Nearly 9 Million Wii's sold worldwide! (As of June)


Limp Gawd
Aug 19, 2005
Here is the worldwide chart as of June 2007:
Microsoft Xbox 360: 10.13 Million
Nintendo Wii: 8.85 Million
Sony PS3: 3.61 Million

Nintendo DS: 45.36
Sony PSP: 22.34

Zelda: Twilight Princess sold over around 3.3 Million copies alone!

Think about it, the Xbox 360 has been around for almost 2 years, and it sold 10 million, and the Wii only for 8 months and its almost closed the gap between them!

Game developers better start investing some good money into developing exclusive games for the Wii, that is a HUGE market, thus more people will buy the games, therefore more profit for them!

Chart from
Game developers better start investing some good money into developing exclusive games for the Wii, that is a HUGE market, thus more people will buy the games, therefore more profit for them!

The thing about nintendo systems is that people buy them to play nintendo's first party games (mario, zelda, pokemon, etc.). Case in point, Top 10 selling DS games, all 1st party, Top 10 selling gamecube games, all but one (RE4), 1st party. So I dont really think nintendo systems are all that appealing to other developers regardless of marketshare.
The thing about nintendo systems is that people buy them to play nintendo's first party games (mario, zelda, pokemon, etc.). Case in point, Top 10 selling DS games, all 1st party, Top 10 selling gamecube games, all but one (RE4), 1st party. So I dont really think nintendo systems are all that appealing to other developers regardless of marketshare.

I've never seen another developer really try though on Nintendo platforms, except for Capcom who came through with RE4. Ubisoft tried to cash in on the Wii when it came out, and they succeeded, but unfortunately we got rushed games like Red Steel, which I thought had a lot of potential.

Developers will make games for the 360 and PS3, and then think "Oh boy, we can put this on the Wii with awesome motion controls" well.. no, just release the game on the 360 and PS3, because its probably not a good fit for the Wii. And its not like people are going to end up owning the Wii exclusively, most households are probably going to end up with PS3 + Wii or Xbox360 + Wii.

The Wii needs unique games built from the ground up for it, but they still need the same polish as 360 and PS3 games, but developers seem to ignore that part. They think "Okay we got motion controls... everything else sucks, but nobody will mind!" There are some interesting 3rd party games on the way, and I just saw that De Blob game which will probably just find a niche audience, but it looks pretty sweet so far. Capcom is once again pulling through with their Zack and Wiki (Treasure Hunter Z) game which also looks pretty fun and it looks like they put a decent amount of effort into it.

I think just as the DS, developers are going to need to find the right games, and the right way to develop games for the Wii. So yeah, we're getting a shitstorm of mini-games now, but I thik that will come to pass once some 3rd party really gets a hit out. Hopefully E3 will show some good things to come.

Don't know how accurate is, but interesting tally.

Regardless, im just glad Nintendo didn't pull another gamecube;

I usually look at because it looks like they just take data reported by the NPD and other official groups and add them together, while nexgenwars just seems to have some counting algorithm running or something. But really, none of these should be taken as 100% accurate, but vgchartz had a 95% accuracy rate when Sony announced their 1 million PS3's sold benchmark (vgcharts was showing .95 million at the time I believe.)
Microsoft announce last week that they had shipped 11.6 million consoles by June 30th, which fell a little short of their 12 million goal. So there's one definite number.
Microsoft announce last week that they had shipped 11.6 million consoles by June 30th, which fell a little short of their 12 million goal. So there's one definite number.

Shipped but not sold, big difference ;). Could be a ton of them lieing around. :)
Shipped but not sold, big difference ;). Could be a ton of them lieing around. :)

Right.. when they announced their 10 million shipped, it still took awhile after that to get 10 million sold.
Now with the Wii on the other hand.... most of the ones shipped are sold :p

E3 is just around the corner cant wait to see what Suprises are around the corner!
qft @ Wii actually being sold.

I have not gone into a single store yet and have seen a Wii box just sitting around. And I go into a decent amount of CC/BB/Target/Fred meyer/Sears from time to time.

On the other hand for x360/ps3 boxes..

and thanks for that website, xerus
man that shit is retarded man. i dont know what manner of evil nintendo is doing but they must have sold there souls to satan himself for the ammount of success its been havin. i have never seen a wii in the store ever. the funniest part about all of this was the analysts predicting the wii being dead last and the fanboys saying "Oh don't pre-order a wii, there'll be tons of them in stores. who wants a wii! it doesnt even do HD!!1111!!111one"
The whole HD argument of course was emphasized greatly on here, and on forums across the web. But most of that were on enthusiast forums that I saw. And unfortunately, most of the world isn't really tech enthusiasts, which the Wii just has a great appeal to despite not having HD support in the 1080 realm.

