Need a simple Macro/Script deal

Aug 30, 2004
I was wondering if anyone know a simple little program that would record key strokes and then repeat them after hitting a hotkey.

I've been digging around on goggle and so far most of the stuff is junk....

I basically just want to get a system to do this....

Subtract key

Anyone know of a program to do this?
"macromaker" has a record function. Although besides that the program itsself is a POS imo.
Yeah I liked auto hot key. I just had NO IDEA wtf I was doing lol. :D

AHK is probabley one of the best if you know how to write it, but you sound like me and have no idea whats going on lol. JBIT and macromaker both have easy to use record functions give thoose a try.
...or get a keyboard with macro recording functionality built into it.
Here's a favorite joke of mine, that you can tell to your computer buddies.

Question: What's a macro?
Answer: A tasty saltwater fish.