My wife loves KOTOR and KOTOR II


May 21, 2001
So what comparable game should I get her for Christmas? I was thinking maybe WOW but not sure. Need some good suggestions here. She LOVES the little tasks and missions that you have to complete in that game. So based on that i'm thinking an RPG.

Would love to hear your suggestions.


P.S. This would be for the PC only, no consoles.
Puterguru said:
So what comparable game should I get her for Christmas? I was thinking maybe WOW but not sure. Need some good suggestions here. She LOVES the little tasks and missions that you have to complete in that game. So based on that i'm thinking an RPG.

Would love to hear your suggestions.


How about GTA:San I think maybe either WOW or FABLE: Lost Chapters
i say fable too. haven't been many new rpg games out lately. or get her addicted to wow :p (but then you'll miss out the lovin')
There are few RPGs I actually like. I loved KOTOR and Fable so I'll also recommend that.
My GF loved those two games, if your wife also likes a good scare (and who doesn't ;) ) then I would suggest the Fatal Frame games (the GF loves these too).
Wow Fable the Lost Chapters looks sweet, I know she gonna like that one! I have never heard of it.

I'll check out the others that where mentioned too but Fables is a definite. Thanks!

Keep them coming if you have more.
Yeah, I know a few girls that liked Fable a lot. If you get her WoW, then get an account for each of you so you can play together, ++ points.
Quick question:
Okay, last I heard the original Fable pretty much sucked ass but I hear that the Lost Chapters one doesn't. Much like the OP I'm now considering getting it for Christmas for the GF but on the Xbox, any real difference between the PC and the Xbox versions?

Also do I need to have played the first Fable, does it make a difference?
My girlfriend liked KOTOR II, but only because the fighting was mostly auto-mated. She liked to watch me play Fable, but didn't like to play it because it was real-time and she was not that great at the fighting mechanics.

I would suggest finding a game that does not require much real time fighting as *most* women don't play games enough to be very effecient at actually playing a real-time fighting game.

My Girl friend liked playing both Syberia and Syberia 2. You might want to try those. They are both in the bargin bin right now, so it would save you some scratch, even if you bought both.
CrimandEvil said:
Quick question:
Okay, last I heard the original Fable pretty much sucked ass but I hear that the Lost Chapters one doesn't. Much like the OP I'm now considering getting it for Christmas for the GF but on the Xbox, any real difference between the PC and the Xbox versions?

Also do I need to have played the first Fable, does it make a difference?
They just released the Lost Chapters for Xbox.. it's one of the $20 greatest hits games.

All the Lost Chapters does is add more content on to the end of the game. It's the original Fable that was released for the Xbox + more content, so no, it doesn't matter if you played the original release or not.

People complained about the original Xbox release because the game is pretty short. That's why people like The Lost Chapters more. Although I still found the game to be pretty short, I played through it three times, and had a blast every time. The first time I played through with a good aligned character, the second with an evil character, and the third I kind of went middle of the road.

I played it on the PC, btw.
Neverwinter Nights is made by the same folk who worked on KOTOR II. Both are Bioware.

Both have similar play in terms of die rolling. NWN is real-time fighting, but is pausable at anytime to select actions. Has a buncha quests and such to follow as it's a roleplaying game.

She's not into Final Fantasy games? They're turn-based and plot/character heavy.
Neverwinter Nights Platinum edition will get you the game with the 2 expansions. It is a little more in depth as far as combat goes so if she likes the automated combat of KOTOR then it may not be a good idea.
She may like Dungeon Siege 2, but it is kinda like Diablo. By default, the fighting is real-time clicking, but you can automate it from the options menus to mimic the original Dungeon Siege. It's not as plot-heavy as Fable or Final Fantasy, though, but might suit her more than Neverwinter Nights/Fable's combat system. I should ask my friend's GF, as she was into the KOTORs as well, and she likes the Japanese-themed RPGs.
kelbear said:
Neverwinter Nights is made by the same folk who worked on KOTOR II. Both are Bioware.

Both have similar play in terms of die rolling. NWN is real-time fighting, but is pausable at anytime to select actions. Has a buncha quests and such to follow as it's a roleplaying game.

She's not into Final Fantasy games? They're turn-based and plot/character heavy.
Well she's not "into" anything unfortunately. She wouldn't even be playing KOTOR if I didn't buy it for her. She's a little weird about games I guess. She absolutely loves the KOTOR series, she really liked NOLF and NOLF2(which I bought for her), but yet she would never actively look for a game, go shopping for a game or ask me about any new games.
It's funny you mention the Fianl Fantasy series though. She loved some of the Final Fantasy video's that were downloadable on the net a while ago. I bet she would like that game.

So far ive got these to look into. Fable is the only one I've been able to check into so far. Thanks guys.

Fable lost chapters
Neverwinter Nights
Fatal Frame
Bards Tale
Syberia - Syberia 2
Final Fantasy
Dungeon Seige 2
Neverwinter Nights ( NwN ) has free online playing... loads and loads of servers with shit loads of custom content. I've been working on a NwN server with some of my friends thats about to go up. Its based on the Planescape Campaign Setting.

