Need a program to paste often used sentences..macro or something..any suggestions?


Jan 5, 2006
I do tech support and 5 chats a time I keep using the same statements very often so I was wondering what is the most simple macro program or something I can use to avoid retyping so often.
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I use NOTE Pad ++ already for many scripts so I need something faster like a hotkey combination.
Trying to make it more efficient than hunting down all my note pad tabs,
Autohotkey - set up a hot key for your various responses, it'll toss them in the chat window and hit enter for you.
Autohotkey - set up a hot key for your various responses, it'll toss them in the chat window and hit enter for you.

That'd be my suggestion as well. Autohotkey is a very powerful tool.
I'm not allowed to install software like AHK at work, so I made a batch file at work for my canned responses.

call :%1%
exit /b

echo blah blah blah | clip
goto :eof

clip < text2.txt
goto :eof

The file is in my path. I currently have it called "go.bat". So I just go to the run command and type "go text1" and the text will be placed on my clipboard. It's currently a bit more complicated than the above ...but that's the main part. I don't remember why I used the "<" redirect instead of a "type file.txt | clip", but I'm sure I had a reason :)
I've been writing an autohotkey script/program that does exactly this. It's not ready for prime time yet but it works rather well.


customizable hotkey adds whatever is in your clipboard to the list
tray icon indicates hotkey was pressed
each line is an individual selectable element
can move up/down and merge elements
open, save, drag-drop, merge text file lists
can make it always on top
adjust the window's transparency
etc, etc

I'm a big fan of:
Been using it for a long time. Helps a lot. I also use their software called Unicode keyboard because I write in multiple languages (French, English, Spanish and German)
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I have often wondered why, in this day and age, I can only have one string in clipboard...I mean, for eff's sake

this "autohotkey", I will have to look into this
I'm not allowed to install software like AHK at work, so I made a batch file at work for my canned responses.

call :%1%
exit /b

echo blah blah blah | clip
goto :eof

clip < text2.txt
goto :eof

The file is in my path. I currently have it called "go.bat". So I just go to the run command and type "go text1" and the text will be placed on my clipboard. It's currently a bit more complicated than the above ...but that's the main part. I don't remember why I used the "<" redirect instead of a "type file.txt | clip", but I'm sure I had a reason :)

Get the portable version of AHK. No "installation" necessary. Put it in your documents folder and place it in startup or launch it to use it when you need it. I'm all for using the tools you have at your disposal without having to install additional software, but I also believe in using the right tool for the job. DOS batch isn't the right tool for the job. Too much crap can get lost in translation with strings of text.