Need a card for wow


Jun 28, 2007
I am not into gaming at all :eek:

I'm looking for a card for a buddies rig

right now his rig has an Athlon X4 630 8 gigs Corsair 400W

the screen is running at 1366 x 768

wow cataclysm will be the main game being played

Looking for a card under $150.00 and it has to have hdmi

Thanks in advance
Probably a 6870 would be your best bet. They sell for around 150 with rebate.
6770 and below would be my choice. even then he might have to upgrade his psu depending on how old it is.
Is WoW the only game that is going to need a dedicated card for?
And more importantly is he stuck at 1366x768?

The low resolution means that any $150 DX11 card is going to play at >60fps on Ultra settings. I think that just about any current game is playable on a $150 card if you set the resolution to 1366x768.

For the most part WoW is geared toward low spec systems including laptops with integrated graphics - turn down the graphics even one notch and it will play >60fps on a $75 card (i.e. HD 4670). A quick look at Newegg shows some of these rebated down to $49.99.

So unless he wants to play other demanding games, or he is going to get a bigger monitor, he might want to save his money and aim for a sub $100 card like some of those already suggested (i.e. HD 5770 and GTS 450). This will run the game at maximum settings and provide some headroom for future expansions.
The tv/monitor he has right now will end up being replaced its a Wal-Mart deluxe Curtis Mathis 22"
No idea on when he wants to get a real monitor

He might end up playing other games later on .