NB Chipsetblock on NF3 boards.


Feb 15, 2003
As most of owners would know, the location of NB chipset is... not that great. However, ever since I moved to X800XT from 6800GT, I see some possibility of putting one in there... it still looks tight. Suggestions on blocks that will go in there without much pain? I have MSI-K8N Neo2 but most of NF3 boards has the location in relation to AGP at exact same place. (I have Zalman NB heatsink with cut fins to accomodate 6800GT and that worked on 6 diff NF3 boards :p)
Believe it or not, I do need better cooling on NB at this stage of overclocking after few testings I've done now.
I use a DangerDen maze4 and it fits perfectly with my 9800 if that helps
On my new Chaintech VNF3-250 board Ive already prefit my DD Z-chipset block on the northbridge. Running a 9800 Pro, the block is damned close to the vid card but it does clear it. Ive seen a few that have the NB in worse placement than mine.
Interesting, rest assured, chaintech has nb at exact same location in correlation to AGP slot as Asus K8NE Dlx or MSI K8N Neo2 or DFI LP 754 or Giga K8Ns Ultra :) (yes, I went through all 5 boards, even multiple of them in some cases :p)
Now... would polarflow be better block than dd one? I just love the look of it and design concept do intrigue me. (restriction is not a big issue as I only will have maze4 GPU block and chipset block on MCP600 with swiftech dual 80mm radi).
I am using an Aqua-Computer block. Its small, pretty low in profile, and looks great. However, my Innovatek 6800 GPU+Ram block was touching it.. by a hair. Had to shave off a little of the plexi before it would fit right. The card with the stock heatsink was even more in the way, had to cut two fins off the heatsink for it to fit, before I put the block on.
Jinu117. Ive switched to a polarflo for my cpu and gpu blocks (chrome).They sure are nicely crafted blocks. Stayed with the DD Z-chipset for the NB only because of its compact size and I wanst sure how much room Id have. I didnt do any checking on the polarflo chipset block so cant say if it will fit or not.