Nearly Done! 56k Not here, not ever!

Jan 30, 2005
Alright, as some of you may know, ive been adventuring in the land of Aqua. Air was too noisy for me, and i didnt have the cashola for phase. so i went water.

My arsonal:

Pump : Ehiem 1250
CPU Block : DD RBX
GPU Block : Maze4 GPU
Heatercore : Bonneville 1977 W/AC
Tubing : Clearflex 60
Secret Ingredient : Pentosin Antifreeze


Thats the system last night while its still bleeding.


cool blue!


after night bleeding.

Now to move it upstairs and mount!
that system looks like you should get excellent value out of it.

good temps, low noise, for a reasonable price.

good luck, and i hope to see your temps soon.
thanks for the comments. thanks for the help a long time ago Dashi. i love the way the blue antifreeze looks. it makes it seem colder then regular plain or green water.
what did you build that shroud in the background of the third pic out of? good old tape and cardboard or...?
i built the shroud outta a k8n neo box that my heatercore was sent in, and electical tape. im gonan cover it in duct tape soon as thats stronger.
yay i killed my 6600gt. im soo pissed at myself for being a fucking idiot. ARG! ahh, now i either hafta buy a new graphics card, or i might just sell this whole stupid rig. i dont even care anymore.
i cracked the core, im in a horrible mood. im gonna go skate. im thinking of selling this whole rig. i just dont care anymore.
Looking at this thread on 64K wasnt bad. Shouldnt be too much worse for 56K.

Too bad about the videocard. Ive broken a motherboard moisture-proofing it for a 130W peltier.

Buy a gun, take the videocard out to a dirt pile, paint a target on it, and fire away.
after a day of fresh air, and some time to think, im back in the game. im gonna take out that 6600gt and put in a fx5200 tommarow and get me a new highscore for cpu speed, im thiking 312x9! my next gpu will be a 6200 hopefully which will unlock to its full 8 pipelines, so it wont be crippled. ill take some pics tommarow morning of teh corrupt bios and the loop connected. wish me luck!
loop hooked up showing the parts upclose


loop hooked up showing all parts


and last but not least, my ghetto surge protector/pump relay!

Impressive, I bet you get a ton of flow with that system :) (Of course making it highly efficent)
Just a thought on your cracked core. Everyone always says to put the loop together outside the case and leak test, then install it. I, like you, did that. I had a hell of a time wrestling the gpu block onto my video card. I cracked my core. The next time, I carefully installed the block onto my card, and then hooked up the tubing. Worked alot better for me.
thanks for the tip jonsey. i never thought of doing it that way, my luck id spill on my graphics card though. what do you guys think of the colors? that blue is the hardest thing to find.
yup, its the pentosin stuff. i had a forum member over on ocforums send me an 8 ounce bottle. for free. those are the type of guys i love. i need to elivate my heatercore, as its not getting adiquate airflow.
Holy fuck, loosen your screws on your GPU cooler man... Danger Den only reccommends tightening it 60% of the way... Not ALL the way... Thats probably why you cracked your core.
KrakenGuy said:
Holy fuck, loosen your screws on your GPU cooler man... Danger Den only reccommends tightening it 60% of the way... Not ALL the way... Thats probably why you cracked your core.
geez......i hadn't notice until you pointed it out, but you're right!

DD should really use washer-ish things like the ones that swiftech uses on their chipset air cooler, which limit how much you can compress the spring.

on a side note: is it only the maze 4-1 GPU cooler that has the cross-arm to make sure that pressure between the two springs is more or less equal?
dont feel too bad, i blew a 6600gt just like yours doing the exact same thing. it was really stupid of nvidia to not use a shim on that model. things got worse when i blew my 3200+ by taking off the heatspreader and mounting a block to it.
well, i was like 90% sure that i killed the card prior to setting up water, like while fitting the cooler onto the card for tubing sizing. when i get my 6200 in, i will be 3000000 times more careful. im gonna get those spring stoppers from a Ace hardware or something.
hmmm now thats what i have been looking for. blue additives that WONT need UV lights and all that crap. thanks meng.

condolences on your gpu tho.
just head up to a VW dealer or Audi dealer, and ask for pentosin antifreeze. now that i think about it, autozone might have some. i did a 11/89 mix, and thats the color i got, you could easily get a richer color.