Regardless, im glad they went the way they did. All I want for Christmas is SSBB (unlikely), Mario Galaxy and heavy hitters out to end a year and push more sales. Because as it is, I haven't found time to play it besides with friends. Primary gaming is done more on the cpu
E3 is just around the corner cant wait to see what Suprises are around the corner!
This. Undoubtedly publishers/developers have taken keen interested in the Wii and I suspect a number of them will have COMPLETELY reassessed their perspective of the game market from one of technical feats to one of interactivity and involvement. Not to suggest games were uninteractive before, but if we were to look at 360/PS3 in this manner they present a greater potential for interactive content than the Wii could ever dream.

Point is, I think we'll see a lot of very interesting stuff on the horizon for everything. Of course I am most interested in Wii software, given the interface; however, I believe this next year of gaming is going to get quite interesting on the whole.
I'm sorry but Nintendo completely fooled everyone with the Wii. We all got pwned by marketing.

Wii Sports is the reason so many people bought it and when they realize that the game is one of the very few good ones, and it is not that good and has absolutely no depth, the console sits there and collects dust most of the time.

Complete lack of online gameplay, and not a single AAA exclusive so far (Twilight Princess came out for GC and RE4 is a re-release). It definitely does not live up to the hype.

Everytime people play mine they always say they "have to get one" but I always warn them to wait. All my friends with Wii's feel the same way too.
Well done wii and Nintendo. Shame that all the people I know who actually have one dont play on it. Sad but true. It was almost impulse purchase, and now the initial appeal has wore off my mates are back with me on their 360's and the odd PS3..

Its the nintendo gamecube story all over again for the Wii in europe.. and by that I mean hardly any decent games worth buying, plus key titles delayed for 6 months whilst they roll out in Japan and the US, if at all.

Its great the MS has competition, but nintendo is really doing a poor job in getting people to believe the wii is a long term console option with so many gathering dust.
lol like any console that barelly comes out. Its not like its suppost to have AAA hits just at launch. It takes time for the major games to come out. Look at 360, gears of war didn't come out until awhile after launch. Pretty sure we'll see some good games for the wii just like any other system. Just takes time :)
I'm sorry but Nintendo completely fooled everyone with the Wii. We all got pwned by marketing.

Wii Sports is the reason so many people bought it and when they realize that the game is one of the very few good ones, and it is not that good and has absolutely no depth, the console sits there and collects dust most of the time.

Complete lack of online gameplay, and not a single AAA exclusive so far (Twilight Princess came out for GC and RE4 is a re-release). It definitely does not live up to the hype.

You are a fool, in every post you make on this forum. I have proven you wrong before (the PS3 price cut thread) and you will be proven wrong here.
Wii Sports 2 is rumored to be announced at E3, and will probably be available by fall of this year!

Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime are going to be a start of something amazing for the Wii :p

Also CoD 4 will be released for the Wii (and according to the developers it will be running at 60fps on all consoles) but i sure as hell hope that they put some decent man hours into the Wii version for its controls as well as porting its graphics (cause the Wii is capable of handling good graphics... i like to call it Next Gen graphics running at lower resolution)
I'm sorry but Nintendo completely fooled everyone with the Wii. We all got pwned by marketing.

Wii Sports is the reason so many people bought it and when they realize that the game is one of the very few good ones, and it is not that good and has absolutely no depth, the console sits there and collects dust most of the time.

Complete lack of online gameplay, and not a single AAA exclusive so far (Twilight Princess came out for GC and RE4 is a re-release). It definitely does not live up to the hype.

Everytime people play mine they always say they "have to get one" but I always warn them to wait. All my friends with Wii's feel the same way too.

So called 'critics' said the exact same about the Nintendo DS. The fact of the matter is the Wii is selling at an incredible rate, and is doing so WITHOUT a huge must-have game other then Zelda. Wait until innovative games showing the true capabilities of the Wii controller (such as Nintendogs did for the DS) hit the shelves. It took over a year for the DS to pick up massive steam and the term 'gimmick' turned into 'must have' (heck the PSP was outselling the DS at one point).

That said, I suggest a 360 to gamers over the Wii at the moment, simply because the Wii caters more to mainstream, and the 360 simply just has a great library of games right now.
You are a fool, in every post you make on this forum. I have proven you wrong before (the PS3 price cut thread) and you will be proven wrong here.

How do you intend to prove an opinion about the relative merits of a console wrong? I'll be here waiting for you to point out the AA titles on the wii to rebut him.
So called 'critics' said the exact same about the Nintendo DS. The fact of the matter is the Wii is selling at an incredible rate, and is doing so WITHOUT a huge must-have game other then Zelda. Wait until innovative games showing the true capabilities of the Wii controller (such as Nintendogs did for the DS) hit the shelves. It took over a year for the DS to pick up massive steam and the term 'gimmick' turned into 'must have' (heck the PSP was outselling the DS at one point).

That said, I suggest a 360 to gamers over the Wii at the moment, simply because the Wii caters more to mainstream, and the 360 simply just has a great library of games right now.

To me the DS is still a gimmick. I have a few friends who have one and they hardly use their's.

But then again, I'm not a fan of handhelds at all. I wouldn't get a PSP either.
45 million sold is not a gimmick or a fad, just because you don't enjoy it.

