need a 140mm to 180mm fan adapter


Nov 29, 2004
Can anyone 3d print an adapter to mount a 140mm fan in the space of a 180mm? The outer edges need to be the full size/outline of the 180mm fan (SST-AP181), so that air can't pass around the sides.

Also, is it possible to make this so that the mount to the 140mm fan is done without adding to the thickness of the 140mm fan? The 140mm fan is 25mm thick, replacing a 180mm fan that is 32mm thick. I need as many of those millimeters back as I can get, to squeeze in a 3090 video card in my case.. I have a Silverstone FT02 and still love it. Has to be a better solution than "buy a new $200 case".

Thoughts? So far only found something close on Etsy and it adds the mounts' thickness to the fans thickness. He usually prints them 4mm thick but said he can do 3mm. That leaves basically no free wiggle room, there has to be another way to do it.
Though somewhat messy, you could also make a 2x2 grid of slim 90mm fans methinks. Though the noise would certainly be more noticeable...
The silverstone 18mm thick fans are nowhere to be found. I searched far and wide for both models. Apparently the static pressure was shit and they've been discontinued. Or the market was just not there. Reading the specs page, it says "good pressure" and even more cfm than the current fans... marketing I suspect, look how skinny each blade is. Those would have problems fighting any resistance.

The current fan is the SST-AP181, which is 100.27CFM and 30 dba
The 140mm fan I bought is the Noctua NF-A14 iPPC-2000 IP67 PWM, this is 107.5cfm, 31.5dba. So couldn't ask for a better replacement really.

The existing fan is 32mm thick, the 140mm one is 25mm thick.

That Phyoba fan on frozencpu would fit nicely and give me +7mm. Half of the CFM tho. As hot as these GPU's run I would rather add CFM than lower it if at all possible.

I suspect either solution will be a bit 'ugly' but I keep the side on the case, and much prefer one of these solutions to a $200 Fractal Design Define 7 XL which would be my only real replacement case. But like I said, I really love this FT02 so something to avoid replacing it would be amazing.

Appreciate everyone trying their google-fu, can't hurt.
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Not that this helps if you can’t find the 18mm fans, but I built an FT02 with those exact fans and a single 540mm radiator. Works incredibly well. I scratch built a case with two 560mm radiators and 8 Noctuas. Frankly, it’s like difference between a 3080 and a 3090. Massive price increase, minimal performance difference, just bigger and quieter.

FT02 is a glorious case.

Do not be afraid to just zip tie the 140s into the 180 holes and tape the gaps closed. Otherwise, break out the cardstock and hot glue to make an adapter to ‘widen’ the frame on the 140mm.

Thinking about it, all you really need is a flat sheet. If you want to be fancy, you can use metal or plexiglass, but honestly cardboard, cardstock, stiff plastic, thin wood sheet will all do the trick. Get a sheet 180mm by 180mm (Or 360/540 depending on how many fans) and use the case or fans to mark the 165mm mounting hole spacing. Then place your 140mm fan wherever you want on the sheet, mark its holes and fan area, cut those out, fasten the fan(s) to the sheet, then attach that assembly to the case. Normal fan screws will mount the 140mm fans solidly to the sheet, how you affix the sheet to the case is dependent on you ghetto you want to be. You can scale all the way from threading a metal sheet to accept case screws to good ole interference fit with the aid of gravity.
Basically you are making a new case floor and making the necessary holes in that floor for the 140mm fan(s)
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I was only planning on replacing the middle 180mm fan for now. Reading more closely on silverstones website on the FT02 the card length is can have while the 180mm fans are there is 12" (304mm) or 12.2" (309mm) (with fan grille removed).
The 3090FE is 313mm, and looking at several of the partner 3090's, they are all longer at 319mm to 320mm. The FE is my only real option. But I can't even see how to remove the grill, looks built into the fan. Maybe they mean the dust filter? I was hoping to keep the dust filter with the 140mm fan.

The guy on Etsy who 3d prints fan adapters is trying to think of a way to make one that doesn't add to the thickness of the fan, so holding out hope he comes up with something.
cut something like this out of acrylic / plastic sheet:

(Obviously change the dimensions to match what you want to use.)

Someone else also suggested using a piece of acrylic and just cutting it as needed. I do have a dremel so I will try to grab a piece of plexi tomorrow and work on it. I think it could be done in a way that the mount is around the edge of the fan, and use some pieces to latch into the corners, and screw into those. With the goal being no added thickness and hopefully room for a grill on the 140.
If you feel decent about the looks, attach the plate to the bottom of the case on the “outside” which should buy you a few mm.
This is what the guy on Etsy designed for me. Waiting to get the fan today to measure the flange, so he can make it exact. But I am really excited to try these:

I asked for it not to add to the fans thickness. So looks perfect to me. Using a sheet of plexi adds the plexis' thickness to the 25mm of the 140mm fan. I need every millimeter back I can get.
BAWLS is right though, if that mount is a rigid single piece then fitting the fan in there will likely be hard to impossible.

But I do appreciate the thickness it saves you. Clever design in that regard.

Just get the guy to make it in two peices. Two “L” shapes should do the trick.
Might be a few weeks before I get the mounting adapter... shipping from europe so might take awhile. But once I get it I will let you guys know how well they worked, take a picture.
If you can't fit the fan in, just cut the part that connects the two halves. Should only need to cut one side, but you can remove the whole strip from both sides if you want. The screws should support the fan just fine without it (may sag a bit, depending on orientation, though).
Lots of space now, measured it at 315mm, so just enough for a 3090Fe now (if only I could get one)

I just got the 3090FE and have the exact same issue where I had to take out the middle fan. Where did you get this on ETSY? I might be interested in one. Did it install and fit perfectly? How much did it cost with shipping? Were the screws included?
He included everything for the mount.

The fan of course I got off Amazon and had its own screws to attach to the mount.

Still trying for the 3090FE, so I have not verified the fit, but I measured a total of 315mm by measuring existing card out of the case and then added what I measured from the card edge when installed to the fan after installation with my fancy new mount. This is +7mm and should allow I believe 2mm clearance for the 3090FE.

Here is the store page:
He doesn't have this mount listed, but there are links to contact the owner. Message him he was great to work with.

Note: For the Noctua fan I used, on each corner it had a plastic bar that got in the way of the custom mount, it was easily fixed with a dremel + cutoff tool (the flat disc things) to make a notch in that plastic about 1/8" by 1/8".
Pictured here in this fuzzy pic I took before installing it:
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Thanks for the info. I may look into this. Do you have any picture zoomed out to see how the bottom of the case looks like with all 3 fans? Just curious
Thank you that’s what I was curious about. I have the 3090 and just trying to figure out the fan situation now.

Its a great design but it may have issues with fans that have leds or reinforcements in the corner.
Is the design posted anywhere so those with a printer already can just print it?