Need a good AGP s939 board

Jan 10, 2005
Title says it all. I had a little bit of a problem w/ my watercooling last night on my Athlon XP rig, and I'm still not sure whether the CPU / mobo is good. The pump didn't start up and the thing overheated enough to warp the lucite top on my lock, and guess what, leak. So I can't test the board till I get a new top for the waterblock.

Regardless, I have an A-64 3000+ venice processor from another project that needs a new home, but I dont have the cash for a new video card and a new mobo.

So, mobo gurus, what is the best offering in AGP for s939's anymore? I can imagine they are getting kind of scarse.
the only one i know of is the Asus A8V. but good luck finding it as it is somewhat "old"
msi neo2 platinum's are nice. but like other agp boards, you'll have a harder time finding them. but it was a popular board so you might have a better chance.
My Abit AV8 has never let me down, but like the posters above me good luck finding them.
Another vote for Asus A8V Deluxe.

It will treat you well, if you can find one.
With rev 2.0 and the latest bios, it will support dual core AM64's.

Mine just hit 2 years of rock solid stability.
I found an Abit AV8 on e-bay for around 10 bux right now (cross fingers for no price increase)

BUT newegg stocks the Asus A8V apparently... we'll see what happens
the asrock 939 sats2 board with agp and pcie is one that comes to mind.very popular board im surprised someone has'nt mentioned it.seems like everyone has one by all the posts about them.i dont have one but by all ive read about them if i needed a 939 agp id consider it big time .its cheap too like 75 bucks.check it out ,it may suit your needs.
+1 for the Asrock 939 Dual Sata2

I got one last Xmas, with a 3700+ and brought my 6600GT over from my old P4 2.8 and ended up with better HL2 / CSS fps as a result of the cpu boost (and cranking the 3700+ up to 2.82ghz).

Then recently switched to a PCI-E 7600GT.

Great board for the price and the dual agp / pci-e slots.
I saw your thread about the watercooling "mishap"

Sorry to hear that dude, RIP to any hardware that might be lost... I can't believe the lucite WARPED :O.

+1 for the Asrock Dual Sata2. It's an awesome board that has almost limitless upgrade possibilities. They're REALLY cheap these days too.