to someone on dialup.

Photos - Would be better with descriptions of the images. What equipment do you use to shoot? A 43x64 pixel thumbnail is too small to even tell what it is. Are the images usable by others or are you retaining copyright?

Contact - I hate when the only way to contact someone is thru a form because then I have no record of a sent email.

Good luck with it. :)
Pianomahnn said:
I was working on this css based page that was perfectly valid, looked sexy in firefox, and ended up being totally ass-broke in IE. I was NOT happy. *grumble*
I feel your pain. It's probably been mentioned here before, but just in case you don't know of it, you might want to check out IE7. It's not for everyone, but it does work reasonably well in my experience.
- i think you should make the graphic into a link back to the home page.
- the left side graphic isn't doing anything useful. it takes up an awful lot of space but doesn't seem to really serve much purpose.
- the text in your content area is centered, i think it might work better if it was left aligned or justified.
- content area could use some more left padding
- the navigation links could use a little more padding at the top. some of the text is cut off, but maybe that's the effect you wanted?
- get rid of the colons in page titles (eg. :Computer Stuff: ), that is just soooo 2 years ago.
- while i love FireFox too, i think the size and placement of the FireFox logos are just wrong. It takes up a significant section of your page and really drags the view to itself instead of your content. I suggest choosing a more subtle logo in a more discreet location on your page.
the navigation links could use a little more padding at the top. some of the text is cut off, but maybe that's the effect you wanted?

Yes, they are supposed to slide down like tabs.

I will try to take into consideration all this stuff as soon as I get time to redesign it. Thanks for all the suggestions!