
Mar 4, 2005
Ive never played this game, though right now i want to. I know myst V demo just came out...but would I have to play through all the games 1 - 4 to understand everything if i bought the 5th? Im not familiar with the series at I know nothing about them. Should i play through all of them?
You should definitely play through all of them (time permitting :rolleyes: ) but just jumping into it won't cause any harm.
Definately start with the first and follow the series. Don't give up, it's well worth it.
Talon Blackrazor said:
Definately start with the first and follow the series. Don't give up, it's well worth it.

i agree, it is a story what like 10 or 11 years in the making, and to think this will be the end of the Myst series, :(
Id love to play them myself actually. I got stuck at the giant dome in the demo though, so im obviously to stupid :(
just keep trying, you can buy the first three for like 10 bucks in a trilogy pack, thats where i got mine after the losing the orignal mac formatted myst CD. Its a brain squeezer, and can get frustrating, lot of trial and error. first one is pretty easy, second one is hard, third is harder, havent played the 4th but im going to soon
Myst 4 = Very hard!

Myst 5 = Downloading demo now...

URU: Ages Beyond Myst (With both expansion packs installed) = Ultra super [H]ard :eek:
BTW URU is much more fun when you play it online, with other myst fans :D
Myst V starts where Myst ended. You do not need to play the other games in order to understand what's going on, but I'd advise reading up on or playing the original Myst before playing V.
heh, can anyone else quote the opening cutscene from the original from memory? I can, and I haven't played the game for about 6-8 years.
Wow, I remember playing myst in 3rd grade on a macintosh preforma ( I think). That game was awsome, made you really think, definately needed a notebook. This make me miss king's quest 6.
I have Myst 1-4 on dvd.
I bough the 10th anniversary edtion which is Myst 1-3 each on their own DVD
(I HIGHTLY suggest buying it, its pretty cheap now, less than $20)
I got a "preview" copy of Myst 4

I have fully played though Myst 1 and 2, got half way through myst 3, and haven't had time to finish it or even start Myst 4......damn WoW.

Riven (Myst 2)
Exile (Myst 3)
Uru (spin-off)
Revelation (Myst 4)
End Of Ages (Myst 5)

I actually beta teste Uru and it was interesting, but I guess they didn't get enough subscribers so they killed the online part. They were suppost to release the content they made for the online stuff in expansion packs but only 2 have came out, 1 free 1 paid. Kinda sucks. But the game looked and sounded amazing when you played it. I got a "preview" copy of Uru and played around with it.
Myst (at least the first two) seemed to be built on incredibly arbitrary puzzles that seemed to be more efficiently solved through guesswork and developer-telepathy than simple logic. It all just seemed incredibly contrived, unlike say a LucasArts adventure like Grim Fandango or Full Throttle.

Are the other three any different?
i've lost lotsa sleep playing through the 1st 3 MYST...

i still havent found time to play the 4th..

cuz i kno it will take me aWHILE
Unknown-One said:
Myst 4 = Very hard!

Myst 5 = Downloading demo now...

URU: Ages Beyond Myst (With both expansion packs installed) = Ultra super [H]ard :eek:
BTW URU is much more fun when you play it online, with other myst fans :D

haha, for me its

Myst = don't remember much, was young then
Myst 2 Riven = don't think i ever finished that one
Myst 3 = cakewalk for me, don't know how but i went though it in no time
Myst 4 = Still working though it, so its hard

Uru = made it though, but for some reason a lot of the puzzles in that one made no sence to me, lol.

Uru wasn't part of the myst story, it started a whole new one.
Bring me the blue pages.......

arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! I've got your freakin' blue page right here.

I liked all of the games overall.
TheScott2K said:
Myst (at least the first two) seemed to be built on incredibly arbitrary puzzles that seemed to be more efficiently solved through guesswork and developer-telepathy than simple logic. It all just seemed incredibly contrived, unlike say a LucasArts adventure like Grim Fandango or Full Throttle.

Are the other three any different?

You think so? I found exactly the opposite to be true. I've only played the first Myst, but most of the puzzles were mechanical in nature and fairly intuitive once you wrapped your mind around them. Grim Fandango, on the other hand, was rediculously arbitrary. The only way to solve the puzzles was to try every item in your inventory till one worked. Remember that bit where you had to put a balloon in the bird-feed? That hardly made sense...

AceTKK said:
You think so? I found exactly the opposite to be true. I've only played the first Myst, but most of the puzzles were mechanical in nature and fairly intuitive once you wrapped your mind around them. Grim Fandango, on the other hand, was rediculously arbitrary. The only way to solve the puzzles was to try every item in your inventory till one worked. Remember that bit where you had to put a balloon in the bird-feed? That hardly made sense...


play uru, your view will change
So far I have only found Myst and Myst III: Exile to be hard. The others were almost easy compared to the time I spent on Myst and Myst III: Exile.
One word to sum up the Myst series:

Yeah it's funny to hear the rants about it....and apparantly those became so famous that the made a parody of the game (not sure Myst may be only game with real, licensed parody behind it) called Pyst. It even starred John Goodman.
I have myst and riven havent even played the second one, last thing I remember in my myst experience is getting stuck in a book where the dude talking to me was trapped in.
Deviationer said:
I actually beta tested Uru and it was interesting, but I guess they didn't get enough subscribers so they killed the online part. They were suppost to release the content they made for the online stuff in expansion packs but only 2 have came out, 1 free 1 paid. Kinda sucks. But the game looked and sounded amazing when you played it. I got a "preview" copy of Uru and played around with it.
You were in the beta to? What was your username? mine is/was StarLion (long story...)
I've got some knews for you, its not dead! Here's somethign you've probobly not seen in a long, long time:

And yes, the login box works!:

And an in-game screenshot, online, with the KI fully working and with all expansion pack content!:

You might be interested to know that there are a couple of fan made servers are running the game online again, some even have the expansion pack content added in.
You can sign back up for it here:, see you in the cavern :D *Linking sound*
i enjoyed the first myst, and i especially enjoyed watching my friends spend entire months on the game collecting either all the blue or red pages, only to be terrificly horrified when they had returned them all.....and then i go ahead and beat the game in 5 minutes...since i know what to do :D
Talon Blackrazor said:
heh, can anyone else quote the opening cutscene from the original from memory? I can, and I haven't played the game for about 6-8 years.

"I realized the moment I fell into the fissure that
the book would not be destroyed as I had planed.
It continued falling into that starry expanse, of
witch I had only a fleeting glimpse. I have tried
to speculate where it might have landed, but I
must admit that such conjecture is futile. Still
questions about who's hands may one day hold
my Myst book are unsettling to me. I know my
apprehensions might never be allayed, and
so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending, has not
yet, been written."

I've heard that intro so many times, its imposible for me to forget it now :p
I looooove Myst! THe books were great. I got Riven as a present a while ago, I'm considering buying the WHOLE series if it's cheap now =)
i bought that myst pack for $20 a year or 2 ago that has like the first 3 or 4 games in it, but since they were made so goddamn long ago the 1st one refused to run on xp or win2k. It apparently requires win95 to work at all, so I was only able to get #3 installed and was throughly bored :/
Im kind of split on myst. On one hand the visuals and the world itself are extremely well thought out and beautiful. Even the 2 books that were released were well written and full of interesting characters and places. On the other I have no patience so the puzzles simply piss me off. Hopefully it won't be as hard as the 4th one, some of those puzzles were really aggravating.