Need a new game...

Mar 31, 2007

So I'm finally about to wrap up Fallout 3 and the first few DLCs. I'm going to need a new game and am leaning towards a Multi-Player FPS. I'm super eager for BF1943, but it looks like we've got a little time before it comes out.

Last MP game I played religiously was Call of Duty 2, friggen loved this game! I've tried TF2, but just can't get into it. So I guess I'm really out of the loop as to what are some really fun MP FPS games out there haha,

Any one have some suggestions? How's L4D? Worth picking up for a bit? How about Call of Duty: World at War?

honestly, give TF2 another chance :) it's a great online FPS

COD:WAW was ok, not my cup of tea, but it's not bad. Just sick of the WW2 theme. Plus afaik, you can cheat to get perks and such (atleast people were with COD4) so playing on the PC isn't as much fun as it is on a console. This is the reason why I stopped playing 4 online.

L4D is cool, but gets old really fast. If you can get it cheap, go for it... but I wouldn't spend 50.00 on it.
honestly, give TF2 another chance :) it's a great online FPS

COD:WAW was ok, not my cup of tea, but it's not bad. Just sick of the WW2 theme. Plus afaik, you can cheat to get perks and such (atleast people were with COD4) so playing on the PC isn't as much fun as it is on a console. This is the reason why I stopped playing 4 online.

L4D is cool, but gets old really fast. If you can get it cheap, go for it... but I wouldn't spend 50.00 on it.

Hmmm, perhaps I'll give TF2 another shot. My only problem was that I sucked horribly. I'm not use to faster paced FPS, so I was having a very hard time learning the mechanics. Is there a particular class that is best to start with?
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yeah, if you want to feel the game out a little bit, jump on a public server and play engineer. Ask questions (most people will have no problems answering questions) and have fun :)

I would only do this on intel maps though. When you start getting into maps where you're expected to constantly upgrade/move your buildings/teleporters, it can get a bit overwhelming for a noobie. Medic is also a good class to get started. Just make sure that you heal everyone that needs it (not just one guy) and you'll probably end up at the top, or close to the top of the leaderboards.

Another good class to play is the pyro. Hang back with the engineers and help them by checking for spys. They'll appreciate it and you'll help the team. Really, the only classes I would tell you to stay away from as a beginner are spy and sniper. They're easy to play but very difficult to play well if ya know what I mean.

have fun, hit me up via PM if you want someone to play with. I don't have much going on later after work lol
no problem. The engineer is actually a ton of fun to play, especially once you get good at finding map bugs or sneaky hiding spots for your buildings.

it stinks waiting for the action, but if you pick/find good spots to build, watching it mow un-suspecting people down is strangly rewarding lol
if you are used to playing shooters, I would start with the sniper, soldier, or scout in TF2. All are very powerful classes that require twitch aiming like in CoD2. Engineer is a really boring class, most people just sit behind their turrets, pyro is fun sometimes but there's little aiming, and demos are powerful but require a diff kind of aiming than normal fps.
I've logged almost 300 hours playing L4D. Its insanely addictive once you find a group of people to regularly play with. Finding those people can be frustrating, though.
I played left 4 dead for awhile but wasn't that happy with it, I've actually been having more fun playing Killing Floor with a group of friends.