Need a case or bag (ASUS 1000HE)


Sep 21, 2003
What do you guys use? I would prefer a single-shouldered backpack type thing as I usually have a diaper bag slung over also. Hell, if it had the appearance of a shoulder holster, even better as most of the bags I've found are either huge, or look like purses :rolleyes:
I would just use a regular back pack as it is the most comfortable thing to carry around.
Most of the time I slip mine into a zipper-less Case Logic neoprene sleeve (it's made for portable DVD players but it fits just right) and I toss it into the same messenger bag I've always used for school, along with one or two books, etc. I did buy this one Targus bag (again, meant for portable DVD players) that's much smaller for when I wanted to carry it sans any books but I wanted to tote around some accessories (mouse, etc.). It's still big enough that I can fit a noteook in there tho. I also bought a slightly hardier case w/foam and a zipper that goes all the way around, for when I travel and I toss it in my carry-on.
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Most of the time I slip mine into a zipper-less Case Logic neoprene sleeve (it's made for portable DVD players but it fits just right) and I toss it into the same messenger bag I've always used for school, along with one or two books, etc. I did buy this one Targus bag (again, meant for portable DVD players) that's much smaller for when I wanted to carry it sans any books but I wanted to tote around some accessories (mouse, etc.). It's still big enough that I can fit a noteook in there tho. I also bought a slightly hardier case w/foam and a zipper that goes all the way around, for when I travel and I toss it in my carry-on.

Does that last one lave enough space for the power cord/brick? If it had another pouch on the outside for those and possibly a slim external optical, it'd be damn near perfect. I kept searching for the ASUS when I forgot several others are the same size.
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I'd also be interested in a protective carrying case (not just a neoprene sleeve as the one that comes with it) that has room for the powersupply and maybe a mouse as well. Seems like there's a new untapped market for netbook cases that not many have tapped into yet.

looking into this one right now:
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I had a hell of a time finding the "perfect" carry case for my 1000HA and finally settled on a camera bag made by LowePro. It's nicely padded and a touch smaller than a regular backpack.,2034,4.htm

This ran me about 90 Canadian.

The inner compartment setup breaksdown easily and can be reconfigured so that two of the compartment pieces will each hold a Western Digital Passport drive. The back compartment is good for cables and various other odds and ends.

The top compartment, meant for an SLR camera, is largish.

I used this bag to travel with the 1000HA, drives, cables, small digital camera, etc, to Belize. It fits well under a seat on the plane as well.
Does that last one lave enough space for the power cord/brick? If it had another pouch on the outside for those and possibly a slim external optical, it'd be damn near perfect. I kept searching for the ASUS when I forgot several others are the same size.

You mean the one with the memory foam and whatnot? When I bought it, I saw a version with an extra zippered pouch on the side, lemme see if I can find it on Amazon... Actually when I bought mine it was from an entirely different reseller on Amazon, but it was that very same case. I went with the pouch-less one because when I'm traveling airport security tends to want the laptop to go thru the x-ray machine on something with no extra pockets or zippers along the main body of the laptop, and that's what I was gonna use it for. I put that on my carry on bag and I take the laptop out in it, still protected, and place it on their machine w/no worries about scratches, bumping, etc.

Edit: Here it is, those are actually the people that I bought mine from, Senyx... Though the one I had seen didn't have that checkered design. It's actually larger than an AAO, it definitely fits the vast majority of netbooks. They have another one tagged as an HP 2133 case, though I'm sure it's the same darned thing, but that one's the non-checkered design. They're all made by this Korean company called Burnoaa if you wanna try searching elsewhere for 'em, the plastic packaging was actually all in Korean or the most hilarious engrish you can imagine, heh... But it felt like it was of good quality regardless, the zippers have a layer between them and the inside so it doesn't scratch the netbook, the padding is pretty strong and grips the laptop well, it even has a small loop for a lock on the zippers.

I just saw Senyx's storefront on Amazon actually has a whole host of netbook cases, including the same one tagged as an 1000HE case and another one that touts having "double the memory foam" and it's navy blue nylon on the outside rather than pleather, if that suits your fancy more. You can definitely fit the small AC adapter and a small optical drive on that side pouch btw. Think I saw one with shoulder straps too.
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I started really searching last night on Amazon and e-bay mostly. I found dozens, but the lack of good info and descriptions is frustrating. Luckily, the prices aren't bad...'cept one NICE leather one I found for $95! Sure did look good. :eek:
Yeah, it seems like they're mostly imported en masse and info is usually non-existent, I've been happy with the quality of that Burnoaa one I bought, I think it protects it just enough when traveling w/o being needlessly bulky. The foam padding is about as thick as the padding in most typical laptop bags.