Once you beat the single player version, and the expansions you can play hours online... me, I didn't play too much of the single player version ( with the exception of the second expansion, HotU. )
Baldur's Gate 1/2
Planescape Torment
Neverwinter Nights

If you have an XBox
Jade Empire

The Final Fantasy series has really lost its luster to me and now just kind of aggrivates me, but FFX was pretty good. The Gameboy ports of the best Final Fantasy games will be out soon (I think), so FF4 and 6, although you can play them on the PC or XBox.

Then again, KOTOR/KOTOR2 and the first 4 titles I listed are real RPGs, your decisions do actually change the outcome of certain events and what not.

Games like FF while under the RPG monicker fall under the "interactive story" genre to me. I can play FF7 and twice and aside from not killing the super weapons, the game is pretty much exactly the same (cept, you might go on different dates...)

Whereas in KOTOR, you can turn to the dark side, permanently kill your own party members, kill off key NPCs, bring in different NPCs because of your faction, etc.
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines was pretty good. It's a bit more action-oriented than the KOTOR games, but it's definately a real RPG. Lots of side tasks, etc. It's also got decent replay value thanks to the dratically different playing styles required by different types of vampires. There are lots of places where you can talk, sneak, or fight depending on what you're good at.

Bard's Tale is short and cheesy, but quite hillarious. Though you'll have to decide if your wife would enjoy playing a breast-oggling jerk. Hell, in the first conversation you have in the game (I think... might be the second or third) the bard is staring at the barmaid's breasts while talking to her. Once your past that most of the stuff that would annoy the ladies is jokes and obnoxious comments, which was rather disappointing as I was hoping for a few incidents similar to the tavern where you start out.
Even the "nice" responses in the game are usually mean or insulting, and the mean ones are downright nasty much of the time. Also, being a bastard often produces better results.
Ask her what she liked about the game. Did she like that it had to do with StarWars, or did she like the option of going good or evil, or maybe she just liked the rpg part of the game, or all of it. Find out what things she really liked about the game, before you start trying to brainstorm what game to get her. :D Maybe she just wants an XBox360 to play KOTOR III :)
If she can get into FPS'ers then I'd recommend F.E.A.R. My niece gets the bejeesus scared out of her but she can't put it down.

If she has to play a female then there's some tongue and cheek humor in Warcraft III she'd probably get a kick out of (she wouldn't really be playing a female though). Sims is suppose to be real popular for women, but meh... Half-Life 2 is mostly a solid title.

I've yet to come across anything similar to Kotor as far as game play, voice acting, musical score, interesting story or overall polish and design.

While you're waiting for Kotor III you may want to check out TSLRP.
If you want something turn based just buy her Fallout 1 and 2 for like $10 somewhere. Probably the best RPG games ever.
Fallout 2
Planscape: Torment

I can't say enough about these games, but if she enjoyed SW:KOTOR/II I don't see why whe wouldn't ejnoy these.
Man i wish my gf liked games. im always like you HAVE to play HL2 someday...and she is like...nooooooooope.

you are truly blessed.
My girlfriend wouldn't touch a shooter anyway either (then again, nowadays I don't touch them either). It's the other stuff (Mario Party, Donky Konga, and adventure games) that she plays.
My wife and I were playing City of Heroes a while ago and she was loving it. It is really a good game if she want to have short play sessions (long play sessions are also really good).

This haven't been mention before as it is not an RPG but Civilization IV is could also be a great game for her. That game is often liked by women. My wife started playing Civ IV a week ago with me over our network and she loves it :)
THE MOVIES!! lol (or the Sims 2) - can't go wrong with either of those, seriously. Not RPGs, but crack for females.

if you have an xbox. Same people did kotor I and Jade empire... excellent story line, good combat. Not very fast paced if she doesn't like button mashing...
Baker said:
Ask her what she liked about the game. Did she like that it had to do with StarWars, or did she like the option of going good or evil, or maybe she just liked the rpg part of the game, or all of it. Find out what things she really liked about the game, before you start trying to brainstorm what game to get her. :D Maybe she just wants an XBox360 to play KOTOR III :)
Well I did talk to her last night. She said the thing she liked most about it was that it was Star Wars, that there was so much stuff to do, that you can be good or bad and that she liked the tasks/missions you had to complete.

She's played other Star Wars games, she beat Jedi Outcast. She didn't have the spark in her eye for that game like she does this one. I really believe it's 50% because it's Star Wars and 50% because the game gets her really involved.

HighwayAssassins said:
Man i wish my gf liked games. im always like you HAVE to play HL2 someday...and she is like...nooooooooope.

you are truly blessed.
You just gotta find her that one game to get her going, then they get hooked. I think the first one my wife played and beat was the original Half Life. Before I got her into that she didn't much care for the PC and hated how much time I spent on it. Now shes on it all the time, lately with KOTOR II.
(cept, you might go on different dates...)

oh man the barrett date is absolutely hysterical. It's rather tough to get though because there's more to it than just being rude to the femmes.