n00b 3700+ SD overclocking advice sought...

BoB-O TiVo

Limp Gawd
Mar 25, 2004
Hey all,

As you can see, I'm a n00b. I've been searching and reading as much as I can in preparation for my first overclock. If you have some good links for a howto on overclocking the SD core, they would be much appreciated.

I'm going to be getting a 3700+ San Diego, and mating it with an Asus A8N32-SLI (when available) and 2GB (2x1GB) OCZ Platinum DDR. I'll be using an XP-90 + Nexus 92mm fan. I'm hoping to get to 2.8GHz. If my proc has the juice, I know I can get there if I can get my memory to 255MHz, but I've also heard that your overclock is not limited by your memory speed. Coming from the old world, I don't see how that's possible, so any education on this topic would be appreciated. I'm guessing using different memory dividers while still pumping the FSB, but I'm not sure.
