Need Advice on a situation

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Sep 27, 2005
I responded to an ad here and after eeciding i wanted the merchandise sent the seller paypal. Seller's next response by pm was that he would ship the item once he had the money. I then said "You have my money" . He responded then that he would ship the next day. Well next day he says he can't borrow $10.00 to ship my merchandise and that I should wait until he can get the money to ship. I tell him either ship or refund my money. He thinks I am unreasonable and proceeds to tell me he doesn't have my money Paypal does. Again I tell him either ship or refund or I'll go public and pursue all legal means to get my money back. Right now I wish he would just refund as I've lost faith in him and the merchandise he was to ship. (Might be DOA or not as advertised)

AM I being unreasonable in this instance???
It is true to he does not have the money yet in hand (Unless he has paypal ATM card). So if in fact he has no cash he might not be lying that he literally can't ship yet till he actually gets the money out of paypal which takes a bit of time if he does not have an atm card with paypal. The only other possibility is the shipment options from within paypal. I usually ship right via paypal and they deduct it via my paypal balance.

He maybe should have stated he could not ship until the money is actually in hand before making the deal.
post who it is, because he should have had his duckies in a row before posting a FS thread.

He should have posted that he couldn't ship until he had the money in his thread like posted above.
If he cant live up to his end of the deal he needs to refund you. hope its not the same person Im in a paypal disbute with over $8 "shipping"
I don't understand this one. If paypal shows the transaction complete, why can't the seller just click on "ship", print the label and send it off?
That's no excuse. accepts paypal payments to print shipping labels and he clearly has the money he sent you. If he doesn't know that, you should pm him. If he still doesn't ship, ask for a refund and then you can start a troll thread.
invalid_ said:
It is true to he does not have the money yet in hand (Unless he has paypal ATM card). So if in fact he has no cash he might not be lying that he literally can't ship yet till he actually gets the money out of paypal which takes a bit of time if he does not have an atm card with paypal......

if someone has such bad money problems that they can't afford to ship the fucking merchandise then they don't need to be trading here in the first place. I understand everyone isn't rich, or emergencies come up and you need to have a firesale, but damn at least scrap enough change out of the couch cusions for shipping. :rolleyes:

What makes this worse is that the seller obviously sprung the "don't have money for shipping" crap after the deal was done and he was paid, which is troll behavior in my book. He definately should go on everyone's DNT list. :eek:
dont know about him but thats the reason I signed up for the paypal debit card ;) mastercard that takes from the paypal balance, no wait, no crap, no excuses. ;)

/edit wow that sounded like a commercial LOL
Well the item is shipped. I won't reveal this trader's name, becuause my intention was to determine if I was seeing this situation in the wrong light. Good to know that you guys for the most part agreed with my view of this situation.I just felt that if it was a problem to ship he should have told me when I pm'ed for the paypal adrress at the very latest point in the transaction. I'm relatively new to trading maybe 5-7 deals, and honestly felt I was right but then I decided to ask some veterans. Consider this matter closed. The only circumstances that may require me to go further now would be to recieve the merchandise in a DOA state or it not being what I had ordered (i.e. model, version).
Thanks for your input.
The TTT forum is for last ditch efforts to get in contact with a member that fails communication otherwise to attempt resolution
This is a private matter and should be handled as such, Til he stops reponding to PMs/Emails/ect and have proof you were trolled then post a thread
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