I ordered that one. I e-mailed the seller and he told me he was able to fit his 10" and a slim optical in one. Unfortunately, I neglected to ask about the power cord (oops). It should be here soon. If my wife doesn't kill me over the glut of UPS, FedEx, and USPS boxes arriving over the next few days, I'll post up some pics and a review :D
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Best Buy carries a bag made just for netbooks for about 39.00 it looks really nice too. in the laptop bag isle. I know when my 1000he comes in I will be getting that ;)
Looks like teh same thing as the Amazon ones I had linked Kil4Thril, your cords should fit with the optical drive in there, you'll like it imo. I never use those strips to secure the netbook within the case and use it inside it though, always felt it'd get too hot (not enough ventilation) sitting in there all the time. YMMV depending on where the vent ports for your netbook are.
I never had ANY intention of using the thing in the bag. I really just want decent protection, whilst still being small enough to carry my necessities. This one appears to be able to handle it. I expect it will be here today or tomorrow. It's impossible to use the USPS tracking system. :rolleyes:
I ordered this for less than $6 shipped for my NC10. It should be here in the next few days. I plan on using my regular laptop bag/backpack but my NC10 will always be in this sleeve. I'll probably use the sleeve just to bring my NC10 around as well, when I don't need stuff from my bag. The good thing is typically I won't need the charger if it's charged and I'm just going to go to the coffee shop or a friend's place for awhile.
i use a backpack/laptop case thing. but i have to be careful not to get high otherwise i just toss the thing around
I ordered this for less than $6 shipped for my NC10. It should be here in the next few days. I plan on using my regular laptop bag/backpack but my NC10 will always be in this sleeve. I'll probably use the sleeve just to bring my NC10 around as well, when I don't need stuff from my bag. The good thing is typically I won't need the charger if it's charged and I'm just going to go to the coffee shop or a friend's place for awhile.

That looks nice, especially for the price. My ASUS came with a sleeve (do all of them, or just the HE?). It's a nice sleeve, but not enough protection. The bag I ordered isn't yet here. Looks like Monday:mad:
Looks pretty cool, looks a lot like the Targus bag I had linked before, only vertically oriented... Wonder what would be considered less man-purse like? :p The Amazon pics really don't show the Targus one in detail (or it's insides at all). I haven't used mine much tho, since I typically just take the netbook to school (in my book bag) or when traveling (in my carry-on messenger bag).

Edit: Seems Case Logic has three similar sizes in that line, I might look into the larger one as a replacement for my larger still book bag.
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Pretty sure they're the same damned thing, just get the ebay one (free shipping).
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Fit and finish is pretty damned good for a faux-leather case. The 1000HE drops in effortlessly...unless you have an optical in the front pouch. It fits, but takes bit of massaging that I think will shorten the life of the case, but it all does fit (along with the associated cables). I don't have my camera with me, so I can't take any pics right now.
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a regular backpack best supports the back

This is true, but I am regularly carrying my son, a diaper bag, my computer, and possibly a stroller. Thankfully, I am a large, strong man....albeit with a sore back :mad:
Why not just put the laptop in the stroller and push it when your son doesn't wanna sit in it (or he wants to walk)? :p
Why not just put the laptop in the stroller and push it when your son doesn't wanna sit in it (or he wants to walk)? :p

He never wants to ride in the stroller, so why I take it I have no idea. He isn't quite walking, yet.
Ahh, I see... Good luck w/yer back then, heh. Can't say I've been there (not ready for kids!) but I've been close (as a camp counselor and when taking care of my cousin's daughter). Never so much as had a minor back ache playing sports, but a 2-5 year old (or twenty of 'em!) will find a way to give ya one in no time. :p
Many, many years of weightlifting and a somewhat physical job with constant bending/lifting and 12-16hr days on concrete floors have contributed to mine. Couple that with being tall and heavy, it just drops you sometimes. You learn to cope.