Need advice on memory upgrade!!!!!!


Dec 29, 2005
First my specs.....

Intel 2.6c @ 3.12Ghz
P4C800-E Deluxe rev 1
BFG 6800 Ultra @ 445mhz/1.14ghz
OCZ PC-3700 512MB rev 1 @ 2.5,3,3,6 @240mhz fsb
Creative Audigy 2
Maxtor 80GB S-ATA 6Y080M0
23" Cinema Display HD

As you can see above, my limiting factor is my ram, and i've been debating for a month now whether i should jump ship to 1GB or to a full 2GB, mainly cuz i'm caught between performance and o/c'ing. here are my 2 choices at the moment....

OCZ PC-4800 1GB EL

i didn't list the balistix or corsair modules due to the price (230$ limit) and past experiences with my board cuz they've been hell on it for some reason, and lately there's been a bad shipment on balistix as well. I know that going to a gig will make a dramatic difference, but for others 2GB isnt a huge gain from a gig. But since i need to o/c my board to atleast a 250-275fsb (i've made it run that high before with other sticks i borrowed once) and i'm running fear, bf2, wow (huge one there), and cod2, not to mention i multi-task like a mofo. in addition i like playing my games @ 1920x1200 full AA/AF with a nice avg 10-15fps cuz im crazy like that. i'm already well aware of how huge a difference 2 gigs makes on bf2 and wow, but i also know my cpu and board is a pretty old so there may not be a huge differrence there either. now my main question from you guys is how much of an improvement you've all had across the board between a gig and 2 gigs, and i dont know whether to sacrifice clock speed for more memory. so give me a holla and tell me what you guys think, and don't worry about being critical either cuz atleast your being honest :)......
that's a pretty damn good price, now i'm gonna check the info with g.skill with my mobo and get back to you on that
so far from what i've heard they these modules do 250fsb no sweat, but thats all with AMD boards, no luck finding anything about my asus mobo on any of the other forums. but for 200 bones, that's the best perfomance per price i've seen yet. if any of you guys find some links with this ram on my mobo hook me up por favor.......
seeing as they're rated for 250mhz, i sure as hell hope they do 250mhz on any modern rig ;)