Just because people do something en masse, does not give it unquestioned legitimacy.
You nintendo haters amaze me. Nintendo has the 2 best selling consoles right now and the best selling console games and all you can say is fad this and gimmick that. Get a fucking clue and get off your high horse. Nintendo is NOT the underdog and never has been, Nintendo corporation is worth more than ALL of Sony.
You nintendo haters amaze me. Nintendo has the 2 best selling consoles right now and the best selling console games and all you can say is fad this and gimmick that. Get a fucking clue and get off your high horse. Nintendo is NOT the underdog and never has been, Nintendo corporation is worth more than ALL of Sony.

Personally I think the DS is pretty fun due to its large library. I think the wii is the nsync of consoles, and has no good games, unless you want to play pointless and repetitive minigames. You seem to take this very personally for some reason...did Nintendo cure your little sister's cancer or something?

That's my opinion. Yours seems to be that nintendo can do no wrong simply because they've sold a lot. General Electric is worth a lot of money, but I don't drool on their feet.
Just because people HERE don't use their Wii's, doesn't mean everybody is in the same boat. If there's one thing I've noticed about the Wii its that people who do use it ... aren't me, or most people that post here. We are much more intense in our video gaming so we're at it much more. Of course, in that case, something like the Wii is going to get old fast. But, the people who ARE buying and who ARE using it, consistently, are the people who use it as family and friends entertainment only. Have friends over ... or play it with the young kids. They don't go home every evening from work, boot up the Wii and play for a few hours. That's not their playing style ... and its not the playing style for the Wii's target audience or mass playing base. My cousin has one, couple guys at work have them ... even months after buying the thing they still do it. Heck, the CFO had a couple clients down to his house to play it for a laugh.

THAT is the kind of game system the Wii is. Using our yardstick to measure it as an "impulse item" is sadly why most of us would, if given the opportunity, build an Xbox360 or PS3 if we had to design the thing. But, we also wouldn't sell 8 million in 8 months either because we don't think like Joe Average consumer.
You nintendo haters amaze me. Nintendo has the 2 best selling consoles right now and the best selling console games and all you can say is fad this and gimmick that. Get a fucking clue and get off your high horse. Nintendo is NOT the underdog and never has been, Nintendo corporation is worth more than ALL of Sony.

Completely untrue about nintendo being bigger than all of sony. Sony as a whole is worth WAY more than nintendo.
Completely untrue about nintendo being bigger than all of sony. Sony as a whole is worth WAY more than nintendo.

ya, nintendo's more profitable than sonys gaming division. sony is a whole is worth a couple billion dollars more
Nintendo is more profitable than ALL of Sony. If it weren't for Windows, they'd be more profitable than Microsoft, as well ;)
nintendo's more profitable than all of sony ahahahahahah thats great.

You do know sony makes a TON of stuff.....Some of the highest grossing movies were from Sony........listed a few for you. Ninendo would have to do a lot better than make a wireless wiimote to become a larger all of sony.

Spider-Man 3 (2007) $883,203,757
Spider-Man (2002) $821,708,551
Spider-Man 2 (2004) $783,766,341
The Da Vinci Code (2006) $758,239,851
Casino Royale (2006) $594,239,066
Men in Black (1997) $589,390,549

hahahhahahaahahha, eat that :) A little google makes a whole bunch of people in this thread look like total fools

Completely untrue about nintendo being bigger than all of sony. Sony as a whole is worth WAY more than nintendo.
sony is a whole is worth a couple billion dollars more
No, they're not. People need to stop being so ignorant.
nintendo's more profitable than all of sony ahahahahahah thats great.
I know, isn't it?
To me the DS is still a gimmick. I have a few friends who have one and they hardly use their's.

But then again, I'm not a fan of handhelds at all. I wouldn't get a PSP either.

If you're not a fan of handhelds I could understand not being interested in DS, but I'd think it's well past *Crystal clear* that whatever else DS might be, it isn't a gimmick :p
ya i read somewhere that the Nintendo guy is more wealthy than the Sony dude.

But let us not forget how Sony has a lot of other products that they produce, like TV's, mp3 players, dvd players, home theatre systems, phones, radio clocks, blank discs, digital camera's, slr camera's, etc...

but apparently still nintendo's owner is more wealthy than sony dispite that fact :p

it would be awesome if Nintendo released a Chat program for the Wii (at E3 as a suprise),
or better yet, MSN for the Wii ;)
ya i read somewhere that the Nintendo guy is more wealthy than the Sony dude.

But let us not forget how Sony has a lot of other products that they produce, like TV's, mp3 players, dvd players, home theatre systems, phones, radio clocks, blank discs, digital camera's, slr camera's, etc...

but apparently still nintendo's owner is more wealthy than sony dispite that fact :p

it would be awesome if Nintendo released a Chat program for the Wii (at E3 as a suprise),
or better yet, MSN for the Wii ;)

Better yet, Live for Wii, in a new joint effort with MS to standardize services, mwahaha. Evil, i tell you. Impossible, but evil even so :D