NASA Hacker 'Too Fragile' To Extradite

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[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
What kind of crap is this? Too fragile to face charges in the U.S.? They have padded shipping crates over there don’t they? Problem solved. ;)

Lawyers for Gary McKinnon say there is "clear, uncontradicted expert evidence" that the stress of extradition could result in psychosis and suicide. He has Asperger's syndrome and claims he was looking for details of UFOs.
I have Asperger's Syndrome.
though I am not a hacker. I have my own obsessions.
As for Asperger's, the potential psycological trauma is true. Depending on how deep into the autistic spectrum his diagnosis is, how serious of an attack he could have. Anything from a simple panic attack to extreme cases in which a siezure is induced.
He's still looking for an easy out to a problem he could have avoided in the first place.
He's still looking for an easy out to a problem he could have avoided in the first place.

^^^This. If he had kept his ass out of NASA's computer's regardless of what he was looking for he would not be in this mess.
Remind him how we use to ship people several hundred/thousands years ago, with or without their consent.
I love how his lawyer said he was "not a malicious hacker." How was him electronically breaking into government computers *anything* but malicious?
I love how his lawyer said he was "not a malicious hacker." How was him electronically breaking into government computers *anything* but malicious?

Did he fuck those computers over? Did he do any damage? Yeah...
Screw him they should send ufo's to his house to make him commit suicide.
sometimes, just sometimes, these people are legit.
Who cares if he's legit? It doesn't change what he did and the fact that he needs to be punished for it. We're going to lock him in a box for the rest of his life I don't see why we can't include some padding in it.

Giving him a pass because he might have a problem sends the message to others with that problem that it's ok for them to do things that put strain on the rest of us, instead of "oh crap, I better get help for my problem or I might end up like him"
People get to be that way because they got away with too much BS as a child.
Too bad, so sad, goto jail.
Asperger's syndrome my ass. I hope they fry the wuss just for trying to use that
Too fragile for the water boarding, sleep deprivation, and stress positions .... yes I can kind of see where he is coming from. :D
Too fragile for the water boarding, sleep deprivation, and stress positions .... yes I can kind of see where he is coming from. :D

most busy working adults already have sleep deprivation and sit in stress positions all day, whats the big deal?

Have any of you guys ever watched his youtube interview? I know he commited a crime, but the lack of security on NASA's network was almost as shocking as what he claimed he read. My stepdad is in the military and he told me they know UFO's are extraterrestrial vehicles ,we can't shoot them down and they violate our airspace with impunity. He also tells me that they are not in possesion of any et technology, they have no communications with them , etc (kinda makes me think the roswell story is a nice fairy tale to make people feel like the goverment has more of a handle on the UFO phenomenom). He personally thinks they just use Earth as a rest stop to change out/refill on water.

As for extradition, the kid commited a crime and he has to do the time. Sedate him then transport him.
My question would be: Was he diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome before, or after, this incident?

I mean we normally don't hold the "mentally ill" to the same standards, with regards to accountability, as we would a normal person. Same thing is true for Murder, and the Insanity plea. So even though we do see some abuses, or attempts to abuse these principles. That doesn't make the "principle" a bad thing. Do you want to live under a fascist dictatorship? Where all those deemed to be "unfit" are eliminated? ... well maybe you do! At least until YOU, or someone you care about, are "deemed unfit". Then you want "freedom from tyranny"! But the irony is that you can't have it "both ways".

Perhaps someday, those of you who think it's funny to be harsh and cruel, will grow up and learn to really think things through...
Jesus, it's not like he's being sent to Iran or somewhere. He's desperate to take advantage of the UK's abysmal "justice" system which seems to be terrified of locking people up.
Waaaay too much money has been spent dealing with this guy's BS appeals. There's an extradition treaty, tough luck.
Jesus, it's not like he's being sent to Iran or somewhere. He's desperate to take advantage of the UK's abysmal "justice" system which seems to be terrified of locking people up.
Waaaay too much money has been spent dealing with this guy's BS appeals. There's an extradition treaty, tough luck.

The guy is an idiot nutjob dick, but can anyone else say they wouldn't do everything in their power to avoid what he's facing?

The guy is facing penalties harsher than those that a murderer or rapist would face, effectively just for embarrassing the US government, this seems excessive to me.
Have any of you guys ever watched his youtube interview?

