My Xonar DX hates my headphone plug?


Limp Gawd
Jul 31, 2008
This is really weird. I purchased a pair of V-MODA M-100 headphones, and when I plug them *securely*
into my Xonar DX the sound becomes very low and distorted. Pulling the plug ever so slightly out will fix
the problem, but I hardly consider that a fix.

The sound card does not have this issue with any other headphones or my speakers, only the V-moda M-
100 plug. Does anyone know if this is a known issue that the Xonar has with certain jacks? Also I know that
the cable is not defective as I have tested it with various other sources.

One thing I noticed is that the V-moda cable does not have that "shield" or whatever that thing is at the base
of the 3.5mm connector. All of my other 3.5mm cables have this rounded base, which prevents me from fitting
those cables into the V-MODA headphones as well.
This happens with a pair of Sony headphones I have and my Titanium.

But I was pretty sure it was because the Sony plug has a built in mic portion on it too...