My Ti4200 64mb Card Died, need replacement


Limp Gawd
Aug 13, 2002
i don't have much cash and I'm not trying to upgrade a lot, just a little if possible. Right now I'm stuck using a Graphics card out of a Dell machine I had bought. I'd love to spend less than $70 on a new or used card, any suggestions? thanks
If you could find a used 9600 Pro or 5700 for that amount, it might be a good upgrade from what you currently have. Out of the two though I'd go with the used 9600 Pro, since it seems to be faster in newer games and probably will be better supported in the future.
I had good luck buying a refurb 9800 pro on newegg, might want to check em out. Due to horror stories, I'd probably stay clear of refurb mobo's tho. You should probably post a WTB thread on the For Sale/Trade forum and also check what people are selling there. This seems close to what you're looking for.

I've had a GF2 GTS die on me and got the same exact card for $25. For $70, I'm sure you can find your exact card or a little better. Just check out the fan and possibly replace with a chipset fan. That's what usually goes on older cards, the fan. It dies, the card fries, and you're here. CompUSA sells a chipset kit for $10 that has a tiny fan you can bolt on to any card. That way, you know the fan won't go out.
You can email PNY. They replaced my Geforce3 with a ti4200. I was surprised....