Need a new case .


May 9, 2007
I will be building a new system in a couple of weeks. Looking for help with buying a new case. Need room and good cooling. Will be useing a Thermalright Extreme 120 heat sink so need room. This will also be a high end gameing build. Any good sugestions.:confused:
I like the Lian Li PC-A70 or A71 cases. Also comes in silver and you can get a custom side panel w/ window for it HERE (Any of them w/ W-75 will fit)
some Antec, like the P182
or go to the Lian Li product page and choose one cuz this is the only case manufacturer you will hear about around here
or the nzxt zero
Of course you still have to take a look at the cooler master cases
And thermaltake
And Silverstone
And this thing
Specially this dude :D
Anyway thanx for asking, you made me fond this cool review site :)

Not a thing wrong with Lian Li cases. You WANT quality, You PAY for quality.
Whats wrong with NZXT?

this topic will fully answer u'r question

Though I defended this case like if it was my wife or something
I might not really like it now cuz I did my own search and found here that those 6x120mm fans + 1x90mm fan is not really offering the cooling I expected though I’m still thinking that the case will ROCK if I replaced them all with some fancy LED Fans, but then the non-window side panel issue will rise

I know why most people here like Lian Li but I don’t know why they like it that much, Quality Quality Quality … like if I’m taking the case to war with me or planning to drive the damn thing or maybe is it some magical type of aluminum that pops money when you rub it :D, it’s just a completely flat box that doesn’t really have more features than the other brands and normal people tend to underestimate it and would be surprised when they know its price, if it looked like the Alienware case then it would sound reasonable when people love it that much (no I don’t like Alienware giant case and fyi I wanted to ask if this can handle the Thermalright Extreme 120 heatsink cuz I really don’t know what should I do with these big cases we have nowadays)

But I guess Lian Li has the X factor cuz it’s my first priority for a case now :rolleyes: though I can’t find the best (fashionable) choice from them! but i'll go for LiLi cuz after all... I want quality :)
Well right now I have picked out a Silverstone TJo9 it is pricey but looks like a great case.

Well I have put the NZXT ZERO on my list also. This is probably the one I will get.
Well right now I have picked out a Silverstone TJo9 it is pricey but looks like a great case.

Well I have put the NZXT ZERO on my list also. This is probably the one I will get.

The TJ09 is a really nice case.
Whats wrong with NZXT?

HAHA, Whats not wrong should be the question. Looks like yet another raidmax cheap plastic case. I bought a raidmax case for a friends build and the side panel plastic pieces were all un-even. Its what he wanted since it was only like 40 bux, But he called me a week later and said 'Get me SOMETHING else, This case is a POS', So he came over and looked around and decided on a black Lian Li G70. Nice choice I say.
Yeah READ further down on that thread about the 'attitude' of this poster.

I WAS JOCKING, I apologized, dammit can anybody delete that thread
@fantomau… don’t make me start man please stop saying bad things about the ZERO :)
EDIT2: see I made him pick the TJ10 instead of the TJ-09, I’m a good guy
wait maybe I’ll make him pick the ZERO :)
COOLERMASTER STACKER 830 series, great case, big, well ventilated, aluminum, flexible for upgrades and various enthusiast needs.

Currently on sale for 169 plus free shipping at NEWEGG!

I've build hundreds of computers, this 830 coolermaster stacker is by far the best I have worked with, Lian Li' has always been a good company as well but my current favorite is the coolermaster 839 stacker large enough, wide enough for large heatsinks and video cards as well as eps powersupplies, very important considerations as most of the cases out on the market dont address the sizes needed for those items.
COOLERMASTER STACKER 830 series, great case, big, well ventilated, aluminum, flexible for upgrades and various enthusiast needs.

Currently on sale for 169 plus free shipping at NEWEGG!

And $109 after $60 MIR :)

And the 832 is $99 after $60 MIR
wait wait.... I might turn him back to th TJ07 :D





If you got the loot, look at mountain mods. I've owned two of them so far, (UFO, twice 7) awesome cases, well built, and big enough to use as a coffee table. The twice 7 is a bit more smaller on usable space, still great.

HAHAHAHAHA I love this quote!

Experience the sound of a race car -
Push the “START ENGINE” power switch, get an adrenaline rush of the engine revving by turning on the F430. Volume of the ignition can be even adjusted to your preference!​
I'm going to sell my V2000 so I can get a piece of that! Will it make me more attractive to teh womenz?!? :p:D;)
no one's mentioned the antec 900...

great cooling, good build quality, just not so good cable management...