Need a new case to obssess over

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The 690 is decent-looking, but I'm not a fan of where they put the "front" ports. I would like them towards the top, but not in the middle of the top panel.

The Antec 1200 is pretty slick. I like that the inside is already black, but I'd love for it to matte instead of shiny. I like where the front input ports are.
The cosmos has 5 5.25" bays instead of the 3 you want. Why limit yourself to 3 anyway?
Because I don't need that many. One optical drive, two at the most, and a single 5.25" fan controller/temp display. A smaller Cosmos 1x00 would be really cool.
For your future build:
Cut the blowhole yourself, I believe Lian Li is making the top panels removable on all their new cases now. I bet they looked at hardforums LL A05B thread and all the cutout blowholes.

I'm in the same boat. Looking for something a little bit taller around 17-19" with similar requirements but once you go Lian Li every thing else looks ugly or missing certain requirements. Gonna wait for LL new crop of cases.
The 690 is decent-looking, but I'm not a fan of where they put the "front" ports. I would like them towards the top, but not in the middle of the top panel.

The Antec 1200 is pretty slick. I like that the inside is already black, but I'd love for it to matte instead of shiny. I like where the front input ports are.

You need to follow the guidelines on the 1st post. No windows and only 3 5.25" bays, this has 12 and a window.
Umm the post you quoted is by GJSNeptune (the OP).

It's sarcasm

I set a maximum of three 5.25" bays. Are people reading my first post or what?

You have no right to cop an attitude. If you aren't going to follow the guidelines, why post?

When someone asks for help and gives a response like that, then later says he likes a case that does not meet his "guidelines" I find it hypocrtical and rude. I was going to make some suggestions but do not care to now.

This post is a waste of time and does not add to this thread; but it does not take a genious to look at newegg, etc for cases that meet a certain criteria.
Then get out of my thread.

It doesn't take a genius to spell genius correctly, either.
Choosing a case is a matter of taste,

so I suggest you head over to newegg and follow their Search Guideline,
that will narrow your search, from there is up to you to decide what to get
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