Need a lvl 61 Lilith for Borderlands


Sep 8, 2001
So I lost my saved game data. I beat the game, and the three expansions, and just bought Claptrap's. I dont want to have to put 30+ hours in the game again, does anyone have a lvl 61 Lilith they can send me?
How does Borderlands work? Is it like Diablo 2 but FPS? Or is it more like DOTA where you restart everytime you play.
Your progress gets saved fairly often. It's pretty linear, though you get some freedom in how many and in what order you do certain missions. Its really more of an FPS than an RPG.
Your progress gets saved fairly often. It's pretty linear, though you get some freedom in how many and in what order you do certain missions. Its really more of an FPS than an RPG.

How does the multi-player work then? I tried reading it on Wikipedia but didn't really understand it. Sorry for the thread hi-jack!
Think of it as Diablo II in first person in a cel-shaded comic book Fallout world. Multiplayer plays exactly the same way.
How does the multi-player work then? I tried reading it on Wikipedia but didn't really understand it. Sorry for the thread hi-jack!

The giant problem w/multi-player in a game like this is that if you join someone who's farther along in the story than you are, you can't get credit for completing any of the missions. Another annoying feature is if you join a game w/other players who are farther along than you (and it can be very hard to tell) you pick up missions on your log you can't even complete yet. It's a bit frustrating. The only way to really do it is to get a group of friends and only play the game w/them, and all of you have to play together to keep yourselves in the same story position.
I wish there was some way to have the quest progress go back to the lowest level of the people in the game. Me and some friends play the game, and I usually host as I am the one with a good computer. However, sometimes I get ahead by a mission or something for no reason. When this happens, everything gets out of sync, and whoever is the farthest back in the missions has to host to fix it.

Does anyone else have a problem with getting out of sync on the quests when playing with a group of friends, or am I just special? :cool:
I didn't get this game. I put in 5 hours and it was like an mmo grind, but without the good parts of an mmo. Did I miss something?
I didn't get this game. I put in 5 hours and it was like an mmo grind, but without the good parts of an mmo. Did I miss something?

The fun is exponentially increased when played w/a group of friends. I wouldn't solo it myself.
I tried to solo it after my group blitzed through it while I was sick. I'd really like to finish with a group at least once, or else I wasted my money.
Does anyone else have a problem with getting out of sync on the quests when playing with a group of friends, or am I just special? :cool:

It happened to me like twice over 100 hrs play. I think it helps if you make sure to hit a save point before exiting the game when you are the host