Need Advice: New Short-Stroke/Partition Configuration (AHCI) - Benchmark Screenshots


Apr 28, 2007
Hi guys:

After spending several days reading over hundreds of threads and articles on short-stroking/partition, I went out and bought 2 new HDD: WD2001FASS (Black)/WD20EARS(Green). My 3rd hd in the AHCI configuration is the WD6401AAKS that I've been using for 2+ yrs and counting.

I'll use the WD20EARS, the green drive, solely for storage purposes only. The WD2001FASS will be my new primary drive for OS/Programs&Applications. As for WD6401AAKS, I'll use it for temp download, temp storage, torrent download/upload management (constant accessed read/writes). Since torrent activities will degrade the life of the hd faster than anything else I do, I've decided to use the WD6401AAKS solely for this purpose. Plus the amount of fragmentation due to constant download/upload I do, it's another reason why I want to keep them on a separate hdd.

I've considered the options of RAID-0+short-stroking for max performance potential, but I don't want to be left over with 2x1tb hdds instead of just 1x2tb hd when I eventually move on to a SSD configuration. Since I store a lot of large media files, a 2tb hd per sata port makes more sense to me. As my mobo supports max 6 sata ports (one is already taken by DVD drive), I had to consider that 2tb drive would be the better investment in the long-term run in my system.

Here are some screenshots of the 3 hdds benchmarks (HDTune Pro 4.60)


WD20EARS SS'ed 160GB: Quite Impressive for a 5400rpm GreenDrive-Thanks to its 500gbx4 Platters

I currently have the WD20EARS partitioned into 2 sectors: 160GB for more frequently accessed storage files (Pics/Documents/Music), rest for long-term back up.

WD2001FASS: 200GB SS Test (Modest 10%)

WD2001FASS: 100GB SS Test (Aggressive 5%)

Oh ya, this is one of the fastest 2TB or single mechanical drive out there. Power to 500gx4 Platters - FASS=FastAsShietz. Faster than Velociraptor and Samsung F3 500g platter? you tell me...;)

Finally my current OS-All in one partition drive (I know...) WD6401AAKS: 64GB SS Test

Using Intel RST Driver for AHCI configuration

Ok, with the above given data, I need you guys to help me decide which short-stroking/partition scenario gives me the best performance in AHCI config in my system.

WD2001FASS (2 Partitions) - 100GB for OS/Programs/Applications/games, rest for storing long-term large media files.

WD6401AAKS (Single Partition) - Temp downloads, temp storage, torrent files download/upload management drive (All fragments and hd loads due to the above goes in this drive only)

WD20EARS (2 Partitions) - 160GB for more frequently accessed files such as Pics/Documents/Music, rest for storing long-term large media files.

WD2001FASS (3 Partitions) - 50GB for OS, ~50GB for programs/applications/games, rest for storing long-term large media files.

WD6401AAKS - Same as #1

WD20EARS - Same as #1

WD2001FASS (2 Partitions) - 50GB for OS, rest for storing long-term large media files.

WD6401AAKS (2 Partitions) - ~64GB for Programs/Applications/Games, rest for the same reason in #1.

WD20EARS - Same as #1

How I understand these 3 scenarios is #3 OS will be slightly faster than #1 but at the cost of reduced performance in program/applications/games access time/read when both partitions in the 6401AAKS are used concurrently. I've more points to say about the 3 different type of scenarios but I want you guys' opinion on which one will give the best in performance and reliability (ie. programs/applications on a different partition or drive may cause registry issues?)

Thanks a lot for reading