Name Change Won’t Save RadioShack

They're not changing it because of difficulties in spelling it. They're changing it because they can't trademark a common word.

Bahh.. there is no excuse for "SyFy".. it just looks so utterly gay everytime I see the name of that station anymore.
So radio crap has changed their name to "the crap" eh
I totally agree with poster few pages back saying all of their yearly profit will be blown on a name change. Instead of wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars on new signs logos and letterhead changes. Why not put that money into their sales crew. Either hire with more pay a better crew or give raises to the ones that deserve it and maybe that will somewhat improve their reputation with clients. Once their employees give a flying duck about working for them things will change. Though you still got the problem of crap inventory.
As noted, the Sci-Fi Channel could not trademark the use of "Sci-Fi" or even "SciFi" for their branded stuff (movies, DVDs, shows, items, etc) so, for them it wasn't much of a choice if they want to have more control over their own content. I think it's pretty lame that they can't trademark the name, really... I mean, with the recent crap with Sony getting a trademark or a patent (I can't remember the exact details) but... being able to trademark a few words is simply beyond me, it really is.

Our would is just getting shittier by the minute... maybe I should trademark "shittier by the minute..."

I still shop at Radio Shack, been doing so since I was well under 10 years old, but yes, they are far far different from what they were in my youth. In those days, the people working there typically were Ham radio operators with extensive knowledge of circuitry, etc. The issue is that 30 years ago people actually repaired items because they were insanely expensive. I remember learning board diagnostics and component level repairs in my youth - actually fixing a busted resistor on a board, replacing a blown capacitor, etc.

Technology moving forward has transformed us from a "ok, let's fix it" to a "fuck it, toss it in the trash and buy another one" - we've gone from value-based repairs to a disposable society, and we're suffering for it more every day.

I have fond memories of Radio Shack in my younger days, where I'd go and hang out and play with the classic first model of the TRS-80 for hours and ended up knowing more about them than the guys that sold 'em. Yes, I eventually did get a job with them years past, but it didn't last because they were just beginning the transition from being an actual electronics component reseller/helpful place into the commercial places they are today full of crap and customer service that's basically a wasteland...

And trying to lump them into the category of Newegg, Amazon, and other online retailers is a very stupid thing to do: Radio Shack is a corporation with thousands of brick and mortar real physical property stores and over one hundred thousand of employees - trying to compare them to a company with no working storefronts and a handful of warehouses and at best a few thousand people... it's a shitty comparison. The costs of operating (and basically paying for) thousands of actual physical locations and paying the payroll for so many people compared to a few big warehouses and the people working in 'em is so lopsided it's not even funny.

It's been a sad progression to watch them go from what they were to what they are. More than likely they'll disappear forever someday. While it's not happened yet, there will come a time when I'll be saying...

"Radio Shack is dead... long live Radio Shack..."

Just not today, thankfully.
What's funny is that "The Shack" was a derogatory term that Radio Shack employees used to use to refer to the company. I remember all sorts of vile sales tactics they pushed- back when they picked up Cingular and Verizon dumped them, they required employees to bring their families in and to sell them phones. It was very reminiscent of a scheme Vector Marketing became famous for.

Once a few years ago I went into a RadioShack to find a cellphone adapter I could order online for $7 shipped... didnt want to wait 10 days for shipping because the battery was dying. The kid behind the counter tried to sell me his own personal used phone charger (same phone as mine) for $20. What a dope. I ordered online.

Went into another one last week for a USB data cable (blank stare), and the manager was a 48 year old lady with tangled hair and a rubbery face and a voice that bellowed across the room. What I mean to say is, it was a bad shopping experience.

The Shack... is'nt that a mediocre fiction title from last year's NY Times Bestseller list?
Maybe the should have tried this a few years ago.. The Shaq.. when he was still doing ads for them. And when they were both significant to some degree.
He said everyone in Radio Shack's from the management to the regular employees are guilty of excessive amounts of theft of store property.

Seemed pretty simple to me. :)
English is far from the most popular or most spoken language on the planet... probably not on the Internet either, go figure...
The Shack??? Fail.
There was a day when The Shack ruled! How many old farts like me had a TRS-80 Color Computer or another Radio Shack brand device? I loved my CoCo, it literally changed my life. I built a telephone answering device with that CoCo and parts I bought from the Shack
Say whosy? :D
I was in their store last week and they looked like a shack,

No electronics parts for tinkering,,,
no real ham radio stuff,

but more cell phones than the homyes on the street are carrying.

if they wanted to be circuit city or best buy why not put in some DVD selections, and movie rental.

what happened to electronic tinkering, it was nothing for me to blow up a few op-amps making wacky circuits as a kid, even better detonating an electrolytic cap
They're not changing it because of difficulties in spelling it. They're changing it because they can't trademark a common word.

I'm going to protest Sci-Fi's name change by pronouncing their new name as "see-fee". :cool:


Oh man that one too! I forgot about that one. You take something that is somewhat intellectual, National Geographic, and shove it straight down to street retard level. I actually stopped watching that channel because of this (and because all their shows now suck anyway). "yeaahh doooood! Lets get loaded and watch some nat-geeooo bro! yeahh!! huh huhuuhuhu"
radio shack has always been able to find a niche in the community, here where i live its the only tech store within 5 miles. While theyre not known for the electronics anymore, they do sell phones/plans very well it seems. A lot of ppl around here will go to radioshack first for tech answers before approaching bigger brick and motor stores.
Their new CEO, has been closing under producing stores, and remodeling old stores, way before this recession started. I think they'll still be around for at least another decade.
Radio shack was good when you could actually BUY parts from them. now they are so limited that it isn't even funny