My upgrade from i7 920 to i7 950


Apr 17, 2008
Hey, what happen to my thread I posted last week? It got deleted already so quick?

Well, I got my i7 950 today that I bought off ebay for $309. This seller is so damn lazy. Grey themal paste on the CPU, the fan, the box, the plastic paper inside. everywhere! Hello, what is rubbing alcohol???

Anyhow I am using it now.

It is not much of an upgrade! I dont overclock although I can but I dont know how.

Intel really need to design those push pin! They can design good CPU but such a stupid push pin.

My bottleneck now is the stupid mechnical hard drive! I got 7 hd, but I am running out of space. SSD will not help me.

Online, my bottleneck is the internet connection.

So if you get a i7 920 or 930, that is all you need!

After selling my 920, I am probably paying $100 for this upgrade. If I had bought a 950 new, then I admit I am a dumb arse!
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One thing I see odd, my ambient temp has drop from around 47 deg to 41 to 42 deg. I been using the same thermal paste and pea size amount.
Where is that threat that I had posted. It is not there and where did that link came from?
Your thread did not go anywhere. The reason you did not see it is the default filter probably excluded it.

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Nice increase of 0.1 for an unclock processor.
I think in the other thread (last week) we made the instructions too complicated by suggesting too many methods and guides. I also believe the OP tried the auto bios overclock which I would not recommend.
Windows Experience Index is a really poor benchmark.

In fact, it's only good for weeding out the serious underperformers (or really slow or old components). In fact, a score of less than 5.5 on most of the WEI categories (or less than 5.9 on the hard disk) merely signify rather old components.
my hard drives are the only thing under 6 on that stupid windows test... and yes, they are old as sin but they work. 2 500gb 7200rpm drives in raid 1. everything else is over 7. i need me some new drives, but no money for them right now. maybe ill just get a SSD.
What is a troll thread? I am not trolling. My situation is real.

I email the young seller why he left so much melted thermal paste for me to clean it out, he said he didnt know if I need the paste or not! I mean even if I do, I dont need that much. This guy put like at least 3 pea size on it.

Oh yea, not when it left the muddy gunk on the inside box, the fan, the CPU plastic. I mean everywhere!

So I did have poor component on my rig? Damn, I wish I knew. I dont know if I can do any better.

Which hd is WEI testing? The C drive spin at 7200rpm.

Will it make any big difference if I get a i7 980 with 12 processors ???
i don't know why but even my x25m (g1) has been giving me a 5.9 wei rating since a few months ago. I have googled and some other intel ssd owners have experienced the same. it USED to get a 7.X (7.7 or 7.4, forgot which) and i know the performance is still basically the same as it was when i first got it, after benching it with hd tune. so yeah, WEI is pretty inaccurate at times... i remember when high-end gpus like the gtx 295 had bottlenecked WEI ratings as well...
what do you use the PC for?

I use my PC for VMware. Usually got 5 OS running, one on each hard drive. Run Ubuntu, 2008 Server also. I run everything modular. For one of my Vmware, it is running a forum with IIS and SQL Server 2008. One of my Vmware is running torrent on it along with newsgroup downloading. Then another vmware, I only have Visual Studio 2010 running. Then other Vmware, I got only Adobe Acrobat running. I use Ubuntu for playing with VI editor. I am suppose to learn shell script but lazy

Then weekend I watch mostly 720p movies to my HDTV.

My host computer is pretty clean with not much things installed as I put everything in modular.

Is there any reason to overclock my processor for all these above?
Funny, but my 1090 is a 7.6 in WEI. Yea i know its a terrible benchmark...
ssd is by no means necessary to fix 'bottlenecking'. any modern HD.. (caviar black, spinpoint f3, etc) is more than enough and you can get it for fairly cheap. for gaming, HDs have very little effect after textures are loaded into memory.
I put my hd to sleep after so many minutes. I guess the spin up is whats causing the lag. So everything is up to date on technology?
i don't know why but even my x25m (g1) has been giving me a 5.9 wei rating since a few months ago. I have googled and some other intel ssd owners have experienced the same. it USED to get a 7.X (7.7 or 7.4, forgot which) and i know the performance is still basically the same as it was when i first got it, after benching it with hd tune. so yeah, WEI is pretty inaccurate at times... i remember when high-end gpus like the gtx 295 had bottlenecked WEI ratings as well...

You probably need to TRIM it
i don't know why but even my x25m (g1) has been giving me a 5.9 wei rating since a few months ago. I have googled and some other intel ssd owners have experienced the same. it USED to get a 7.X (7.7 or 7.4, forgot which) and i know the performance is still basically the same as it was when i first got it, after benching it with hd tune. so yeah, WEI is pretty inaccurate at times... i remember when high-end gpus like the gtx 295 had bottlenecked WEI ratings as well...

Rig in my sig gets 7.3 on the processor and the ssd gets 7.5 lol. Install the intel tools and run the performance tool thing it will trim your drive and increase those scores by a decent bit likely.
I won an ebay bid on a new HD 5750 for $104. This baby is green and no 6 pin required! Now will I see any increase in speed beside this i7 950 upgrade.

I dont have the card yet. My first time going ATI. I been a fan boy of Nvidia.
I won an ebay bid on a new HD 5750 for $104. This baby is green and no 6 pin required! Now will I see any increase in speed beside this i7 950 upgrade.

I dont have the card yet. My first time going ATI. I been a fan boy of Nvidia.

The question is Why? I dont think Visual Studio is a Video Card killer .. lol.

If you want speed.. get SSD Drives in Raid 0
Dang! Not again.

I think I am chasing vapor and hot air and not able to make anything faster on my PC.

I think I have reach the max on my PC.
Going from a 920 to the 950 is not an upgrade. Its was a waste of $100.00

Stop fooling yourself.
Already happen. I cant change it now. Need to stick to this i7 950.

I notice I make some rookie mistakes in my purchase. This is my first rig.
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Download EVGA E-LEET. You can overclock from a little program in windows. Just slide the QPI higher and your chip will be a lot faster. Dont let the ram go over 800. That's what you should do if you want more speed
I see, I heard of this program. After I slide the QPI higher, do I need to do anything else? WIll the QPI stays there all the time?

Do I need to mess with anything in BIOS?
Yes it will stay. Why would it move? The program does what would have been done in the BIOS in Windows instead.
I have successfully overclock my processor and it is stable up to 141 on the QPI. The temp stays almost the same and the fan doesnt take off.

Now, if I want to go further, I have to increase voltage? Will that ramp up the fan?
You only have to increase the voltage if your computer locks under a heavy load. OCCT is a good tool to stress your cpu and find weakness.