NB Strap...

That's a good question. I haven't seen a utility that tells you that info. Everything I've seen is more just "whenever you're running at XXX FSB, your strap is XXXX."

If anyone has seen a utility for this, post a link :).
Right, but the strap change differs per chip right? So all you can do is guess?
get mbench and look at the latency. try 400 and 401 or something like that and you should be able to tell. for instance, i'm in the 40's-50's when at 400fsb. at 401, it goes right up to 60's-70's.
yep it's as easy as that or even Superpi, run a 8mb bench, it will be noticeable slower even though the CPU speeds have increased....
Sandra memory bandwidth is another easy way to tell.

At 400FSB I get around 8000MBps

At 425FSB I get around 7500MBps