Need a new AGP card...


[H]F Junkie
Feb 7, 2007
...but not sure what to get. So I thought I'd turn to you guys...

My budget to upgrade is probably 200$ (this is the kids computers) for a P4 3.2GHZ 800MHz bus CPU, 2gb RAM, driving an Acer 22" WS @ 1680x1050. I am replacing an ATI X850XT PE.

Mostly WoW gets played, but also some of the BF games, Oblivion, D3, etc. It's a WinXP 32 box, and right now I have no plans to upgradre to Vista in the near future (6+ mos.).

I'd like SM3.0 at a minimum, and probably no less than 512Mb onboard RAM. I was looking at the ATI 2400 and 2600 series, but wasn't sure if they are better than the X1650 / X1950 series... or even if nVidia has anything comparable.

Thanks for you help!
i used to have that 850xt pe card! =). ah those were the days. i went from that to x1950pro 256mb agp, both are comparable in performance, but x1950 is actually slower:

and 2400/2600 are actually slower STILL in 3D games =(.

so unless 3800 series in AGP blows everything out of the waters...

anyways, YMMV.
AGP is dead :(
That being said, HD2600 is an awful card, x1950pro is much faster IMO. I can't do the research at work, really not sure what Nvidia has left that is AGP. If I were you, I would buy a cheap mobo with PCI-e Slot and add a videocard :)
Supposedly, the 3800 series is coming in AGP. Might want to check that out.
Does anyone have a link with the ati 3800 - agp info available? (if it exists)