Have you read all of his "Fuck the U.S." interviews? Or the "I spent days going through secret documents" "They can't do shit to me" "I smoke weed all day" so on and so forth.

This guy is a class A douche that initially claimed the U.S. would torture him (that was his legal defense) now all the sudden it is Asperger's and thoughts of suicide.

The U.S. also offered him several deals, where he could travel to the U.S., turn himself in and serve from probation to a max of 3 years (with good time that is 24 months) and he would serve it in the U.K. to be close to his family....he turned ALL of the offers down.
The guy is an idiot nutjob dick, but can anyone else say they wouldn't do everything in their power to avoid what he's facing?

Oh, no, I don't blame him for trying :) I know I would.
Eventually it'll end up with the extradition being blocked by the European court of human rights or something absurd like that, and then all the years that this has been dragging on for will be taken off whatever pathetic sentence he ends up being given in the UK, and he'll be released almost immediately.
Hmmm, so espionage left un-punished as he has asbergers...

By the way, spies get the noose if they are caught.

You know what you do to a bad dog that cannot be treated or taught not to cause harm? You put them the fuck down! What, is that inhumane to do it to a human, bleeding hearts? Go ahead an adopt a mentally challenged person who has commited murder and cannot make a separation between right and wrong, then let them babysit your children. THEN you can talk to me about being humane.

Oh well, it's not like I'm surprised this happened. They give American rights to terrorists in Guitmo, give them the same trials that only American citizens get, and provide them rights under the international Geneva Conventions even though they do not qualify. Why the fuck not let any crazy hacker terrorist/spy fuck with whatever they want?
The Asperger's Syndrome bit is a load of crap, it's not a "mental illness", it's a social deficit and learning disorder. The idea that it explains away the crime or should somehow provide him immunity from extradition is garbage.

People need to read up on what that actually is before they try using it as an excuse. It's austism, but high-functioning and the idea that it could make stress result in "psychosis and suicide" is freaking laughable.
Have you read all of his "Fuck the U.S." interviews? Or the "I spent days going through secret documents" "They can't do shit to me" "I smoke weed all day" so on and so forth.

This guy is a class A douche that initially claimed the U.S. would torture him (that was his legal defense) now all the sudden it is Asperger's and thoughts of suicide.


If he's trying to say he has Asperger's in an attempt to get out of being prosecuted, he should be put into a box and fisted nightly just for that! Nothing hurts people who really suffer such things more than malingering asshats like that.
Mr McKinnon's legal case is being supported by the National Autistic Society (NAS).

The NAS said: "Asperger syndrome is part of the autism spectrum.

"It is not uncommon for people with Asperger syndrome to develop single-minded, obsessional interests, and to be unaware of the effect their actions have on others."

If this dude is faking his "syndrome", having this organization supporting him just hurt's their cause. I am inclined to believe that he is using any possible avenue to avoid extradition.
People need to read up on what that actually is before they try using it as an excuse. It's austism, but high-functioning and the idea that it could make stress result in "psychosis and suicide" is freaking laughable.

I think that guy is a lying, malingering sack of shit, but still that doesn't make that entirely true. High-functioning autism can be a living Hell under certain circumstances. Especially if your somebody like me who lived through the time before they figured out there were different levels of autism, and would get no treatment when I was a child after it was determined I could actually communicate with others. It used to be the determining factor of autism was whether a person could communicate externally or not.. That was it.. Then they found out that one could have autism and communicate at various levels, and that gave birth to the different levels of functionality.

I'm high-functioning enough to be able to reasonably communicate, but, no matter how hard I try, I can't hold a job very long without immense stress building up, causing a nervous breakdown. Heavy loads of stress on people in the autistic spectrum can cause all kinds of outbursts, and even self-destructive behavior, if the stressor isn't eliminated.

High-functioning.. What a misnomer. Sometimes I wish I were so autistic I couldn't even perceive reality. I'm autistic enough to not be able to hold a job or cobble together a decent social life, but normal enough to realize just how much I'm missing out on.

