Need a stable reliable motherboard.....


Limp Gawd
Jan 18, 2003
Ok... I've gone through 2 motherboards trying to build a new system. Each has been defective. First I tried an EVGA 680i... it was defective.. wouldn't reliably post

Second I tried the new 780i ASUS P5N-T Deluxe... and I find out that it has problems with the Q6600 processor... freezes almost immediately when installing windows (vista or xp)

So this is what I have and I'm hoping one of you can recommend a board that will likely not be DOA and be reliable. My plan was to possibly upgrade to a SLI configuration at some point but now I don't even care.. I just want a stable system so I'm about to write it off. I would even consider a crossfire capable board for future dual 3850x2 support.

What I don't want to buy is another ASUS board.... I'm not very happy with my latest purchase from them and don't want to give them any money.

I would like to ideally get Windows Vista 64 on this thing and possibly have a dual boot with Windows XP. Preferably I'd like to hear from people that have a stable x64 Vista running.

Thanks for your comments!

Intel Q6600 SLACR G0 stepping
Mushkin 996557 (2X2 gig) EM2-6400 DDR2 (5-5-5-12) at 1.8v
2 500 gig Seagate Barracudas 7200.11 sata (I want to stripe these for performance)
2 DVD-R (sata)
Possibly putting a Creative X-FI Fatality on this as well
I would go with either the Asus Maximus Formula, EVGA 780i or DFI X38.

gl in your search