need advice on possible upgrade


Jan 15, 2003
I could use some advice on video cards. I currently am running a 1900XTX in crossfire mode on a 24" Sony CRT. I game at 1900x1200 85Hz and play games like Oblivion, NWN1 and 2, Guildwars, to name a few in Vista (32Bit). I really like the 1900x1200 size on this monitor and really don't like gaming at lower resolutions.

Here's the question: At this resolution, if I bought an 8800GT, would I get the same or better results playing the above games? I play like Brent and Kyle talk about with the max eye candy my hardware can support. (That means all eyecandy on in Oblivion with 4xAA and 16AF at 1900x1200 for example.)

I need to build a new PC for a family member and am wondering how the 8800GT stacks up to the 1900XTX in crossfire. If I can get the same or a better gaming experience with the 8800GT, I can use one of the 1900XTX's in the new PC and get myself one of these.

Brent, great review on the 8800GT BTW! I always appreciate your review style and methods.
I could seriously see my Mom getting into MMORG's if she had a decent PC. She is already an internet junkie and actually fixes her own Pc problem more often than not. She's using an OLD celeron <1GHz system wtih 194? MB ram and Win2K and I have almost enough hardware lying around to build her a new one.
Anyone seen any comparisons between crossfire 1900 or 1950XTX and a single 8800GT yet?