If the guy is autistic in any way, he might be right. But if he's lying, he should be strung up naked by his balls and beaten with baseball bats wielded by people who really do have Asperger's.
I love how his lawyer said he was "not a malicious hacker." How was him electronically breaking into government computers *anything* but malicious?

synonyms: malice, malevolence, ill will, spite, malignity, spleen, grudge, mean - the desire to see another experience pain, injury, or distress. malice implies a deep-seated often unexplainable desire to see another suffer

Please explain how breaking into a computer to search for alien technology he believed the government was hiding is malicious. :rolleyes:
Please explain how breaking into a computer to search for alien technology he believed the government was hiding is malicious. :rolleyes:

yeah, because people wouldn't make shit up in order to avoid punishment for their bad actions, nope, never happens.
This guy should be thanked for highlighting flaws in NASA's security system. I'm not saying what he did was right and I'm not saying that the "unfit to travel" plea is anything more than an excuse, I just think that a possible 70 years in jail for causing a few red faces amongst IT professionals is extreme.

Maybe we can talk about real crimes, such as why the US won't allow people responsible for the death of Matty Hull by US friendly fire to attend an MoD enquiry.
Ya know...what type of punishment are they talking here if he is convicted anyways? I mean are they trying to throw him into ass-pounding-all-day-long prison or like a minimum security joint?
Please explain how breaking into a computer to search for alien technology he believed the government was hiding is malicious. :rolleyes:
Surely you are joking? Oh I don't know, maybe the *definition* of malice (unless Merriam-Webster is wrong in their definition):

1 : desire to cause pain, injury, or distress to another
2 : intent to commit an unlawful act or cause harm without legal justification or excuse

Notice the first part of the 2nd definition... By that definition, what he did *was* malicious. How was he *not* intending to commit an unlawful act by hacking into their system? He had zero permission to access their system, be it open, closed, locked, unlocked.

I can see why he is trying to do this, though. If he can get the courts to side with changing the venue to England, then he has a good legal chance of them also changing the venue where he serves out his sentance.
The amount of hatred that people here harbour towards those with mental illnesses is sickening to me. Regardless of whether or not our hacker's claims are legitimate, that you are dismissing him solely because "Asperger syndrome isn't a real disease" or "he's just a fucking pussy" shows me that you are disgusting people.

The fact is, conditions such as Asperger syndrome, or any severe social/mental illness, be it schizophrenia, sociopathy, chronic depression, etc. are often the source of actions deemed unacceptable by society, and to claim that they are "just an excuse" to get away with said unacceptable behaviour is incredibly insulting to the millions around the world who have to deal with these conditions on a daily basis.I have a variety of social disorders/illnesses and I interact with those who are much more severe than me on a fairly regular basis, and I can attest that Asperger syndrome can be incredibly debilitating in some situations. I have a friend who has it. He literally thought he was a cartoon character for the first fourteen or so years of his life, and it still takes him about half an hour to walk a distance of two blocks because his sense of direction is so poor and he can be distracted so easily. Great guy, but he really doesn't have a clue sometimes, and it is no fault of his own.

This particular case needs to be examined much more closely before any conclusion can be made, guilty or innocent - but for the record, I think that he should be given the benefit of the doubt. As for extraditing him? That's a harder question to answer, but I'm unsure why his family can't accompany him to the United States. The stress he is under may certainly be legitimate, especially considering his condition. Wouldn't the judicial system pay for it if it were necessary for his own health?
I'm high-functioning enough to be able to reasonably communicate, but, no matter how hard I try, I can't hold a job very long without immense stress building up, causing a nervous breakdown. Heavy loads of stress on people in the autistic spectrum can cause all kinds of outbursts, and even self-destructive behavior, if the stressor isn't eliminated.

I wish I didn't know exactly what this felt like... at one time I thought I had Asperger's too because I've always had extreme difficulty in social situations. Never mind holding down a job... I couldn't even get one in the first place for many years. I'd go to job interviews and fail miserably because I couldn't relate to people I didn't know. Finally I wised up enough to go see a psychiatrist and got the official diagnosis - turns out I have two disorders. Bipolar spectrum (mild) and social anxiety disorder (severe). The two of them together often mimic Asperger's, which is why I thought I had it. Once I learned to work around them, I started doing ok.

As for the dude in question, I'd want to be sure he actually has Asperger's and if so, how severe is it? When that's determined, one can go about determining an appropriate punishment for the crime. As mentioned, the term "high functioning" is a bit misleading... it doesn't really equate to being normal. It just means you're doing good in society for someone with a form of autism.
What kind of crap is this? Too fragile to face charges in the U.S.? They have padded shipping crates over there don’t they? Problem solved. ;)

What a pussy. Really. He's this hard core hacker or so he claimed, and now he's shitting biscuits that he may have to face the US court system.
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